I'm possibly 7dpo Buddies? Symptom spot.


May 18, 2015
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I am suspecting this is an anovulatory cycle but until I know for sure I will do my best to DPO it.

O- slippery cm for past couple days, more aroused, breasts a little more full, ovary cramps, mildly sensitive nipples, mildly sore breasts
1dpo- mildly sensitive nipples mildly sore breasts runny nose
2dpo- same
3dpo-mildly sensitive nipples, mildly sore breasts, about a dime sized amount of pink discharge, (I assumed I started an anovulatory "period" so I put on a tampon just in case) frequent urination (normal)
4dpo- less sensitive nipples, less sore breasts, night sweat tampon had only a very little pink cm on tapmon DRY CM mild AF cramps
5dpo- same breast and nipples as 4dpo, left ovary cramping bloating and AF cramps with the AF gas (only ever happens around CD 2) DRY CM sore throat, felt like I was getting a cold, mild AF cramps mild low backache
6dpo- breasts and nipples are the same, irritated, mild AF cramps legs/thighs weak and achy
7dpo- mild AF cramp,s weak legs, very tired, hot, sore throat INCREDIBLY IRRITATED
8dpo- mild sore throat. Nose a bit stuffed Very hot/hot flashes Sweating, less irritated, Mild AF cramps. Constipation. Lethargic Back of thighs achy. Left ovary cramps breast more full nipples a bit sore. Runny nose
9dpo- Hot flashes Weak sore legs and tiring easily. Have to catch my breath while talking or doing a simple task had to take a deep breath. Random nausea for a couple minutes. Dizzy/cloudy head, kept losing my thoughts. Head cold type of headache. Left ovary cramping going down groin. Mild AF cramps. Sore/stiff neck. I have neck and back issues but this was different. Left nipple sharp/tingle mild pain Slightly stuffed nose.
10dpo- Night sweat Stiff neck again. Left nipple tingled, one sharp feeling in uterus. Didn't hurt. Itchy nipples a little. Very forgetful all day. Very sore legs but ran 3.33 miles today lol.
11dpo- Felt fine when I woke up. Shortly after the stiff neck came back. No breast or nipple pain. butterflies/nervous feeling in chest/stomach quite a few times.
12dpo- irritated, emotional (kind of had a reason), dry eyes, butterflies/nervous feeling in chest and stomach a lot.
13dpo- mild AF cramps, dull headache. Pressure in uterus for a couple hours. Very bad what google says is heartburn after eating. There was so much pressure on my chest I thought my breasts were getting sore then it traveled to my shoulder bladed all night. Butterflies in chest and stomach.
14dpo- temp is higher than it has EVER been this morning! Slight breast tenderness. AF no where in sight. Washed my face with hand soap this morning that is not like me. My face soap was right next to it.
15dpo- BFN I guess it was all in my head
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I'll go ahead and copy and paste this since I already posted my info.

Any ladies in here tonight?


I would love to get excited about something but with the PCOS not even sure I O'd.
I am laughing because my name is loveisallino but I want to slap someone.

How are you doing today? (ducks out of way) I suspect I have gone through an blank cycle as well (couldn't spell an a o vu la tory...LOL) I like how you detailed how you have been feeling so you know what to look back on if this isn't a bfp cycle. You have a blueprint of no ovulation symptoms.

Do you normally have pinkish cm after ?

When do you think you will test?
How are you doing today? (ducks out of way) I suspect I have gone through an blank cycle as well (couldn't spell an a o vu la tory...LOL) I like how you detailed how you have been feeling so you know what to look back on if this isn't a bfp cycle. You have a blueprint of no ovulation symptoms.

Do you normally have pinkish cm after ?

When do you think you will test?

I am feeling so much better finally. I was a bit irritated earlier but most of today has been great! Basically just hot and sweaty all day. I hope that means my progesterone rose. I will be 9dpo tomorrow and would LOVE to test. But with all of the uncertainty I may wait it out and see if AF comes. I have PCOS so my cycles are...different... she comes when she wishes she is a diva.

I have never had pink CM before this month. I have had abnormal spotting and bleeding many times but never fresh pink like that.

How are you? I think I read on the other post you have been trying for 4 years right? I really hope you get your BFP soon. Do you have any kids? I don't, not yet.
HUGs...Good you are getting along a bit better. Sign me up for being hot with you and I'm only 6dpo it started at 4dpo burning up. So rise progesterone rise dangit..LOL

Yes, I have one kiddo and that is my blessing if I never conceive again. Took many hard losses to finally get her in my arms. So I can't be too bummed if no rainbow again.

You and so many others who haven't had their first take home baby have all my love an support. Honestly some months I have been like "I'll pass on this cycle if it means others get their bfp"...because getting to be a mum is so very special. I don't care how many kiddos you have each pregnancy, birth ...raising is different. So worth it.

Praying all that hottness you have going on is your bean growing. Test whenever you feel like it. I am praying like the dickens I hold out till the 2nd. I think if my temps tank I will test. They always do and always test early LOL.....
HUGs...Good you are getting along a bit better. Sign me up for being hot with you and I'm only 6dpo it started at 4dpo burning up. So rise progesterone rise dangit..LOL

Yes, I have one kiddo and that is my blessing if I never conceive again. Took many hard losses to finally get her in my arms. So I can't be too bummed if no rainbow again.

You and so many others who haven't had their first take home baby have all my love an support. Honestly some months I have been like "I'll pass on this cycle if it means others get their bfp"...because getting to be a mum is so very special. I don't care how many kiddos you have each pregnancy, birth ...raising is different. So worth it.

Praying all that hottness you have going on is your bean growing. Test whenever you feel like it. I am praying like the dickens I hold out till the 2nd. I think if my temps tank I will test. They always do and always test early LOL.....

Is this your first month on vitex? I use the Solaray brand and it's truly the only brand I have seen results with. I started using that same brand of maca as well. I use to go to acupuncture and she specialized in fertility. She really believed in maca and stated she has all her patients take it. It is suppose to improve egg and sperm health so maybe you and your partner can both take it. I wish you nothing but the best and hope you conceive very soon.

Also do you workout? Working out really improved my cycle as well. I started ovulating every other month until rona happened and shut down the gyms uggghh.
Love: Yes this is my first month using Vitex. I am so sensitive to most anything. Heck I go outside and after 3 hours max its back in doors do to hay fever.

But I like Vitex so far Vitex+ is what its called. I hope it is what I was missing all these years. I really want myself and hubby to try out Maca too. And I agree pill is so much easier. I wanted to take the inositol powder but keep forgetting to mix it in with a drink. I am not sure if its the brand or just when I take it the few times I have but it leaves me feeling antsy???

Exercise!! It is so important. The moment I stopped my body fell apart. I was telling myself before I started writing to you that I am going to start my regime back up. It was fun and I had so much energy. Its good for the bones. I lost 20 and now I am going to work on the next 20. I had a diet of no flour or processed foods but allowed some sugars. I was eating mostly, eggs, veggies, organic ketchup....lol you name it. My body felt so clear. Oh and clean meats. Thank you for mentioning exercise!!! It just motivated me more.

Stupid Rona. I have an exercise bike, treadmill and a work bench at home...I touch none of it. I like my free weights, yoga mat and walk at home dvds :lol:
You sound like me I have done all those things as well. I tried countless things I swear. And working out is the easiest and cheapest for me (maybe not the easiest). I have been chronically underweight my entire life and recently got into the normal range through lifting weights and eating more calories. My reproductive system shut down because I guess I was too small for my body to function.

Crazy thing is not one medical doctor mentioned that all these years. Thankful I figured it out. I am going to look up Vitex+, it sounds interesting.

How are you doing today? Anything new?
Love: I just get all mad when doctors don't say it all. They are quick to tell you that you are too fat but don't tell women they can be underweight causing infertility as well. You need a certain fat percentage just to get your menses even.

I am so sorry and bummed for you. But utlra happy you are beefing up for baby! Get those good cals in and proteing and just moderate exercise geared towards building strong muscles and blood circulation throughout your body.

I forget, do you get regular periods like cycles 26 to 28 days long with at least a 12 lp?

As for me, complete rubbish. I laugh because I was clicking my heals enjoying a symptom free cycle then bam 5dpo hit and its gotten progressively worse. My temp is climbing the tallest mountain though. I look at it and the old saying what goes up must come down keeps ringing in my ears. Have to admit I am scared both ways. Not use to the steady climb so early.

I am on new progesterone cream at 30mg a pump twice a day and I wonder if that's what causing it. If so, MAN I wish I had known about it years ago when I was still in my 30s. Ah, well 20/20 in the behind at least gives some thing to build off of.

The brand I am using is called

Its in a plastic bottle not a can like the pic shows.

I was up late doing work but I am always up past midnight which is bad for ttc but I can't sleep for more than 4 hours. I'm working on that. I need to start my melatonin again. It really helped.

Sorry to ramble on. Feel free to talk about whatever. TTC can take over your life.
Other than ttc, I like to watch cooking lessons on different types of foods. Lately I'm addicted to youtube 'Cafe709' I believe and its Japanese dishes. Love watching her cook..lol

Hope you are well. Write back when you can.
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I am going to go to lab on Saturday to get tested for progesterone. Don't want to drag my dd out today to get it done. At least on the weekend her Dad can watch her. I will be 10dpo so my Peak will be high or going down who knows when I will get results back too. Hopefully in time for my offical test date on Tuesday.
Love: I just get all mad when doctors don't say it all. They are quick to tell you that you are too fat but don't tell women they can be underweight causing infertility as well. You need a certain fat percentage just to get your menses even.

I am so sorry and bummed for you. But utlra happy you are beefing up for baby! Get those good cals in and proteing and just moderate exercise geared towards building strong muscles and blood circulation throughout your body.

I forget, do you get regular periods like cycles 26 to 28 days long with at least a 12 lp?

As for me, complete rubbish. I laugh because I was clicking my heals enjoying a symptom free cycle then bam 5dpo hit and its gotten progressively worse. My temp is climbing the tallest mountain though. I look at it and the old saying what goes up must come down keeps ringing in my ears. Have to admit I am scared both ways. Not use to the steady climb so early.

I am on new progesterone cream at 30mg a pump twice a day and I wonder if that's what causing it. If so, MAN I wish I had known about it years ago when I was still in my 30s. Ah, well 20/20 in the behind at least gives some thing to build off of.

The brand I am using is called

Its in a plastic bottle not a can like the pic shows.

I was up late doing work but I am always up past midnight which is bad for ttc but I can't sleep for more than 4 hours. I'm working on that. I need to start my melatonin again. It really helped.

Sorry to ramble on. Feel free to talk about whatever. TTC can take over your life.
Other than ttc, I like to watch cooking lessons on different types of foods. Lately I'm addicted to youtube 'Cafe709' I believe and its Japanese dishes. Love watching her cook..lol

Hope you are well. Write back when you can.

Hi there. I tried progesterone cream before and it does make your temperature rise. Too much can cause soooooo many pregnancy symptoms though. I drove myself crazy on it thinking I was pregnant.

I almost always have a 14 day LP, it was once 17, and I think once it was 11 or 12. I have gone years at a time without a period at all. I was diagnosed with PCOS so I never considered gaining weight. The docs just put me on birth control and then my controlled cycle was 28 days.

With the added weight and exercise I started O'ing every other month. It is more sporadic now, but I also stopped being consistent so this is my first time O'ing since March.

I have researched so much I could write my own book. I changed my diagnoses myself to Hypothalamic amenorrhea. I didn't consciously have an eating disorder, meaning I wasn't trying to not eat I just didn't have healthy eating habits. I would go go go and only eat once a day, not enough water etc. I have been treating that and voila!

The cooking shows sounds interesting. I'll have to check them out for some creative dishes. As for me I have been on a spiritual journey for years. I fell off a bit and I am now back to it and love it. I enjoy things like astrology and numerology...meditating etc.

I am always up passed midnight too and I know I shouldn't be. I have been a night owl my entire life. I said I was going to bed at 9 tonight and look at me. Today I actually went for a run and I enjoyed it. I am going to try to keep it up because my body definitely functions better when I incorporate running.

What new symptoms do you have?

ETA: I just realized your symptoms are updated on the other post. I'll go look lol
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Love, see that's where I am confused. I was on 200mg suppositories every night some times 400mg split in 2 doses...my temps where as high as they are now and I just learned the Progesterone cream I am taking doesn't even have bioidentical progesterone it.:? To top it off, my Proov Progesterone sticks have a faint line still indicating nothing has happened really to indicate a healthy ovulation but my temps are stinking high.

I had to take a deep breath a moment ago and close my eyes. I was irrationally wanting to grab an hpt and test to see if I were pregnant anyway. I did not thankfully.

The only thing that could be spiking my temp is Vitex+ and any progesterone I managed to produce on my own. I did stop taking my prenatal yesterday though because of too high of doses of vitamins. I suffered a horrible headache too but survived without taking anything.

This morning's temp went from 98.5 to 98.3 but we slept with the ceiling fan on. I did not want to be over heated...lol

I am not stressing but a bit deflated.

WOW....while you are underweight, I am overweight but same eating habits. I can go all day with eating one meal never drink much or think anything about it. My kidneys suffered too and I couldn't understand why all of the weight when I don't eat much. I needed to eat and exclude lots of flour, processed foods and sugars. And it goes without saying DRINK WATER. My kidneys are OK but stone prone now and have a gruesomely big one stuck on the left kidney that I manage with 250mg magnesium at night. Exercise is the one thing that brings it all together though.

What do you do to keep your water intake up? I like flavor enhancers for my water but the phenylalanine in it gives me the poops if I drink too much lol..

Sorry to gab about me me me....had a rough day yesterday and needed to vent. :blush:
Love, see that's where I am confused. I was on 200mg suppositories every night some times 400mg split in 2 doses...my temps where as high as they are now and I just learned the Progesterone cream I am taking doesn't even have bioidentical progesterone it.:? To top it off, my Proov Progesterone sticks have a faint line still indicating nothing has happened really to indicate a healthy ovulation but my temps are stinking high.

I had to take a deep breath a moment ago and close my eyes. I was irrationally wanting to grab an hpt and test to see if I were pregnant anyway. I did not thankfully.

The only thing that could be spiking my temp is Vitex+ and any progesterone I managed to produce on my own. I did stop taking my prenatal yesterday though because of too high of doses of vitamins. I suffered a horrible headache too but survived without taking anything.

This morning's temp went from 98.5 to 98.3 but we slept with the ceiling fan on. I did not want to be over heated...lol

I am not stressing but a bit deflated.

WOW....while you are underweight, I am overweight but same eating habits. I can go all day with eating one meal never drink much or think anything about it. My kidneys suffered too and I couldn't understand why all of the weight when I don't eat much. I needed to eat and exclude lots of flour, processed foods and sugars. And it goes without saying DRINK WATER. My kidneys are OK but stone prone now and have a gruesomely big one stuck on the left kidney that I manage with 250mg magnesium at night. Exercise is the one thing that brings it all together though.

What do you do to keep your water intake up? I like flavor enhancers for my water but the phenylalanine in it gives me the poops if I drink too much lol..

Sorry to gab about me me me....had a rough day yesterday and needed to vent. :blush:

Not a problem. Feel free to vent over here. 7dpo was the day I was INCREDIBLY IRRITATED lol. I get it. I am so happy it passed. I forgot what DPO you are but you should get a rise in progesterone around 7dpo which you did per your temp. I wouldn't worry about the .2 degrees. Mine dropped .15 yesterday and came back up today lol. My drops are insane loll.

I have never heard of at home progesterone tests so I looked them up and saw this review on Amazon:

"1.0 out of 5 stars These tests do NOT work as advertised & will only increase your anxiety.
Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2018
Package Quantity: 7Verified Purchase
I bought these tests for the same reason everyone else does: to confirm whether my progesterone levels were high enough to show I had ovulated. I tested for 4-5 days, including the days when the progesterone levels should've been at their highest. The second pink like NEVER fully went away. As other reviewers have noted, this is a common occurrence with these tests. The problem is that the test instructions are VERY clear that ANY hint of a second pink line is a negative result, meaning your progesterone levels are too low to indicate you have ovulated. Well, the same day as the last negative test, I went to get bloodwork done--and that bloodwork confirmed my progesterone levels were high enough that I had ovulated, AND high enough that, according to the literature included with the at-home tests, I should have received a positive result on those at-home tests.

Needless to say, I will be getting my money back. Too bad I can't get my $30 copay back as well. There is NO point in using these "back-up" tests to confirm ovulation given that you have to get a blood test as backup to confirm the accuracy of the results, only to find out they are not accurate at all. Ridiculous. These tests are not ready for sale to the public and the manufacturer needs to go back to the drawing board (or modify their test literature, if a faint second line CAN in fact mean the result is positive under at least some circumstances). To me, this is borderline consumer fraud."

Your temps are nice and high. Higher than mine have ever been. If the progesterone isn't doing it I would think you O'd. Vitex have never made my temp rise without O'ing. ☺️☺️

Eating very little makes people hold on to weight because the body is not sure when it will eat again. Very intelligent action. But since I was already underweight I just stayed that way.

I mainly drink Fiji (my favorite) or Evian water. The are both alkaline with natural minerals etc we need. Fiji has a better taste to me. I don't add anything. I just decided I would drink 2 liters per day. It was challenging for maybe the first week but my body adjusted and then it was easy and natural. I would drink half a liter throughout the morning. The other half with and after lunch etc. When you drink in smaller increments it really helps. I Have had half a gallon already and could drink the entire bottle it is amazing. Focus on drinking a good amount after meals because it helps digestion sooooo much.

As for me, I woke up feeling just fine and with in 10 minutes my neck became stiff again and my upper back hurt. My temp rose back to where it was before it dropped yesterday at 10dpo. Definitely scared to test because maybe I really didn't O etc.

And if I am honest, I am simply temping "post O" because I sort of can still see a pattern. So I am REALLY unsure if I O'd lol.
[QUOTE="FTale, post: 39410011, member: 608983"

This morning's temp went from 98.5 to 98.3 but we slept with the ceiling fan on. I did not want to be over heated...lol

I am not stressing but a bit deflated.

Hey! How are you today? I am laughing because I have no idea what I was thinking yesterday about your temp.

I thought you were saying it went from like 98.54 to 98.52 I understand your frustration way more now, my drop was very similar the same day but went back up today. I have never been the best with numbers but that was crazy even for me.

Are you using a bbt thermometer?
Noooo...hahah I am too cheap to get an actual bbt. I couldnt decide which to blow 20 bucks on....heheh I might get one though if not preggers this cycle.

You could have O'd. You never know. So hey like don't count yourself out until AF makes it so. I hope you are feeling better though stiff necks give me the worst migraines. Congrats on having your temp rise again though.

I am so sleepy but do not want to see the high temps end. They peaked for sure now its time to see if its stays up. 9dpo in the morning....uuurrrrrgh. If its 97.9 I am so out and will drink as much coffee as I want. Be totally wired at my appt Sat morning...hehehe

I do not recall what fiji water tastes like but if it helps you chug it down my hat goes off to it.

So sleepy and I also sleep most of the day since work wasn't as busy. I don't have anything else to add to my symptoms for today. If I had one odd thing it would be that I am hot this cycle more so than usual.

Ok, dropping off, will write more tomorrow. Hugs
If I can give you any advice get a BBT right away. It matters A LOT. I am almost positive I paid about $9 for mine at CVS or Target. I googled them and they are much more expensive online lol, I purchased the in store brand. 97.99 is a huge difference from 97.90 and you wouldn't know because of your thermometer.

I understand the coffee lol, I don't drink it but I would love to pop a couple of Aspirin (for my back) or have some Tequila

I get those migraines too btw

Goodnight ❤️ ttyl
Ok, you win I am going to order one right now. I remember buying one over a decade ago for my dd but that thing broke years ago.

So I went an done it. I tested at 9dpo for no good reason. My temp bottomed out and I have never gotten a bfp at 9dpo anyway but haven't had my temp recover/bfp since my dd.

I am ok though. Talking with you has made me feel worlds better this cycle. I was really feeling alone. Its hard when you have been at it for so long. You see ppl come an go and you are like....that puppy in the window still waiting. BUT no tears for me, I can at least say I have one crumb snatcher...lol...yet, I hope you get me a lil when I say the pain of one more is real. I told her years ago I'd give her a brother or a sister. Now she is like 'Meh, I am good'. But her dad still doesn't have any kids of his own so I'm not good. He is good though because he said he would rather have what he has right now. He doesn't like the thought of anything happening to me because I am ttc. He is a lil afraid my body won't be able to handle a pregnancy.

He fears are legit but its dangerous just getting in your car to drive to the store. I'll take my chances. :lol:

So lets see what the plan is for next cycle ( I hope you stick with me even if you get that bfp) :-=

Once in the morning
Prenatal Vitamin Powder Mix (Baby & Me Pre/Postnatal)
Vitamin D3 5000mg
Fish Oil Omega 3 1250mg

Once at night
Magnesium 250mg
Inositol Powder 730mg

Twice a day/Morning/Evening
Maca 1900mg (natural labs red,yellow black)
Gaia Herbs Vitex Berry 1000mg, with 3mg Agnuside (switching from Vitex+)

Three times a day
Ubiquinol 200mg (total 600mg)

It seems like a lot but I have supplements I have purchased that I do not even take anymore...lol..I've downsided. 3 months to make some good eggs. I've got one month down. Two more to go. Lets see what happens.
Ok, you win I am going to order one right now. I remember buying one over a decade ago for my dd but that thing broke years ago.

So I went an done it. I tested at 9dpo for no good reason. My temp bottomed out and I have never gotten a bfp at 9dpo anyway but haven't had my temp recover/bfp since my dd.

I am ok though. Talking with you has made me feel worlds better this cycle. I was really feeling alone. Its hard when you have been at it for so long. You see ppl come an go and you are like....that puppy in the window still waiting. BUT no tears for me, I can at least say I have one crumb snatcher...lol...yet, I hope you get me a lil when I say the pain of one more is real. I told her years ago I'd give her a brother or a sister. Now she is like 'Meh, I am good'. But her dad still doesn't have any kids of his own so I'm not good. He is good though because he said he would rather have what he has right now. He doesn't like the thought of anything happening to me because I am ttc. He is a lil afraid my body won't be able to handle a pregnancy.

He fears are legit but its dangerous just getting in your car to drive to the store. I'll take my chances. :lol:

So lets see what the plan is for next cycle ( I hope you stick with me even if you get that bfp) :-=

Once in the morning
Prenatal Vitamin Powder Mix (Baby & Me Pre/Postnatal)
Vitamin D3 5000mg
Fish Oil Omega 3 1250mg

Once at night
Magnesium 250mg
Inositol Powder 730mg

Twice a day/Morning/Evening
Maca 1900mg (natural labs red,yellow black)
Gaia Herbs Vitex Berry 1000mg, with 3mg Agnuside (switching from Vitex+)

Three times a day
Ubiquinol 200mg (total 600mg)

It seems like a lot but I have supplements I have purchased that I do not even take anymore...lol..I've downsided. 3 months to make some good eggs. I've got one month down. Two more to go. Lets see what happens.

I am sorry about your BFN. I will tell you how I accidentally found the best way to lose weight. The raw vegan diet. I can't remember if you said you were diagnosed with PCOS or not but here is a video on how raw veganism heals PCOS and I know it heals countless other ailments. I watched this particular video when I learned about it:

It isn't something you have to do forever but my weight FLEW off of me when I did it. Of course I was not trying to lose but that is a natural side effect and I didn't understand caloric intake at the time so I wasn't eating enough. But you eat so much health when doing it your body naturally balances out.

At that time my significant other wasn't ready for kids, I was just working on myself. Within 3 days my digestive system was working beautifully. Inflammation fell off my face and body within a week. I bled on my own within 3 weeks.

Many things with change for the better. I was like you with all of those supplements also. I think I was taking too many things. I then learned it is mainly about my activity level and what I eat. I spent thousands and thousands on acupuncture, doctors, supplements etc.

Diet and exercise is all that truly worked. The Vitex is definitely a boost too. It 100% lengthens the LP. Next month should be better since it will build more in your system. Inflammation ation causes many issues to the body and this way of eating gets rid of it. Let me know what you think of the video if you decide to watch it.
It seems like a lot but I have supplements I have purchased that I do not even take anymore...lol..I've downsided. 3 months to make some good eggs. I've got one month down. Two more to go. Lets see what happens.

As for me..very emotional day and night last night. Teary but I do have reasons to be but still feel overly emotional to an extent.

I can't wait until I can test. I am so stressed about other things in my life I just want to know FOR sure I am or am not pregnant when I test. I just want to test 1 time and leave it at that. I wish I knew if an when I O'd.

It does not help that my vaginal and oral temps are DRASTICALLY different. Vaginal today 97.73 and oral 97.19

Also vey symptoms of anything started stopping around "10dpo" and today ZILCH. Except possibly teary.

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