I am so ready to just give up and tell my husband to decide. I spend so much time googling name lists I feel like I did trying to find a wedding dress. Over shopped, irritated and just want to get it over with. I want him to have a name. He is moving around in there and I am starting to feel like I know him and I feel guilty that this little man who wiggles around when I play Nina Simone and Nat king Cole and who kicks when my dog barks at me and always wakes up to my husband's voice it's like he has a little personality in there but he doesn't have a name yet. I just say he or little boy.. I feel guilty about it but I just can't go through another alphabetized name list. Anyone else feeling frustrated and stressed at this whole process? My husband decided no family names he wants him to have his own identity but seriously I thought we would just go through our families and pick a name. Trying to find one out in the universe just feels so weird and unnatural to me but he isn't going to change his mind... and I don't blame him. There is a LOT of repetition in both our families.. seriously there are currently seven living Michaels on my side, seven!!