I had a miscarriage last year, and recently got a bfp. I'm about 5 and 1/2 weeks, and I am terrified.
I'm seeing a new doctor, and my first appointment isn't until 8 weeks and my first ultrasound won't be til after that.
The only thing that has kept my mind busy is work. It makes the days go by faster, before you know it, its over and you have been pregnant for one more day.
I have a few days off and I stayed in bed late, just relaxing. Stretched out on the couch, cooked diner with mmy husband. Just tried to stay relaxed and focus on my husband.
Try not to think about losing this baby.
I am just trying to keep as occupied as possible, and when I have nothing to do....like today. I am relaxing, watched a movie. Just trying not to focus on the pregnancy so much.I don't want to make it sound like that's a bad thing, but I just try to focus on my health or other things.