Well apparently, they thought I was upset about them indicating that Violet was named after her great great grandmother. In reality, it influenced the choice, but she wasn't REALLY named after her. They thought I got really mad every time they mentioned a clock that used to belong to her great grandma Violet. Apparently they were afraid to mention it. I have absolutely no idea where their idea about the clock came from or why they thought I had an issue with Violet being associated with her great grandma. I'm not going to say her last name, but let's say "D" in place of her last name right now... So they also thought I had an issue with her being a "D." They used a previous comment as evidence. I had commented that she didn't think of herself as Violet "D." Um... We don't use last names a lot and until very recently, she wasn't fully aware of her last name. We've been talking about it recently and she's beginning to understand that there's more to her name than "Violet." I didn't have an issue with it, I just stated a fact. So they thought I had an issue with her being a "D," and Leo not being a "D" was a bit of a breaking point. They also felt as if we should have talked to them about it first. At the same time they claim that they didn't talk to us until our visit because they didn't feel it appropriate to have the conversation over phone or email, yet they make no effort to visit and we have to work extra hard to visit with them (we had to email multiple times to get a response and then they turned down multiple attempts at finding a day that worked for them) which resulted in almost no communication over the course of 6 weeks. In addition, they think we need to communicate better! Well I can't communicate about something I don't know about! And this said by people that refuse to talk about things for 6 weeks! We didn't respond the best because we were thrown for a loop a bit. They also seemed to put it all on me which I also hadn't anticipated.
We'll be sending an email explaining the real reason I may have acted upset at their house as well as some other things they brought up. If they want communication, they'll get it. I'm not waiting until we see them again because when you live at a distance, you have to learn to communicate at a distance.