Ladies, after 2.5 years of struggle (1 m/c, 1 chem, 2 failed iuis, 1 messed up iui, 1 converted iui with freeze all (3 embryos)) I was going into this year so relaxed with such positivity, ready to do my first FET, only to be met with another fukd up twist yesterday.
I had a lap/hysto done last Tuesday. Because of my unexplained infertility and m/cs it felt like the right thing to do before proceeding with the FETs. The result of my blood hCG the previous day (10 DPO) was ruled negative and I was OKd to go ahead with the surgery.
The surgery showed no endo, all clear. I was started on Lupron and scheduled to come back on Monday (yesterday) for a baseline in order to move forward with the FET. I started a pretty light AF on Friday which was pretty much on schedule. My baseline ultrasound yesterday showed a large follicle which was strange, and the answer came a few hours later when I was told my hCG was positive @19. Yesterday I would have been ~16dpo. Obviously there are a few factors dooming this miracle of a pregnancy the lap/hysto, the Lupron, and the low hCG.
Im not really looking for anything here, I guess this is just venting. I go back for more blood work tomorrow and Im pretty sure it will show lowering hCG. I took a FRER yesterday which was pretty faint, and then this morning it was a clear BFN. My big fear in hearing this news yesterday was a possible ectopic (perhaps the procedure washed the embryo back into my tubes?) but I guess with the lowering hCG this should be less of a concern?
I requested the value of the pre-surgery hCG blood test and it showed 2.7. My normal negative bloodwork is <.6 so its clear something was going on at that point. I felt somewhat eased (or in denial?) yesterday, doing research, that this would be a very low value at 10 dpo, that perhaps this wasnt a viable pregnancy regardless of the surgery. Today I feel different angry. I took December off of this fertility sh*t, went to Hawaii for 12 days, was lazy about my vitamins, but DTD around ovulation. And I guess that did the trick. And then it was destroyed with this pointless surgery. This is freaking ridiculous.
I had a lap/hysto done last Tuesday. Because of my unexplained infertility and m/cs it felt like the right thing to do before proceeding with the FETs. The result of my blood hCG the previous day (10 DPO) was ruled negative and I was OKd to go ahead with the surgery.
The surgery showed no endo, all clear. I was started on Lupron and scheduled to come back on Monday (yesterday) for a baseline in order to move forward with the FET. I started a pretty light AF on Friday which was pretty much on schedule. My baseline ultrasound yesterday showed a large follicle which was strange, and the answer came a few hours later when I was told my hCG was positive @19. Yesterday I would have been ~16dpo. Obviously there are a few factors dooming this miracle of a pregnancy the lap/hysto, the Lupron, and the low hCG.
Im not really looking for anything here, I guess this is just venting. I go back for more blood work tomorrow and Im pretty sure it will show lowering hCG. I took a FRER yesterday which was pretty faint, and then this morning it was a clear BFN. My big fear in hearing this news yesterday was a possible ectopic (perhaps the procedure washed the embryo back into my tubes?) but I guess with the lowering hCG this should be less of a concern?
I requested the value of the pre-surgery hCG blood test and it showed 2.7. My normal negative bloodwork is <.6 so its clear something was going on at that point. I felt somewhat eased (or in denial?) yesterday, doing research, that this would be a very low value at 10 dpo, that perhaps this wasnt a viable pregnancy regardless of the surgery. Today I feel different angry. I took December off of this fertility sh*t, went to Hawaii for 12 days, was lazy about my vitamins, but DTD around ovulation. And I guess that did the trick. And then it was destroyed with this pointless surgery. This is freaking ridiculous.