Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Lindy, and others who have previously had cerclage babies. I have a few questions about stitch removal. I havnt been given a date yet will be when im 37 wks though. Do you get kept in hospital afterwards? how quickly or slowly after stitch removal did you go in to labour? if my cervix stays at 2cm and no funelling with the stitch in will i be likely to go straight into labour? im itching for someone to give me a definate date of arrival LOL xx
Ellie i m sorry i dont have a definite answer especially as i never made it to stitch removal BUT my doc had told me that he would keep me in after the removal and 99% we d deliver that day. That said though i cant help remember kate a few months back.. She went a good three weeks or maybe more after stitch removal! Scar tissue from the stitch can delay labour or just the removal can kick things for you. Sorry this is not the answer you were hoping for! Btw yaaaayyyyy you re very close to removal, well done!!!
Lindy, and others who have previously had cerclage babies. I have a few questions about stitch removal. I havnt been given a date yet will be when im 37 wks though. Do you get kept in hospital afterwards? how quickly or slowly after stitch removal did you go in to labour? if my cervix stays at 2cm and no funelling with the stitch in will i be likely to go straight into labour? im itching for someone to give me a definate date of arrival LOL xx

I have not experienced this yet, but I think that it might depend on which stitch you have. From what I have heard, most doctors can remove the stitch in their office and there is not much pain to it, but more discomfort and pressure. Pain probably depends on the persons tolerance. I don't think they keep you in the hospital unless there are complications or they are for sure you are going into labor.

Usually cerclages are removed around 36 or 37 weeks and labor is not a definite right away. My doctor told me that some women do go into labor soon after, but some make it past 40 weeks as their cervix became so used to staying closed.

I bet Lizzie would have a good answer for this one too. Congrats on making it so far! :)
I'm not the best person to ask - my waters broke the day before my planned stitch removal so it had to be taken out straight away that morning. My consultant said that when they take the stitch out most women don't go into labour until a few weeks later. From reading this forum it seems that most women do go past the stitch removal dates. What I've also found from reading this site is that it varies lots how its removed. Some women just have it snipped out in the doctor's office and some have spinals to have it removed. I haven't asked my consultant yet but he is planning to remove it at 36 weeks. I'll probably ask him at my 30 week appointment. I don't want to jinx anything just yet!
millieboo1111 - My stitch removal lasted a few minutes and I was sent home straight after. No anesthesia was needed, and whatever I felt, it only lasted a few seconds. I had a scheduled c-section at 38+5 because my AFI levels were running low, Xanthe was still high and had no dilation at all. x
Hello ladies,

I hope everybody is well.

I actually had the 'stitch removal' chat with my doc on Weds, I have also been given my date..20th of Aug...super excited about that!!
Basically because of it being a Shirodikar, I will have to go to theatre to have it removed, they will try first without pain relief, but she said that 5-10% of people find it very uncomfortable, so I will be offered gas and air, and I can have a spinal again if I feel I need it..hence why I will have to go to theatre.

She didn't say anything about having to stay overnight, but it's going to be another arrive and wait for a slot..depending on how the emergencys go that day..she also said that the baby on average arrives within 2weeks of stitch removal..making me just over 39weeks. I can't help but think of Kate also..I think she went at least a week overdue!

It's ironic that we go through such a journey to keep these baby's inside, then when they get their permission to leave, they want to hang around for a few more weeks!

I had my last growth scan on Mon, she is doing really well, and already weighs 5lb 6oz..I am really happy with that..although slightly nervous about delivering a normal size baby after my last tiny bundle!

Millie, I am pretty sure sex is still a no no until the stitch is other half is literally crossing off the days now..:winkwink:

Hi ladies :)

Millie, lovely to here from you and that you have made it this far :happydance: Sex should be fine, and you're now at no more risk from it than any other pregnant lady.

Stitch removal - is usually 37wks for singletons, 34wks for twins. Usually women do not go immediately into labour because the nature of IC as a complication means that the cervix only dilates to 3cms max as a result of uterine stretching. It cannot dilate further without strong, regular contractions. You are at no greater risk of labour than any other lady, so typically IC ladies do go on for several more weeks before labour starts.

There is however a slight increased risk of ptl just because your cervix is being poked and prodded at stitch removal and you're near term. I have seen more women go for a few more weeks than not though.

Macdonald Removal is done without anaesthetic if poss, but shirodkar is almost certainly with anaesthesia - or it's removed in theatre just in case. I had a planned section at 38wks so the stitch was left in til then and removed after the babies were out. It was embedded (as is more common with a shirodkar), so took some getting out. In any case they won't let you be in uneccesary discomfort, so if the stitch appears to be embedded, they'll give a spinal anaesthetic.

Hope that helps xxx
Thank you so much ladies for your responses!

I have a macdonald stitch so think they said just a snip no need for any pain relief or theatre. My doc wont give me a date for anything as she says something always happens when she gives dates. shes funny :)

Ok perhaps I should just prepare for due date then, it just feels like ive been preggers for so long! and now i sound ungrateful after all that worry, prayer and tears to stay pregnant!! Not long now i guess im just hot and bothered and feeling sorry for myself. Silly really. And I want to take my pram for a spin :haha:

Can I have sex as soon as its removed then?

JJEE, you are only 8 days ahead of me in stitch removal! youve done brilliantly! but I do feel your pain miss! Ive only been through labour with Eric and that hurt like hell, he was only tiny! My husband was a 12 pounder they had to get him out by c section he was so big, biggest baby on Leeds hospital records 1983 also both his sisters were 10 pounds and c sections. His cousins wife has just given birth to a 10 pounder and she also had to come by emergency c section. seems it runs in the family :( I was nearly 9 pounds too!

Everyone keeps reminding me I have a good set of hips but Im scared!! So if i can shave a couple of weeks off that would be great loool

Ah Lizzie, thank you so much (i just scrolled down to look at posts and there you are:) I CAN have sex???!!! thats amazing news!! Can you call and tell my ubby pls? I will have the chat with my OB on Tuesday and hopefully she wil agree :)

I feel so blessed to have made it this far and as always I know I can count on you girls for some good advice and lots of love. :hugs:
millie i think you could have sex.. my doc told me i could have sex a week after my cerclage. i won't be listening to that piece of advice lol.
Just wanted to say congrats to all you ladies who have made it so far, and those nearing stitch removal - yay!!!!! xxx
Thank you Alisa and Ich,

I just told my hubby we can have sex so excited and he says not until we hear from OB. I wasnt told no sex when the cerclage was placed. i googled it and most people said NO! So we did everything we could. Not long now. It didnt bother me too much until now but i think the hormones making me extra horny and its one of my favourite ways to pass the time! Guess im just going to have to go back to knitting for now lol

How are you getting on Ich? Are you having the stitch placed this week?

Well done Alisa on your cute little onion!

you ladies are doing so well. I remember being in your positions. Its a scary time but its great you have this forum and we are so blessed to know how to deal with it now. stay rested and positive xxx
Oh I forgot has anyone heard from Sunkiss? She also must be coming up to stitch removal date!! xxxxxx
Millieboo, I am so feeling you on the "no-sex" thing. My husband and I are both dying to do it. We keep cuddling and everything but its not the same and he says he is getting sick of porn and magazines, lol. I don't have a stitch, my doc still said pelvic rest til I am 37 weeks. Sigh. By then I will probably feel so heavy and pregnant I won't want to do it :haha:

Just an update, its been a busy week for me. I had my latest OB appointment on wednesday and they let me go back to work! My only restrictions are no lifting over 10lbs and resting when I am home, similar to before I was placed in the hospital. Woohoo, I'm 32 weeks today! Never thought I would see this point. My doc is getting more confident I will make it to full term or at least to a point where baby won't need NICU since my cervix hasn't changed at all since I was let out of the hospital at 28 weeks. I started sorting and washing newborn clothes, I was afraid I would have to send my husband out to buy some preemie sizes, but not so worried about it anymore.
It feels great to be back at work, everyone is so nice here and really helps me out, they missed me while I was out. Just taking it easy from the heat too, my feet have swelled up again the last few days from the heat and humidity. I tried to put them up last night but couldn't sleep well with the pillow under them, it hurt my hips. :) I am actually happy about getting to the point of normal heavy pregnant feeling pregnancy complaints...last time I was starting to get miserable because my everything hurt, lol. Change in perspective I guess.

Glad to see everyone is doing husband is trying to get me to plan baby number 3 already...he is saying he can handle 2 kids because they will be older and not so needy...Ha! shows what he knows. They will be 3.5 and 2 years old before we can start trying again...I don't think that will be
JJE, Bluestarlight and Millieboo it's brilliant to read how well you are all doing!! It's cheered me up loads today. xx:flower::flower:
Hi I was just wondering with my first pregnancy my cervix began thinning out and I was put on bedrest until I was 32 weeks, so with this pregnancy I am only 8 weeks but I think my doctor will most likely do the cerclage and was just wondering if you have the stitch do you have to be on bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy? I havent got a chance to ask my doctor yet I do not see him until i'm 12 weeks. Any input would be great, Thank you
Hi Cass and congratulations on your pregnancy!
With my last child I had a preventative stitch at 16 weeks and I didn't have to do bed rest at all. I carried on working two days a week as a teacher (lots of time on my feet and teaching netball/hockey etc) and looking after my two year old and picking him up. I gave birth at 37 weeks.
This time it's different. I didn't have a stitch until 20 weeks. My doctor wanted to scan me first and the length was ok until 20 weeks when it had shortened and there was funnelling. The sititch went in very well and seems to have resolved the funnelling for now. My doctor said no to bedrest but I am being cautious this time simply because I know my cervix had funnelled and could again. My parents are helping me to look after my two little ones and i suppose I'm doing moderate bedrest.
A preventative stitch at 12 weeks should mean you can get back to normal although your doctor will stay say no to any lifting.

Good luck!
hello ladies. i am so glad to hear you are all doing well!

milliboo i am doing great. we had my 12 week scan yesterday and it was wonderful! with Sophia the dr told me it was a girl at my 12 week, so i asked the us tech if she could tell the gender. she said "yes i know what it is but cant tell you anymore until 16 weeks" boo!! i was just like OMG SHE KNOWS AND SHE ISNT GONNA TELL US!!!!!!! lol.

so yes, cerclage is being placed on August 7th, Tuesday. I am a bit nervous, only because i wont stay in the hospital for observation or anything, and i wont see my doctor again until August 16th. i know thats only 9 days away but should i ask for a sooner appointment??

im sure my doctor will tell me all of these things but what are things i should look out for that are "bad" i guess after the stitch?? should i expect cramping, and heavy bleeding? is there anything that i should go straight to the ER if i experience? i am having spinal anesthetic. do you think the cerclage placement will hurt? from your experience was your hubby allowed to come in with you during the procedure? i have so many questions, and i am sure i will be on here all the time once it is placed, freaking out about every twinge.

also , i am not getting a TVU to check cervical length until 16 weeks. Is that not soon enough to get one? can the tvu disrupt my cervix possibly causing ptl?

sorry for all the questions ladies, i am just full of them lol
hello ladies. i am so glad to hear you are all doing well!

milliboo i am doing great. we had my 12 week scan yesterday and it was wonderful! with Sophia the dr told me it was a girl at my 12 week, so i asked the us tech if she could tell the gender. she said "yes i know what it is but cant tell you anymore until 16 weeks" boo!! i was just like OMG SHE KNOWS AND SHE ISNT GONNA TELL US!!!!!!! lol.

so yes, cerclage is being placed on August 7th, Tuesday. I am a bit nervous, only because i wont stay in the hospital for observation or anything, and i wont see my doctor again until August 16th. i know thats only 9 days away but should i ask for a sooner appointment??

im sure my doctor will tell me all of these things but what are things i should look out for that are "bad" i guess after the stitch?? should i expect cramping, and heavy bleeding? is there anything that i should go straight to the ER if i experience? i am having spinal anesthetic. do you think the cerclage placement will hurt? from your experience was your hubby allowed to come in with you during the procedure? i have so many questions, and i am sure i will be on here all the time once it is placed, freaking out about every twinge.

also , i am not getting a TVU to check cervical length until 16 weeks. Is that not soon enough to get one? can the tvu disrupt my cervix possibly causing ptl?

sorry for all the questions ladies, i am just full of them lol

I know you are anxious about your cerclage procedure, but I am betting you will do just fine. :)

You could experience light cramping or light bleeding withing the first week or so. I only had spotting and discomfort for a couple of days...Everyone is a little different. I was told that if I had heavy bleeding or really bad cramps that I should go to the ER. If you experience anything that bothers you, you can always call your doctor and let them know your concerns too. Also, you might not feel this, but for the first week after I had mine it felt like I had something in my vagina...almost like if you were to put a small tampon in. I don't believe you will have any pain with a spinal anesthetic. It will numb you from the waist down. My husband was not able to go into the actual room where they did the procedure, but the procedure is so quick and you will be able to see him right after. I am assuming they will at least keep you in the observation room until you can walk and pee on your own. I think I was in observation for a couple of hours. My husband kept flicking my toes while they were numb and would laugh and say "Can you feel that?" Lol. The TVU should not cause PTL. I have had so many TVU's since after having my cerclage placed. I am a little surprised that they would not check your cervix again until 16 weeks. I believe my doctor checked me about a week after my procedure...Basically a post op appointment. You might double check that they won't be seeing you sooner.

Hope some of the info helps! I am saying a prayer for you. :hugs:

Something I had read before I had my cerclage...
Hey lch! I think chovie said it all! After my cerclage i also had a very weird prickling feeling when i peed for a few weeks but nothing alarming. Basically expect a little discomfort and some light bleeding or spotting. Just bc of my experience i would say call your doc if you get painful contractions soon after. I was put on meds to stop them because my uterus became very irritable.
I m going to take a guess re the gender and say its a girl! At my 12w appointment they told me that 80% its a girl and i kept pestering them "are you sure?" so they told me that if they see anything between the legs then they cant really know what it is as that something can grow to be a penis or shrink to be a clitoris... If they dont see anything then i guess they know its a girl. But that s just a guess from me!!!
Hey lch! I think chovie said it all! After my cerclage i also had a very weird prickling feeling when i peed for a few weeks but nothing alarming. Basically expect a little discomfort and some light bleeding or spotting. Just bc of my experience i would say call your doc if you get painful contractions soon after. I was put on meds to stop them because my uterus became very irritable.
I m going to take a guess re the gender and say its a girl! At my 12w appointment they told me that 80% its a girl and i kept pestering them "are you sure?" so they told me that if they see anything between the legs then they cant really know what it is as that something can grow to be a penis or shrink to be a clitoris... If they dont see anything then i guess they know its a girl. But that s just a guess from me!!!

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