Thank you so much ladies for your responses!
I have a macdonald stitch so think they said just a snip no need for any pain relief or theatre. My doc wont give me a date for anything as she says something always happens when she gives dates. shes funny
Ok perhaps I should just prepare for due date then, it just feels like ive been preggers for so long! and now i sound ungrateful after all that worry, prayer and tears to stay pregnant!! Not long now i guess im just hot and bothered and feeling sorry for myself. Silly really. And I want to take my pram for a spin
Can I have sex as soon as its removed then?
JJEE, you are only 8 days ahead of me in stitch removal! youve done brilliantly! but I do feel your pain miss! Ive only been through labour with Eric and that hurt like hell, he was only tiny! My husband was a 12 pounder they had to get him out by c section he was so big, biggest baby on Leeds hospital records 1983 also both his sisters were 10 pounds and c sections. His cousins wife has just given birth to a 10 pounder and she also had to come by emergency c section. seems it runs in the family

I was nearly 9 pounds too!
Everyone keeps reminding me I have a good set of hips but Im scared!! So if i can shave a couple of weeks off that would be great loool
Ah Lizzie, thank you so much (i just scrolled down to look at posts and there you are

I CAN have sex???!!! thats amazing news!! Can you call and tell my ubby pls? I will have the chat with my OB on Tuesday and hopefully she wil agree
I feel so blessed to have made it this far and as always I know I can count on you girls for some good advice and lots of love.