Hi Kim and Hope, it is usual for babies to be breech at 29wks, and most only establish their final birth position after 36wks. Evie was born breech at 24wks. One of the twins finally went head down at 34wks, but the smaller twin remained breech simply because there wasn't room for him to turn. Given that even large twins can leave it late to go head down, you wouldn't expect a singleton to do so early on. Kim, it's likely that the breech position was purely because you Lo delivered early hun.
Lindy, so sorry you're having problems managing bed rest and two little ones. It must be hard. I was lucky that my older two were 5 and 7 when I was immobile with the twins. Although not ideal, they were great at amusing themselves for hours on end - so long as I was around for them, they seemed happy enough.
I rested on the sofa downstairs so that atleast I was in the room with them. Not so sure that would work with younger children tho, because my toddler twins are certainly more demanding if I am visible than if I'm out of the way. Doyou think your 'troublesome tot' would benefit if you were present in the room, or would he just give his carers more grief with the added confidence Mummy's presence brings? X
Sassy - hope your cl check goes well, and the dreaded irritable uterus stays away. I remember that one week post stitch I lay on the settee crying, and distinctly said to Dh 'I'm definitely not gonna make it, my cramps and tightenings are just too frequent and I feel like I did in early labour with Evie', that was at 13/14wks, but I was wrong!
It amazes me even now that I could feel exactly as I had at 24wks after an emergency stitch and in ptl, but still made it to 38wks with large twins. Many of these symptoms are stitch related, but usually come to nothing except to make you live in fear for 6mths

Good luck honey xx