Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Angel, oh I missed that post! I'm so sorry for your sister, I hope things work out well for her :(

Thanks everyone, I am still nervous about her coming early. I am hoping this is just late pregnancy bothers I'm feeling. I don't remember much about it with my first, just that I was tired all the time. I never even had contractions with her, my water just broke at 37+3 and I needed to be induced because I didn't start labor on my own after 24 hours.

Lindy and Christiana, I'm glad you brought up breastfeeding. I had trouble feeding my first because her mouth was too small for my nipples and boobs and I ended up pumping for a few months until I went back to work. I was so devestated by not being able to feed her directly. It was a lot of work too. I was wondering if anyone has tried nipple shields with a preemie or small baby? I was thinking I was going to have to do that anyways this time, I was going to try anything to avoid pumping like that again. I've heard bad and good things but haven't been sure how it would work out with a even smaller baby than my first. I'm mostly just hoping she comes on time or as close to full term as possible to have less issues with it. Still a bundle of nerves. After everything, I don't feel "safe" yet.

:( Lindy I hope your little one is ok. Do they have to wait to clear the infection first before they can do surgery? Oh I would be having a panic attack if my LO was in surgery and I was still on bedrest :( :( :hugs: I hope things work out for him.
Hey everyone,

I haven't posted in a while, but wanted to let those of you who remember me know that I am now on hospital bedrest. I came in last Monday after a cervical check. My cervix is no longer measurable. The plan is to control my contractions with mag. suf. until 34 weeks and then deliver the twins via c section. I am now 32.5 now.

Wish us luck.
Good luck nh. Hope the needed dose is at a manageable level
Hey Ladies, Just thought I'd update... i'm now 34w3d.

I'm finally off bedrest and oddly enough, feel much better... I went for a loong walk today and feel great.

Except for the pelvis thing that bluestarlight mentioned. I feel like my hips are going being pulled apart and it can be really painful at times. Pretty sure her head is sitting on my cervix. I'm still having contractions every 20 min or so, but I've had those constantly since 26 weeks.

One thing I'll mention is that I felt as if she had stopped growing the last few weeks of my bedrest, then as soon as I was off, my belly exploded and I got a bunch of stretch marks. I feel like being off bedrest has been good for her in terms of oxygen or nutrients, or something.

To those ladies who still have a way to go, there's hope! I felt so down for so long because I thought she was going to be a tiny preemie with health problems and NICU stays, but now we're getting to the point where she'll be born pretty much healthy and it's quite amazing to be here. Just hold out, and try not to make yourselves crazy :)
I've got the same question as Lindy about sitting up in chairs. The only relief i seem to get is when i lay down on my left side. Is being "upright" all day not good?

My typical work day starts at 7am with me getting up, ready, travelling to work, running around at work but mainly sitting, then back home, and by the time i've had dinner its 7.30pm - so im "upright" at least 12 hours straight. is that bad?

LINDY - i'm seeing my GP tomorrow about being written off work as i jsut cant cope with this anymore. I'm scared he will say no. How did you get your GP to agree to write you off?

I'm not really sure!. It was the Monday after I had the stitch in and I rand the surgery and spoke to the receptionist and asked whether my doctor would do it. I said I was too nervous about walking to the surgery at the moment ( it is really close 2 minutes max). The receptionist said he would do it for six weeks which took me until the school holidays began (I'm a teacher) and then if I needed anymore to go in and see him. Its an old fashioned surgery in our village and they know everyone and its really friendly. Just lucky really! We moved here 2 years ago and it wouldn't have bben that easy in our old surgery.
Thank you Bluestarlight. He seems ok and the new hospital is so posh he had his own roon with a fold down bed so I could lie down as much as I wanted. It felt a bit wierd when the nurses came in so I kept having to explain the whole cervix/stitch thing. I didn't want them to think I was just lazy! I think he will come home tomorrow and they are planning to do a sleep survey at home. If he does need his tonsils out I think they will wait for the infection to go first.

Good luck Nhood and you are nearly there!:flower:

I used nipple shields with Arthur and got on really well with them. I BF until he was about 10 or 12 weeks. I don't know why but I never got BF fully established with both of mine. Hopefully it will be better this time! The BF expert lady at the hospital (can't remember her proper job title!) recommended them as Arthur had a slight tongue tie and he would feed and feed for ages without getting as much as he needed. The nipple shields really helped him but I think after the 10 weeks or so they became a hindrance. They are only supposed to be used temporarily I think. Like my first, he ended up with a bottle rather than BF - he probably got used to the nipple shield being a bit like a teat of a bottle? Not sure
Lindy and Alisa - lying down is ultimately the best possible position to take max strain off a weak cervix, BUT Lindy, since you're now 28wks I really wouldn't worry too much about being seated, it is still better than lots of walking around or lifting. At this stage you are past the danger zone from an IC perspective, and sitting for long periods, or in fact walking around won't make a huge difference now. Because you're at risk of ptl (only slightly more than the average lady), I'd still take things as easy as possible, but sitting and relaxing is probably as good as lying down now that you're entering the third trimester. Try to put your feet up if poss.

Hope you're little boy is ok and gets sorted soon. Incidentally, Evie had this problem at night, especially when congested. Her throat was narrow because she had stridor as a result of ventilator tube. Her tonsils seemed to completely close off her airway. She frequently woke at night and it took me a long time to realise how bad her snoring and apnea was. By the time we got referred she was 6, and they to,d us that within a year or so she would grow out of the condition as her trachea grew along with her. Sure enough it has stopped and she seems to have come through it. I do wish I had recognised it sooner tho, I worry that having apnea for so long affected her development and ability to concentrate at school :(

In the right kids, tonsillectomy is a brilliant course of action which offers instant relief. Used to be offered too much, now it's not offered enough! Take care xx

Alisa, ideally you should be resting more and if you can get signed off atleast until you reach 28wks, then that has to be better for your cervix than your current schedule. That said, I know it's never as simple as just takin g time off at will. If you can't is there any way you could reduce the 'running 'around' aspect of your day? Maybe let colleagues know that you shouldn't be doing much more than sitting or gentle walking around? Xxx
Nhood - thanks so much for checking in, you've never been far from my thoughts. Hope those babies keep cooking a while longer honey - your contractions are likely less cervix and more twin related. The strain of two often causes sporadic early contractions which often amount to nothing until 34wks plus. Good luck :hugs:
Just wondering if anyone on here has had experience with breech baby.
I'm 33 weeks and our little man is still breech. I know that he still has time to turn head down, but what happens if he doesn't? I'm due to have stitch removed at 37 weeks. What happens if he still breech then. Will they leave stitch removal until he turns or will I have to have a c-section(really don't want one). Am I worrying too early? I've been so paranoid through this pregnancy lol. Will prob look back in a couple of months and wonder what I was so worried about.
I see my consultant on thurs but doesn't stop me thinking about it now.
Nhood- good luck hun, you ll be in my thoughts.

Bluestartlight- sorry dont know about the shields, never used them even though my babies were both very small to begin with

Pinklady- not sure but i dont think the position of the baby has anything to do with stitch removal... My baby was feet down and we would still go ahead and remove the stitch if she hadnt decided she needed to come out at 35 w within 3 hours...i had a c section and removed it after
Hello all,

I hope everyone is ok and doing well. I have been following the thread it just moves so fast :) Lindy im sorry to hear your little boy is having tonsil problems i hope he gets beter soon and you are still managing to rest.
nhood good luck honey!
hi lizzie hope you are well :)
christiana lots of love to you and your babies :)
pinkladyangel i hope baby turnd for you my mum says cleaning floors on hands and knees can help (old wives tale? possibly)
Anyone heard from JJEE and Sunkiss?
Everyone else ive missed sorry and new ladies hope you are resting and baking. I cant wait to hear about all these miracle babies :)

A quick update on me. Im 36 weeks today!! amazed i have got this far so excited to meet my baby now. I got a date for stitch removal and its this Thursday so i shall keep you all updated. im hoping we still have a few weeks before baby makes an appearance. i tried to push for a water birth but doc just says no ask again at 38 weeks if we are still baking :( im a little disapointed as there is nothing wrong with either of us but if the experts say no then they say no. better to be safe and not take risks of a birth centre after all weve been through though i guess.

I cant wait for thursday its another milestone and a reality check that soon i will have a baby. He/she is very low in my pelvis and looks really cute on the scan. cant see the stitch now as baby is so low!! no more scans now, we are on the home stretch :) xxxx
It has been a while since I have checked this forum, but I wanted to say hello to everyone and I hope that all are doing well!

Things seem to be going fairly well here. Had another Ffn test last Thursday and it came back negative - Hopefully that means I will not have any issues up to week 30. We just made our first baby purchase (Graco Pack n' Play with bassinet/newborn napper) online yesterday! I am really starting to get excited; although I am still hesitant to purchase too many things yet. Also, my sister is going to paint the baby's room and bathroom starting tomorrow and some next week. Yay!

Lindy, I hope your little one gets well soon!

Saying prayers and wishing all the best! :flower:
Hello Ladies,

I hope everybody is well! Lovely to see how everybody's tickers are slowly creeping up!:happydance:
I hope your little boy won't be in hospital too long Lindy.:hugs:
:happydance: Millie, so happy that you have got your date for removal..Just 1more week and you have made it too full term..YAY!!

Well, I had my stitch removed yest, It was a Shirodikar stitch, and I had it removed under gas and air only!! I was very brave, I just wanted to be in and out as quickly as possible, it was uncomfortable, and just as I thought it was all over, he announced "that's the first one out, now for the next" WHAT! I had 2 in there..not sure if that's the norm?? Anyhow, I did have a few contractions after, but they didn't amount to anything, and apart from it feeling a little sore today and a bit of spotting, I feel fine! It has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders worrying that I may start labour whilst it was still in place!

Keep well ladies, keep your little ones cooking! xxx
Your stitch removal sounds very familiar to mine last time JJE - it's just that I am a huge wimp!

Arthur is having his tonsils and adenoids removed on Thursday. It's the same consultant who did my other lttles boy's so I am do really trust him. It made a massive difference to Leo. At least we haven't had to wait minths and months like we did with Leo.

So I have been on my feet and sitting around in the hospital quite a bit. I feel really wierd! My legs and bum feel odd - I think its muscles that haven't been used for 8 weeks.

It's good to hear from you MillieBoo and good luck for Thursday. We'll have a couple of baby's soon - yours and JJE's!! So exciting!:happydance:
Hey, I am really pleased your stitch removal went well you brave lady JJEE :)

Lindy im really pleased your son is getting good treatment and you trust the doc. Bless his cotton socks brave boy.

Does anyone think 36+2 is way too early for stitch removal? my husband has been a little anxious. im fine about it because i know is going to be fine and takes a lot to bring on labour if baby and body arnt ready so i feel risks are minute and cant see what difference waiting a couple of days will make. anyone got any words to reassure him? ive tried and its not working lol xxx
Well for some perspective, term for triplets is 33 weeks, so I'd not be too worried about anything beyond 32. Of course the longer they "cook" the better, but even if you were to deliver after removal your LO would most likely be just fine.
i think 36 is okay for stitch removal. i always thought it would be removed at 36 weeks but my doc said 37.

soo i nevre even thought to ask my doc this. can i go in the pool/ocean/lake? i have a vacation coming up.. totally forgot about the swimming aspect. of course if i cant that is fine lol

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