Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Been to see the consultant. They told me that I am at high risk of not reaching 24 Weeks but have told me to rest and take each day as it comes. I will be having a scan every 2 Weeks followed by consultant. Fingers crossed I can hold out longer.
Has anyone else been told this but gone longer than 24 Weeks?

Hi Angel
Sorry your having to go through this hun.
I only have my story to go on. I silently dilated and at 22+1 i was 3cm dilated. They did an emergency cerclage but told me to be prepared for a miscarriage. I managed to get to 25+1 then went into labour.
Stay strong and rest, rest, rest and try (if poss) to lay with a tilt on your bed feet up. Thats how I was told to lay in hospital.
Hi pink lady,
Can I ask was you on bed rest for the 3 Weeks between having your stitch and going in to labour our did you carry on as normal?
I'm personally trying to take it easy and every opportunity I get I try lay down on my left side. My doc doesn't believe in bed rest (?) but it makes me feel better not to be upright all day. But I'd chop off my own head if I thought it would help. I'm sure most of us here would too...
Hi ladies hope everyone is doing well.
Iv put myself on moderate bed rest now as Il be 30 weeks this week. Found it hard at first as my leg muscles have become really weak. Still not doing any lifting, carrying, driving etc. Still having problems with my pulse being over 100 on rest but midwife had no answer for it?

So I came home today to find out that all my family and friends had organised a surprise baby shower for me :-) was very overwhelming and I did cry at first lol! It has been so hot here today Im now ready for my bed lol!

Will be interesting to see if there has been any changes at my appointment this Wednesday.
Hope everyone is ok, sorry that I don't reply to many peoples questions but this is my first stitch so I'm still new to it all..

ladies im freaking out.. i wiped and there was a little piece of my stitch. like half an inch. the ends are still hanging down and everything i think it was just a piece of an end. is that normal??!?

Ich, hi - I haven't been able to feel any of my stitches strings. I would maybe visit your doctor to check everything is still in place. Can you call hospital to speak to a midwife?

x x x

I have had a bit of bad news today, my sister has miscarried again at approx 8 weeks :-( things just don't seem to be going right for either of us this year. bad times.
Hi Ich - normal hun, some of the stitching is meant to come away after a few weeks - its happened o us all and is seperate suturing used during the procedure. Same principle when you have a laceration and they use stitches which eventually fall out when the wound has healed. They really should warn women about this xx
Angel Hun, sorry to hear about your sister - had 2 mc myself last year and know how painful it is. Does she have children yet? Even harder if it's your first baby you're trying to have xxx
Hi Lizzie,
She has a 10 year old already but was hoping to start a family with her new husband. She is 41 now x x
Really sorry about your sister angel, i hope she finds the strength and courage to try again when she s ready. Stand by her as much as possible hun, she will really need you at this terrible time. I ve been through it twice and i know that even though i cried every time someone asked me how i was i still wanted to talk about it with with my best friend.
I'm so sorry for your sister's loss. Hopefully this newest angel baby can watch over the pregnancy that is meant to hold (not trying to lessen it, but I think my angel babies are watching over my triplet girls as they are "baking").
thanks lizzle. phew!! i figured it was something other then the cerclage stitching.. bc my doc showed it to me before he did it and it was very thick

angel i am so sorry for your sisters loss :hugs:
Still hanging on. Nearly 34.5 weeks now, yay! Feeling strange the past couple of days though. I've been back to work since last wednesday and that is going really well. Basically just sit at my computer all day, maybe walk down the hall to get lunch and that is about it. No contractions or trouble at work, its mostly at home. The last few days I haven't gotten much sleep, just feel really uncomfortable, had some random contractions, probably from doing to much. But the strange thing is for the past 2 nights, I have woken up from pelvic bone pain because it feels like baby is drilling itself down into my v-jay. Very painfully. she usually moves back up if I get up and go to the bathroom or when i'm up for the day, but at night, man that is a wake up call. She also feels even lower though, and sometimes I feel more pressure down there but still no leaking or regular contractions or anything. Also, I have been feeling slightly more nauseous lately. Its like i'm hungry but if I eat more than half a sandwich I feel sick but then i'm hungry again an hour later...sigh. Feels like just strange, so strange I even placed my hospital bag in my mom's car just in case for this week.
Question: if baby is born around 35 weeks, do they spend a lot of time in NICU or come home quickly (like in a few days as opposed to weeks)? I can't seem to get a straight answer on it.
Like everything with this process it depends on the individual. Many babies are able to go home, and some require a NICU stay for breathing or feeding related issues. From what I've heard, those born about that point have relatively short NICU stays (2 weeks or less).
Wtb spot on with her answer Bluestar. There is no predicting which babies make it straight home and which don't, needless to say, because your baby is a girls she has a much greater chance of needing minimal intervention. If she needed any help it would be with getting the suck, swallow, breath combination good enough to feed efficiently. Some babies struggle, some are pros even when born slightly prem.

Don't assume baby is imminent tho hun, this could all be a normal part of late pregnancy for you. That said, the fact that you feel 'strange' might be a sign, a mother's instincts are seldom wrong. Either way, your baby wil be just fine xxx
Wow Bluestar you have got so far!!
My first was born at exactly 34 weeks. He spent one or two nights on NICU. He had light treatment for jaundice. Then we spent about a week and a half on the transitional care ward while we waited for him to learn how to feed. He was tube fed through his nose using breastmilk which I expressed. Some midwives wanted me to carry on doing this so he could get lots of rest, some wanted me to try and breastfeed. It changed according to whichever midwife was on duty so I was really confused and just felt a bit useless! I persevered until most feed times I was trying to BF. My breasts were engorged and it just wasn't working.The paediatrician said " You have massive boobs and a tiny baby - try using a bottle for now." So I expressed milk and gave it to him in a bottle which he took right away and we went home that afternoon. I think we wasted about a week on the ward trying to get him to BF.
I carried on expressing and using the bottle at home and he really thrived. I kept trying to BF but still couldn't manage it.
When I went in to have my stitch there was lady who had a little girl by c-section at 34+5 and that little girl BF straightaway and went home the next morning.
My Leo is now 4 and is starting school in September. He is very bright and i think he quite tall for his age. You will be fine!!
Bluestarlight- the ladies are right, every baby is different and nicu stay depends on a number of things. But i just wanted to share my experience with you... Natalia was born by emergency c section at 35+3 and weighted 2180g. She stayed in the nicu for 3 nights and even though she fed and breathed well without help she dropped to 2000g. They wanted to discharge me and keep her in a little longer but i just felt that since there was no other medical reason other than her weight that she would do much better being with me and bfing on demand rather than every three hours. So i insisted on taking her home with me and she s been doing great and putting on weight since the first night i had her with me! Plus i was told that she wouldnt have stayed in the nicu at all if she had a liitle bit more fat on her! So dont worry at all!
We had to take our youngest Arthur into hospital little night. He is suffering with sleep apnoea due to very large tonsils and maybe adenoids. The exact same thing happened to his elder brother when he was about 1. Leo lost lots of weight from vomiting about 4 times a day and night due to the mucous from his adenoids and size of his tonsils. Anyway he had them out (tonsils and adenoids) and we couldn't believe the difference - it was amazing. I think they get it from me - I have very big tonsils and always had tonsilitas as a kid.
The hospital are keeping Arthur in tonight to do a sleep study. Hubby is staying with him and I'll pop in later.

Lizzie does sitting on a chair put a lot of pressure on your cervix? My consultant said I could go back to work if I sat down a lot. ( I wanted to lie down a lot so I got my GP to sign me off!). Obviously the more time I spend in hospital with Arthur, the more time I'm on a chair. An NHS chair!

This was very scary when it happened with Leo because we didn't know what it was and it took ages to get diagnosed. Basically it took him falling asleep in front of a paediatrician before they did anything and listened to us. They just kept saying he had a cold and ignored me saying that he couldn't breathe at night. He would gasp for breath all night - it was horrible and went on for months.

Bluestar this has nothing to do with Leo being born a bit early - Arthur is having the same thing now and he was full term. Its just rubbish tonsils from my family.

I knew this was going to happen but I just wish it was after 32 weeks not now! He really needs me - it's hard! ( I think I have mentioned before that Arthur has special needs - he is profoundly deaf and has development delay.)

Anyway more drama for the Bailey family!
Any ideas about chairs/cervical stitch??

I think its almost certain that Arthur will have his tonsils/adenoids out. Just not too sure when .
I've got the same question as Lindy about sitting up in chairs. The only relief i seem to get is when i lay down on my left side. Is being "upright" all day not good?

My typical work day starts at 7am with me getting up, ready, travelling to work, running around at work but mainly sitting, then back home, and by the time i've had dinner its 7.30pm - so im "upright" at least 12 hours straight. is that bad?

LINDY - i'm seeing my GP tomorrow about being written off work as i jsut cant cope with this anymore. I'm scared he will say no. How did you get your GP to agree to write you off?

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