Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Calling today to make first OB appt., my ob checked my cervical length before pregnancy & is almost 100% positive a stitch at 12 weeks will hold but i'm so scared it won't...once I get to about 16 weeks i'm gonna be so worried & paranoid!
Just had my first length check in two months! Cervix was 2.3mm at 15+6. This is when stitch got put in. I am now 24+4 and am this good?!
Good luck imminent stitch ladies :hugs:

AmyLou - an elective stitch usually works brilliantly darlin'. I won't lie to you, IC issues make for a really nerve wracking pregnancy, but try to have some faith. The majority of women with elective stitches breeze through their pregnancies (physically atleast). Psychologically it's not plain sailing, and every twinge causes terror unfortunately :( We're all here to support you tho honey :hugs:

Hope, I'm guessing you mean a cervix of 2.86cms? If so, that brilliant at 24wks, and without funnelling too! Xxx
Thanks lizzie :) I'm getting pretty nervous about tomorrow now, I won't lie. You'd have thought being my fourth time having one placed I'd be more at ease about it, but in some ways I feel like I've pushed my luck and sooner or later something will go wrong having it done again. Probably just last minute nerves talking! I cant wait until tomorrow is over and done with and I know it's in there. Now all I need is to start feeling this baby move a bit and I'll be a lot happier :)
Ha. yep. I MEANT 2.86 Lol. i am guessing its good. no funelling :)
You have a proven track record with stitch now maybe - its a very good sign that they've worked so well for you before. Lots of love and luck xxx

Maya - Please don't fret about your constipation and straining. Theoretically straining to cough, vomit or poop isn't ideal with IC, but all three bodily functions are very common in pregnancy, and so far I haven't yet known of any lady (IC or otherwise) go into ptl or dilate because of them. Take care xxx
What has eight thumbs and made it to 29 weeks, these gals (pointing thumbs to self)!!!!

So still holding on though it was a rough weekend with a day of contractions every 2-8 minutes. Somehow my stitch survived, the girls are not too low and they tolerated the magnesium and contractions really well again. Hang in there gals, you can do it!!
Wtb - you are doing so well getting to 29 with triplets and IC :happydance: Well done you, you're into the homestretch now :)
What has eight thumbs and made it to 29 weeks, these gals (pointing thumbs to self)!!!!

So still holding on though it was a rough weekend with a day of contractions every 2-8 minutes. Somehow my stitch survived, the girls are not too low and they tolerated the magnesium and contractions really well again. Hang in there gals, you can do it!!

Wow!!! 29wks with triplets is AWESOME!
that is really good news WTB and with triplets. just keep cooking those little ones for a little longer x x x
Help I am having a little dilema and would like some advice.

I have been told by the consultant to continue taking it easy for the next 4 weeks until I reach at least 28 weeks. I am not on bed rest but I am on moderate rest with no work or heavy lifting. He has told me I can drive but need to take it easy and to not do it very often. As everyone is probably aware kids have now (finally) gone back to school but my dilema is getting my 6 year old collected. My folks are being brilliant looking after my 11 month old but I am finding hard getting people to collect my 6 year old from school.

What my dilema is, is do you think I will be ok driving to the school (10 min drive then a few minutes walk through playground and then back again) and collecting her a few days a week? I need her to get some kind of routine as she never knows who is picking her up. What do you think?
Personally angel I would do it myself, but I have never had to be on bed rest with any of my sutures. Is it possible that you could arrange to collect your daughter direct from a teacher in the car park of the school to save you standing about for too long? Obviously I'm not sure if your school even has a car park, but at our primary school they have a small parking area for the teachers and visitors right at the front of the school, I'd be tempted to explain the situation and ask if you could be met there each day when picking her up. That way you'll only be driving to and from school and doing a minimal amount of walking/standing while you're out.
Great idea thanks - they don't have a car park but I will probably be able to persuade 1 of the mums/dads to bring her out to me on the street.
Hi Angel,

I was also not officially placed on bed rest, but told no work and to take it very easy, but faced the same dilemma, my OH could take the kids to school, but I hated having to arrange for different people to collect them all the time, so I did drive to the school daily to collect them myself, it was a short drive, but depending on clubs etc, it sometimes meant going twice in one day! I totally understand your is so hard to keep things normalish for the other children!

I hope everyone else is well, Congrats to WTB..29weeks with triplets:happydance:

As for me..well, I am still pregnant...actually make that MORE pregnant than I have ever been before! Ironic!

I hope your little ones are feeling better Lizzie? :hugs:

Hi to everybody else, and keep those babies baking!

Wow jjee, you've reached the realms of being overdue! I remember how strange that felt the first time it happened to me too! I'd never been past 33 weeks so getting to 40+ made it feel like I was pg forever. Well done you for getting so far :)
Hope you can make that arrangement work angel, sounds like the best way of makin sure our daughter gets a bit of consistency at picking up time :)
Ladies, I just got back from my doc appt. I'm 30 weeks and 5 days now. I had my GTT and she said my results look good. But she wants to repeat this test after 3-4 weeks since I have high AFI of 19cm (or maybe that was just a way she could just keep me off sweets?). Everything else was ok. She first said I can start a bit of activity but then after a pause she said, "I take my words back... no activity for another 2 more weeks..". Well ok, doesnt make a big diff.

I told her about the Braxton Hicks contractions I get everyday. She said those uterine contractions are normal, just that they shouldnt get regular and rhythmic, like once in 10 mins or so. I get more of those tightenings in the evening for some reason. Car travel, changing positions in bed, sitting up to eat...all these cause those uterus tightening for a few seconds. They are not painful but takes my breath away when they do so. They dont last for more than 10 seconds max. So I just need to make sure they are not regular. I'm drinking 3 bottles of water a day and resting horizontally most of the time. Anyone else experiencing braxton hicks contractions? Is this because I've a suture and have high AFI? God, all this is so taxing for a FTM! :( I just didnt enjoy my pregnancy so far! :( I know I'm fretting, but that's how much terrified now to take my baby to term despite all these!
im getting more of that discharge that i feel like its my mucus plug =[

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