Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hope - mine were occasionally sore (like bad menstrual cramps) rather than pain. They mainly left me with a sore lower back as they subsided. The whole of my bump and back would tighten, sometimes to the point where I could see the outline of a baby, my heart would race, and it would leave an ache which lingered for a few minutes. They never picked up pace or became more regular than every 10/15mins which is when to get checked out xx

Ich - the stitch is flat and wide, like old typewriter tape. Sutures on the other hand are thin and transparent. Don't worry, the stitch cannot just come out anyway. It is designed to stay put no matter what, which is why it's dangerous to labour against it - a cervix will tear before the stitch does! Xx

Maybe - if you're that concerned then don't hesitate in getting checked. I really don't think it's anything to worry about but you don't lose anything by getting some reassurance xx
Thanks lizzie, I am almost certain that I'm fine, but there's that tiny part of me that knows if I don't get checked I'll drive myself mad with worrying about it!
Woo hoo I am 24 Weeks today. I feel so relieved to have made it since they said it was highly unlikely I would. Next goal 26 Weeks x
Ive had 2 losses at about 5 months each before getting diagnosed with IC. Last loss was April 2011. Just got a BFP so please keep me in prayers! Im so excited & scared at same time
Amy i m so so sorry for your losses. I ll keep you in my prayers. Are you getting a stitch soon?
Good luck Amy, hopefully the diagnosis of IC will mean they'll put a stitch in as soon as they can. So sorry for your losses! xo
Yay for reaching 24 weeks angel, great news :)

Hi Amy, so sorry for your losses. Hopefully youllbe getting an elective suture put in at some point near the end of 1st tri and that should see you through the 2nd tri and well into the 3rd :hugs:

AFM - I did indeed go back to maternity to get checked again this morning, also had some more spotting, so then completely freaked that my cervix was doing something! So anyway when I saw the doc he scanned me to check peanut and said all was fine there, didn't mention my cervix so I asked him and he said he was glad I'd asked and did the length abdominally and then checked by tvu to be sure and also for any funnelling. Cervix measures over 4cm externally and just under that on the internal and there was no sign of funnelling so I'm happy again for now. They still don't know where the spotting is coming from, might just be one of those things :shrug: So onwards and upwards to the stitch next Tuesday and hope everything goes ok from here on in. Still a little nervous about the spotting, but it is very minimal and seems to go as quick as it comes so hopefully it's nothing to worry about. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend :)
I have been reading this thread for the past few days. I'm up to the April 2012 posts, and am starting to wonder if reading them is making me feel worse instead of better. I'm envious of the many women who seemed to be well into their third trimester. I lost my son at 24 weeks, in July. My heart is still so broken over his being gone. I should be 30 weeks now, and joyful about his arrival instead of so empty and sad.

I am a military spouse, and was in the middle of a move to a new state when I noticed mucus discharge. On the day we moved into our new house, I went to the hospital. In the space of 4 hours I went from 1.8 cm to .8 cm and dilated half a cm. I was given an emergency McDonald cerclage, at just about 20 weeks, and sent home to a house full of moving boxes for bedrest.

Two weeks later, my MFM saw that my membranes were bulging past the stitch, and I was 4-5 cm dilated, though I had no blood or other symptoms. I was taken by ambulance to a hospital with a NICU where I remained in Trendelenburg position for 5 days, using bedpans for all elimination, and not sitting up to eat. The doctors said I didn't need to be so strict, but I insisted. I was given magnesium sulfate and indocin.

On the morning of July 23, I began bleeding and contracting strongly and painfully,*at 15, then 10, then 5-7 minute intervals.*

I was 7 cm dilated, and my son's leg was intermittently in my vagina, but my water had not yet broken. The doctors warned that if my water broke, he would likely slip out with his neck caught in my cervix. They recommended a c-section, so we could get him safely to the NICU to give him the best possible chance of survival.*

My husband and I weighed the decision for hours, and cancelled two scheduled c-sections during that long day, hoping something would change and we could hold our baby longer.*

The contractions just kept getting stronger and closer, and we finally decided to listen to the many doctors trying to convince us to have a c-section. If I had it to do over again, I might have waited until he was born in the bed - but I made what seemed the best of two horrible choices, at the time.*

I am heartbroken and not emotionally ready to try again. But nonetheless, I am made even more sad that it will take me so long to be physically ready to try again. I had a
classical c-section, so the doctors have warned me to wait at least 9 mo ths, ideally
18, to try again. But I am almost 39, and don't have months of time to waste.

I know I have rambled on, but I just am not that great at organizing my thoughts these days, and I invite anyone to comment on any part of my experience that resonates.

I'm writing now, instead of lurking, because I am hopeful to get some support on this board. I hope my story doesn't frighten the ladies who are in the midst of an IC pregnancy now. Being honest, it's hard for me not to feel a bit jealous, but I do wish you all the best.

I am so sorry for your loss, your story made me cry. I been where you have been also. I lost a baby @ 20 weeks because of IC. I though it was over for me i felt so dead and empty inside for months, the depression was so bad i was suicidal, never though pain like this existed in this life. I never got over it for a whole year i lived but was not living.

About 1 year later i conceived my son my Dr. said we need to do a cerclage so i had one done @ 15 weeks, thought that would bring me to term and that was the end of my problems. Unfortunetly that did not happen for me. So i began to funnel and cervix shortening @ 20 weeks, made it to 24 weeks then they decided to place another stitch as i had bulging membranes. @ this time i also got preeclamsia and gestational diabetes, so much was going on.

Anyways the stitch held for another 10 days and then i went into labour the cervix had shortened more and i was dilating. i had my son at 25+2. We spent 3.5 months in NNICU. Now im pregnanct again and was told the TAC is my only hope. I simply dot rven know how to feel about this pregnancy. Im taking it day by day. I just want you to know their is light at the end of the tunnel, i know nothing seems right at the momemt but in time it really does get better. I truely wish you all the best:hugs:
Yes calling Ob on Monday & if he goes by his original plans he told me for future pregnancies after my 2nd loss, he will do a stitch at 12 weeks as long as i see him before 10 weeks. :)
im so sorry for your losses honey :hugs: i lost my daughter this february at 23 weeks. I am now 17 weeks and got a stitch in at 12. so far, so good. i am really scared to be in the 20's though!
Lizzie..thank you so much hun for your reply! Felt better after reading! :) Now your PM inbox is full, so couldnt reply to you.

Ladies, I had my GTT on saturday and waiting for the reports on monday. Now I have a new issue that causes me tonnes of worry! :(

It is going to be tmi ladies, but dont know whom to discuss this with. I'm 30 weeks now, I had to fast from midnight for my GTT, so that kind of messed up my bowel movement cycle. I had to leave early so missed my washroom trip that morning. Then I sensed I could have a BM problem the next morning, so I took a glass of laxative and went to bed. But this morning, oh god, as I feared, I had issues with hard BM. My doc had told me not to strain,that was in the back of mind forever when I was in the loo, but still strained a little and tried if I can pass. Then after a minute, I quit. Now I'm feeling so miserable that I know I shouldn't strain, but still I did. I'm really scared of I messed up with my cerclage. I have a regular appt. with doc tomorrow evening. But until then I'm terrified, since they say pushing for a BM is like pushing the baby out :( I'm an FTM and I'm worried about everything. I dont know how much is too much of straining. Have you ever strained during a BM with a cerclage and and still managed to keep it intact? Please help me out of this mess ladies! :(
Mayaa that's pretty much what happened to me with dd 2. I was constipated and then when I did need a bowel movement it brought the membranes down into the vagina and made my cervix dilate however I didn't have a stitch done. Try not to worry, if you have a stitch done chances are the stitch has held just fine, try taking another dose of laxative with your next meal and see if that helps, I was also told by my dr if you are doing a bowel movement and it's been compacted by not having had a bowel movement in awhile, when you do need to go again, get tissue hold it firmly against your perianal area and vagina as you are pushing to help provide support and prevent you straining and pushing in the front area if that makes sense.

I just reread that and realised it sounds really bad at the start, I just wanted to reiterate I didn't have the stitch done with Juno as the membranes were already bulging, I've read on here and on a few other websites that the stitches are REALLY strong so I'm sure they have held just fine!!:hugs:
Well I'm booked in for Wednesday to have my elective stitch, I'll be 14+4-wish me luck!
Good luck Lou!! FX'd everything goes smoothly! x
Good luck Lou, I'm booked for Tuesday at 15+1 so we can be stitch buddies :)
Mayaa - please try not to worry too much about difficult bm's, I strained quite a few times last pregnancy with a suture placed and everything was fine. Like Jen said, try another dose of laxative, but it was a one off so should be ok xxx

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