Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Thank you for the replys ... After resting all night in bed they eventually stopped and all seems ok this morning.
Have been to midwife and iv got a urine infection which I never knew I had as iv not had any problems passing urine :-/ but she said that's not always a symptom. I'm now on antibiotics for that.
Also iv been told to have the flu jab .. Anyone else had this whilst pregnant?


Glad that everything is fine! :thumbup:

I was told to get the flu shot as well, so I guess I will go get that sometime soon. Apparently they really urge pregnant women to get it.

Has your doctor mentioned being tested for Group B Strep or getting the Whooping Cough vaccine? My doctor has not mentioned either to me and I have heard ladies on other forums mention them. I kind of thought my doctor would have mentioned it by now.
Flu shot, hmmm, I had one a year ago, didnt know you can have it when preg and my gp hadn't mentioned it. Let me know if you guys get one and what advice you're given. I'd like to take every precaution imaginable :)
Thankyou :-)

I'm just waiting for my appointment to come through for the flu jab.
My doctor hasn't mentioned anything to do with group strep b and to be honest I don't really know to much about it myself?
I'm booked in on Thursday to have the whooping cough all women in the 3rd trimester are being advised to have it done.

Oooh. Shelby, forgot to mention how they typically administer mag. They hook you up to an IV typically with a pump (two electrically monitored pumps) that alternate the mag sulfate and glucose/saline. They start with a "bolster" which is a high initial dose, and after 30 min to an hour they lower it to a maintenance level. The initial bolster can sting/burn a bit, but that discomfort passes quickly. Depending on how much the dose is they may test your blood levels every so often to make sure too much doesn't build up in your system.

Ill be thinking about you!!! Try to remember even though it is really hard on mama, it is great for babies!! :hugs:
AmyLouise89 my progesterone at 6 weeks was a 6. I was immediately put on progesterone suppositories and here i am , 21 weeks tomorrow. Once you see a hb chances are everything will be just fine hun!

welcome baby faith, sorry for your losses and congrats on your pregnancy. I am now 20 weeks and I lost my daughter in February at 23.

shelby welcome to the thread hun.. good luck for u and LO's

We did see the embryo & heartbeat at 6 weeks 2 days so that makes me feel so much better! I keep telling everyone this is my miracle baby. :)
Just got to pray the antibiotics is helping with the infection. Dr said if I can make it to 12 weeks he will put the cerclage in between 13 & 15 weeks.
Morning all,

Ich- my last cervical length check was 24 Weeks which was 0.7cm, they are not checking me again til 32 Weeks. According to my consultant he doesn't see the point in checking as once viable it makes no difference to them and wouldn't change the out come???!!! I disagree and would prefer to know where I stand but who am I to argue being the mother, lol.

I am at 28 Weeks today, woo hoo. So relieved to have made it this far after my emergency cerclage at 18+6. I have started being a lot more mobile now. Driving, taking daughter to and from school and dance class. A little bit of shopping here and there. Still not allowed back to work tho but maternity leave starts in 5 Weeks so pointless now anyway.

I only roughly have 10 Weeks left til I have my Caesarean. They won't give me an exact date yet til 36 but assuming I make it, it will be about 7 to 10 days before Christmas when my 3rd girl will be with us x

My 2nd little princess turned 1 yesterday, the year has gone so fast x x
I started feeling very weird last night and freaked out a little. The girls dropped a lot yesterday (to the point where I was having trouble emptying my bladder - and, actually, even getting started going!) and last night, I started getting a lot of tightening and pressure. On top of that, some round ligament pain set in and I just started crying. :blush:

They put me on the toco and, of course, no contractions shower up! I swear, any time they hook me up, any contractions I was having stop and people think I'm crazy. :dohh:

But because I was so worried about it, the nurse called the doctor and they went on and got me started on the mag. I'm currently 11.5 hours in and, surprisingly, I feel pretty good. I'm a little warm, a little drowsy, and if I lay flat on my back I get really bad nausea, but other than that I'm fine. (I feel almost guilty saying that, as I know most people have it so much worse! :nope:) They did want to put in a catheter but I talked them into letting me use a bedpan, and then once the doctors were fine with that, I talked the nurses into letting me get up to use the bathroom :haha: I'm fine to walk, so I refused to pee in a bucket!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to when I get this out, just because I'm SO ready to eat! They didn't put me into the computer as "no solids" last night so they brought me a big tray of breakfast and I couldn't even eat it! Ironically, the nurse said that with only 30 minutes left and how well I'm doing, she'd let me have my lunch, and of course they brought me a tray of all liquids. :dohh:
I'm so happy you are tolerating it so well!!! Don't feel guilty! You are very fortunate and no one should wish you suffer because they did. Silliness!!
Lizzie - welcome back. Shame about the bug though :(

Actually, I specifically came on to stalk you and see if ur back so I can pounce with a question hahaha :) but seriously, just had my last cervical measurement today. Total length 29mm with 9mm above stitch. I'm 26wks tomorrow. Doc said she's not too worried about my cervix from here on but to come in if pain, pressure or bleeding.

She is now only concerned about my uterus (unicornuate - less than half the size of average uterus and only on right side, shaped like a banana, I'm already stating to look lopsided and baby is obviously only ever on right side).

I've been told all along it's like I'm carrying twins or even triplets and now uterine distension is what might play against us. Seeing as youve had twins with IC and stitch, can you tell me how docs managed ur pregnancy so i know what to expect?

It's not an urgent question, and sorry to bombard you as soon as ur back xxx

So sorry ladies, you'll have to bear with me. I'm getting the odd moment to post quick messages here and there but nowhere near enough time to sit down properly and give a detailed response and I just hate tapping out a quick, seemingly off hand reply just so that I've atleast typed something! Am sittin down now to try to sift back through and start answering, but I might be called away at any minute - eldest has succumbed to said bug today (the last of us to get it), and is bleating at me on and off from his sick bed in the next room :wacko: Since having the twins I dont think I've been this busy!!

Alisa honey, I wasnt managed as such except for regular scans to check my cervix and babies (about every 3wks until 34wks). Uterine over-distension is thought to play a part in the early delivery of multiples, but it is by no means the whole story. Two babies or more also means more hormones, and labour can be triggered because the body thinks it is 'time' as a result of higher amounts of these circulating hormone levels. If early delivery were down to uterine size alone, then it doesnt explain why a good percentage of women still make it to term with twins, and others don't.

Your condition does increase the risks, but it is by no means a done deal sweetie. I had 17Ibs of baby on board, and a very weak cervix, but they still showed absolutely no signs of coming by themselves by my planned section at 38+ wks. I am convinced as a twin lady and aside from my cervix issues, this was purely because I rested.

I am a huge believer in rest for multiple ladies as a means of compensating for the additional physical strain of two or more. if the excessive uterine stretching is an issue, it can only help to reduce this stress by taking the weight off. SInce you are doing that anyway, you are being monitored closely, and because your cervix is looking very good, then you are doing everything you can already to maximise your chances. Take extra care and treat yourself as every multiple lady should and you might just be ok darlin. :hugs:
Thanks Lizzie for explaining to me what so many doctors have not been able to be straight about. You're the first person to mention the hormone factor of ptl in multiples, and so now i feel a bit relieved that I have one less thing to worry about seeing as I'm just cooking one albeit in half the space. Thanks again, and sorry to hear this bug has now claimed your last man standing, hope you all recover well very soon x
Hi girls. Hope everyone is well. Quicky... I am 28wks+3 today and for about a week i have been feeling the stitch when I lie down in bed or turn over. It doesnt hurt but I can def feel something moving about. Is this normal?!
Hey girls I'm being monitored for cervical incompetence and my next appointment is in just under 2 weeks. I started feeling a few twinges down there since Thursday and that familiar feeling of pressure, only slight mind compared to what I had last time with my second daughter but it still feels familiar to my last pregnancy. I was concerned enough to ring DOU on Friday evening which I was told to do by my consultant if I had any concerns. However the midwife just totally fobbed me off, when I explained my history she just said oh well you wouldn't be getting a stitch until 22 -24 weeks, I said no my consultant said it could be from 12 weeks onwards depending on what the cervix was doing, then she asked if I had any bleeding and I said no but there was increasing discharge (again which I had with my last pregnancy) and she just said go to bed, I wasn't bleeding so she wasn't concerned and there wasn't anything they could do anyway?! I'm really pissed off at her attitude. I didn't have any bleeding the last time until I lost my mucus plug at 25 weeks and even then it was only mild staining. I think she just didn't care because I'm not 24 weeks or over :-( I'm giving serious thought to making a complaint to the consultant. If anything goes wrong between my appointments I was told to contact DOU but now they're telling me there isn't anything they can who on earth do I contact?!! Sorry just venting girls, still annoyed about it all. The pressure is gone every morning I'm getting up but by the end of the day its back again, I just hope the cervix isn't funneling....have any of you had your cervix funneling and noticed any sensations with it?
Jen - My cervix funneled from 2.7cm to 0.9cm in a week and I didn't feel a thing. Everyone is different, of course, but I never noticed anything. :shrug: As for how the nurse acted, I would definitely say something to someone, but I have been treated the same way and I think it's, unfortunately, normal. At 18 weeks I was blown off with a "Just go to sleep and call back tomorrow if things aren't better," even though my cervix had shortened and I was having cramps.

I would reccomend staying off your feet as much as possible until you see your doctor/consultant/midwife next. The worse pressure at night could just be your body's way of telling you to slow down a bit. :flower:
Thanks Shelby, with my last pregnancy I ended up having my daughter at 26 plus 4 because of suspected incompetent cervix, I'd been getting funny sensations the entire way through that pregnancy down there, with my first who was born overdue I had nothing. I'm not sure if maybe I'm just more aware or what's going on down there and more sensitive to all those little twinges because of what happened last time round. xox
Jen - sorry the midwife was such a cow but they don't want anything to do with you cos you're not 20 wks yet. If you don't want to wait until your next appointment I suggest you go to a&e first thing on a weekday morning and insist on being referred to early pregnancy clinic. You should be able to see someone same day in clinic where they will be able to scan you. I had similar experience to you before I reached 20wks. So I called my hospital, made sure they had early preg clinic (although I think all hospitals do) and they advised me the above to go a&e. So maybe have a chat with them in the morning. Good luck x
Thanks Alisa, I'm going to see how it goes over the next day or so and if its still worrying me I'll just go straight to a&e. I'm definitely complaining to my consultant, she should have told me to contact a&e instead of DOU if they aren't going to do anything. Evidently this is fairly common treatment. (Sigh!) xoxo
Was hoping to have a response but will ask my consultant as I have to see him tomorrow in clinic anyway :)
Hi girls. Hope everyone is well. Quicky... I am 28wks+3 today and for about a week i have been feeling the stitch when I lie down in bed or turn over. It doesnt hurt but I can def feel something moving about. Is this normal?!

I never felt my stitch with the exception of when I first had it at 14 weeks. Almost felt like I had a small tampon in. As far as something moving, I am not sure...I don't think I ever felt that. I would definitely ask your doctor to ease your mind, but I bet it will be okay.

What type of stitch do you have?

Hope all goes well at your appointment. Saying a prayer! :hugs:
I have been cramping all day. I have an appointment tomorrow at 4 pm. I am on bed rest my cervix is 2.7 cm. do you think i should call the on call doc? its 9 pm here.. or wait until tomrrow?
I have been cramping all day. I have an appointment tomorrow at 4 pm. I am on bed rest my cervix is 2.7 cm. do you think i should call the on call doc? its 9 pm here.. or wait until tomrrow?

Is the cramping on one side or more like menstrual cramps? Do you have an on call doc? If so, I would go ahead and call them to try and ease your mind. I remember feeling somewhat crampy (mostly on one side) around your time. I think in my situation it was either gas/bloating or stretching; however, it is better to call to see what your doctor thinks.


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