Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Glad to hear its not just me then! I know it's more common with a suture to get them earlier, I just didn't expect for them to be this early!
I had BH from about 23 weeks I think. Last check of my cervix it had grown. Try not to worry x
Have they affected your cervix at all? This is what worries me. My consultant has a clinic tomorrow and I'm thinking of trying to get in and see him instead of waiting for two more weeks. Also does anyone know if there is anything you can be given to stop your uterus from being irritable like this?

my cervix grew but only by a couple mms right after i started taking progesterone suppositories at 18 wks and went on self imposed modified bed rest. i was still having brax hicks since 16wks-ish until now and it doesnt seem to have affected length.... well, will see tomorrow, i have my last transvag cervical length measurement...

one doc commented i have irritable uterus, and there is apparently something they can give you to help lessen symptoms but i never saw that doc again and all the other NHS docs ignore me everytime i ask about my irritable uterus.. theyre so good at that... :)
Thanks Alisa, sorry your docs arent taking any notice of you. Hopefully when I mention it to my consultant he'll be able to suggest something. I'm hoping I don't have to do bed rest this pregnancy,I never have before, getting my girls about will be difficult if that's the case! But I will do it if I need to. I don't seem to have had any more since yesterday, they seem to only happen every few days or so, so I don't know if they will cause a huge problem or not. If they start occurring more regularly I'll definitely kick up a bit of a fuss with the docs :)
I found this page about irritable uterus. Go to the page about symptoms and see if it's similar to what u have. After reading it I'm starting to think mine could just be IU and not BH. My belly just balls up or goes hard every now n then...
It sounds very similar to what I'm experiencing, I get them more in the evening than in the morning and they will go away overnight and I'll feel fine again in the morning. Some days I don't get any at all and other days I suffer all through the evening. They don't feel like conventional bh as sometimes they leave me with a sore lower tummy and I don't remember ever getting that with bh when I've had them before. My consultant doesn't normally check cervical length once you have a stitch in but maybe I will mention this to him as well when I see him :)
Went to OB today (well yesterday now) & my progesterone when i got my labs at 6 weeks was 4.9 & should be 20 ob said. I'm 7 weeks 3 days now & dr is shocked we ain't lost baby yet. Everyone please pray the premetrium he started me on yesterday helps & our baby is ok! I'm so scared..on top of that I think I'm dehydrated...mouth/lips is so dry even after downing a bottle of water just now & i'm drowsy but can't sleep for more than 30 minutes/1 hour at a time...the nurse did tell me at my appointment yesterday i needed to drink more water.
Hi ladies - I am back but all of us have had a vile stomach bug which is
picking us off one by one :(

Rather than go back through all the pages I have missed, please feel free to post questions again if there's anything you need me specifically to give my thoughts on :) Missed you all and I hope everyone is still cooking and reasonabley stable :hugs:

AmyL - Ich had a similar issue early on in her pregnancy but it was solved with some medication darlin. If there's a healthy heartbeat then the chances are good for your little bean, if the low progesterone is inherent in you then the meds should support it and fix the problem. Good luck honey xxx
Welcome back, LizzieD!!!! So sorry you and yours aren't well at the moment! I hope the nasty bug goes as quickly and as painlessly as possible. :hugs:
Amylouise - I'll be thinking of you and exactly what Lizzie said, the meds should support your pregnancy. Hugs
Lizzie - welcome back. Shame about the bug though :(

Actually, I specifically came on to stalk you and see if ur back so I can pounce with a question hahaha :) but seriously, just had my last cervical measurement today. Total length 29mm with 9mm above stitch. I'm 26wks tomorrow. Doc said she's not too worried about my cervix from here on but to come in if pain, pressure or bleeding.

She is now only concerned about my uterus (unicornuate - less than half the size of average uterus and only on right side, shaped like a banana, I'm already stating to look lopsided and baby is obviously only ever on right side).

I've been told all along it's like I'm carrying twins or even triplets and now uterine distension is what might play against us. Seeing as youve had twins with IC and stitch, can you tell me how docs managed ur pregnancy so i know what to expect?

It's not an urgent question, and sorry to bombard you as soon as ur back xxx
Welcome back lizzie, sorry you've been plagued by that horrible bug, it seems to be everywhere at the moment. Fx it doesn't stick around too long.
The new date for my stitch removal is next Wednesday now, il be 37 weeks.
Iv had to keep going on and on about being induced due to my spd but also because I'm feeling really uncomfortable down below. They have listened and il be induced between the stitch coming out and 38 weeks. Really nervous but so excited now to meet our little man.

Hope everyone is ok :-) xxx

I am scheduled to have my cerclage removed next Wednesday as well, at 35+5. I am curious as to why my dr is taking mine out before 37 weeks??? Only thing I can think of is that my cervix has shortened a lot in the last couple of weeks. My doctor doesn't seem to think I will hold too long after the stitches are out; however, watch me make it to 38 or 39 weeks. :wacko:

I am so happy for you! Getting so close!!! :thumbup: I am so excited as well... starting to really feel impatient and nervous too. Lol.
Il be 36+5 when they remove mine on Wednesday, she's doing mine then as she don't want me going into labour with the stitch in and she's also hoping that il follow through with labour pretty much straight away but think that's to do with how I'm feeling spd wise.

Today iv been having tightenings up to every 7 mins the last 2hours or so, not really painful in the tummy but make me short of breath and accompanied by back pain?
As iv never been to this stage before I'm a little confused about what to do .. So at the moment I'm just having a lay down to see how things go.
Any advice?

Dmj - I'd be tempted to get checked just in case those tightenings are doing anything to your cervix. I wouldn't want to get another tear from a stitch. Chances are its just practice but as you have a stitch in I'd be cautious and see what's happening :)
Il be 36+5 when they remove mine on Wednesday, she's doing mine then as she don't want me going into labour with the stitch in and she's also hoping that il follow through with labour pretty much straight away but think that's to do with how I'm feeling spd wise.

Today iv been having tightenings up to every 7 mins the last 2hours or so, not really painful in the tummy but make me short of breath and accompanied by back pain?
As iv never been to this stage before I'm a little confused about what to do .. So at the moment I'm just having a lay down to see how things go.
Any advice?


I think my doctor wants me to have the stitches out early as well, so that I don't go into labor with them still in.

As far as tightening goes, I am not sure. I get the BH contractions every once in a while, but nothing consistent. They do make me short of breath, but no back pain. I have read that true contractions can wrap around from your back to stomach, but not sure if that is always a sign. I had contractions when I miscarried before and I remember them being really painful, but honestly, at that time I did not know anything about how contractions worked and everything happened so fast. You might call your doctor to see what they suggest. If your contractions get even closer together or stronger (painful), then I would suggest going straight to l&d.

Laying down on your left side is definitely a good idea. Also, contractions can be caused by dehydration. If you haven't already, you might try drinking some water to see if that helps. Sorry I cannot be of anymore help.

Big hugs!
Hi Everyone,

i stumbled upon this post, read some entries & decided to join. I am pregnant now for the 3rd time. My 1st pregnancy ended when i was just about 3mos (on my birthday). It happened suddenly, with some cramping right before. The 2nd pregnancy ended when I was 6 weeks. Filled with so much hurt, sadness & anger BUT also with determination to have a baby, I inquired & had tests run with hopes of finding out what is the issue.

I was referred to the IVF/Fertility department & was told that there is an issue with my chromosomes. Basically that they were not properly connecting. They believed that the only way for me to conceive was to do in-vetro. Which I can't afford! Leaving the dr with that info placed in the back of my mind, i decided not to focus so much on having a baby at the moment, HOWEVER i did not prevent the possibility of pregnancy. Months later I became pregnant & here I am 23 weeks pregnant.

i am so happy that i'm pregnant, but scared at the same time. I just had a cerclage placed around my cervix & my doctor believes that I will also need shots of progesterone. I have been on bed rest for 3 weeks now & I have at least 8 more weeks of bed rest. This is so hard & stressful!

Sorry to type so much. I just felt led to tell my story. Hope to receive feedback:)
Hi Everyone,

i stumbled upon this post, read some entries & decided to join. I am pregnant now for the 3rd time. My 1st pregnancy ended when i was just about 3mos (on my birthday). It happened suddenly, with some cramping right before. The 2nd pregnancy ended when I was 6 weeks. Filled with so much hurt, sadness & anger BUT also with determination to have a baby, I inquired & had tests run with hopes of finding out what is the issue.

I was referred to the IVF/Fertility department & was told that there is an issue with my chromosomes. Basically that they were not properly connecting. They believed that the only way for me to conceive was to do in-vetro. Which I can't afford! Leaving the dr with that info placed in the back of my mind, i decided not to focus so much on having a baby at the moment, HOWEVER i did not prevent the possibility of pregnancy. Months later I became pregnant & here I am 23 weeks pregnant.

i am so happy that i'm pregnant, but scared at the same time. I just had a cerclage placed around my cervix & my doctor believes that I will also need shots of progesterone. I have been on bed rest for 3 weeks now & I have at least 8 more weeks of bed rest. This is so hard & stressful!

Sorry to type so much. I just felt led to tell my story. Hope to receive feedback:)

My situation sounds so much like yours. I lost my first baby at 21 weeks and had another miscarriage around 6 weeks. I never thought that I would be able to have a baby. So far, with a cerclage, modified bed rest and progesterone, everything has gone well. I never thought I would make it this far and still worry that something will go wrong at times. I think that is normal after having lost before. It is very stressful, but you have almost made it to the 24 week marker!!! I was able to breath a little more then, and then breath a little more at 28 weeks, 32 weeks, etc. I would suggest seeing that your doctor start you on progesterone as soon as possible. Also, see about steroid shots for baby's lungs...for preventative measures. Bed rest is really hard at times, but well worth it to keep the pressure off your cervix.

Sounds like you are doing good mama! Hugs and prayers for you! :hugs:

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