Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi Justin'smama :wave:

You've had quite a time of it this pregnancy by the sounds of it. This is my fourth suture and they really do work wonders for cervical issues. In one of my pregnancies I had an emergency one placed at 20 weeks and made it to stitch removal and beyond so it definitely is achievable :)

I've never really done bed rest so I can't comment on its success, but I do try to keep off my feet if I can. Sometimes with 3 active girlies at home that can be a challenge, but they are all at school so I get some respite in the day time which is when I get most of my feet up time.

Congratulations for making it to 27 weeks, every week after 24 is a bonus so you're doing really well. As chovie said once you hit 28, the next big one is 32, 36 etc and you're pretty much home free :) I'm looking forward to hitting 24 and getting that one out the way again and then its onwards and upwards (or outwards for us preggos I suppose :haha:)

Good luck and hope your LO stays in the cooking for a little bit longer, you're doing great :)
Thanks for the welcome ladies.

I just had a neighbor come over with enchiladas for dinner and her kids to play with my daughter! Negative day turned around, just like that :)
welcome justins mama! sounds like your cervix is holding up well which is great :thumbup: its very stressful but totally worth it. this is my first stitch, I am 22 weeks right now. Almost 23! then 24! lol. I went into ptl and lost my daughter at 23 weeks in February. We didnt know i had cervix issues. Now I am on Modified bed rest also because my cervix shortened a bit. at 21 weeks i was 2.7 cm. (was 4 at 16) I cant imagine bed rest with a child at home hun, glad your friend brought over enchiladas yum!!
Hi JM and welcome hun :hugs:

Your cervix sounds great to me, funneling is nothing to be concerned about once a stitch is in place and as I've said many times before, my cervix was funneled to the stitch from 25wks under the weight of two babies. I still made it to my planned section at 38wks with absolutely no signs of them coming by themselves.

You are so right to rest as often as possible. I too felt nervous when moving around and constant pressure low down in my cervix so I pretty much remained horizontal for the duration. The pressure and cervical twinges meant. Absolutely nothing sinister though, it was probably more due to a prolapsed uterus and my pelvic organs being under massive strain rather than cervix-related.

Take care honey, and feel free to share your concerns and anxieties any time here. We've all experienced pregnancy after IC so totally understand where you're coming from xxx

Chovie and DMJ - your symptoms could be signs of impending lending labour, and are very typical of those last few weeks when everything is feeling the strain of your growing baby. It's the normal pre-birth preparation as your body gears up for the job ahead. It quite literally could be days or weeks before the real thing tho ;) Lots of love and luck, I envy you the excitement to come - so pleased you've got this far :hugs:
i ladys hope ure all ok....i not sure what to do im 30+ weeks (had my stitch placed as emergant 1 at 18 weeks) and for past 2 days i have been getting few tightenings nothing much but also period type pains in front and back and worse if i have moved i also keep thinking my waters have gone but i think its just really watery discharge as its not there all the time ....not sure weather to go get checked or just leave it to see if it gets worse what do you think? x
i ladys hope ure all ok....i not sure what to do im 30+ weeks (had my stitch placed as emergant 1 at 18 weeks) and for past 2 days i have been getting few tightenings nothing much but also period type pains in front and back and worse if i have moved i also keep thinking my waters have gone but i think its just really watery discharge as its not there all the time ....not sure weather to go get checked or just leave it to see if it gets worse what do you think? x

I have had those same symptoms since about 30 wks + and I think they are pretty normal at that point...the crampiness (especially at night) has gotten worse for me the further along I am. I have also had more watery discharge since about 19 wks which I think is also due to the stitch. I went to the emergency room at 19 wks because I thought that I was leaking amniotic fluid, but everything turned out okay. It did give me some peace of mind to go. If anything, you might call your doctor and let them know and if you are really worried or if your symptoms get worse, you might go to L&D to get checked out. :hugs:
kimbo i also had lots of water discharge and cramping. i went to L&D as well about the discharge thinking it was my waters but it wasn't, I am glad that I went because it relaxed me a lot
i ladys hope ure all ok....i not sure what to do im 30+ weeks (had my stitch placed as emergant 1 at 18 weeks) and for past 2 days i have been getting few tightenings nothing much but also period type pains in front and back and worse if i have moved i also keep thinking my waters have gone but i think its just really watery discharge as its not there all the time ....not sure weather to go get checked or just leave it to see if it gets worse what do you think? x

I have had those same symptoms since about 30 wks + and I think they are pretty normal at that point...the crampiness (especially at night) has gotten worse for me the further along I am. I have also had more watery discharge since about 19 wks which I think is also due to the stitch. I went to the emergency room at 19 wks because I thought that I was leaking amniotic fluid, but everything turned out okay. It did give me some peace of mind to go. If anything, you might call your doctor and let them know and if you are really worried or if your symptoms get worse, you might go to L&D to get checked out. :hugs:

thnakyou :flower: for ure reply makes me feel better ..may just wait it out and see how i gos.. just dnt want my cervix to be shortening with the stich in as only have just over a cm of cervix left and had my last baby at about 29 weeks and i only really had these kind of pains so makes me panick but ill see if they get worse later then may go up to maternity just hate going if i dont need to as they make you wait hours up there xx
Hope you're ok Kim, I went up there again on saturday just gone and it was about 2 hours all together, but it did make me feel better getting checked so the 2 hours was worth it I think :)
Hope you're ok Kim, I went up there again on saturday just gone and it was about 2 hours all together, but it did make me feel better getting checked so the 2 hours was worth it I think :)

did u go up with pains? 2 hours is quite good :) thik i usualy end up waiting like 4/5 for some reason then they always try to keep me in and i say no lol butu are right it dos put ure mind at ease so maybe ill just go up once my husband gets back pains arnt the owrse but they are annoying glad ure ok :) x
No not pains, just had some more of that spotting that plagued me earlier in the pregnancy. So got swabbed yet again! Saw the consultant on wednesday and nothing came up on the swab and I assume my cervix was ok as they didn't mention anything about it. Nothing since so all ok again now lol I felt like a right plum when he did the swab cos he said he couldn't see any spotting! At least I got some reassurance :haha:
No not pains, just had some more of that spotting that plagued me earlier in the pregnancy. So got swabbed yet again! Saw the consultant on wednesday and nothing came up on the swab and I assume my cervix was ok as they didn't mention anything about it. Nothing since so all ok again now lol I felt like a right plum when he did the swab cos he said he couldn't see any spotting! At least I got some reassurance :haha:

i would have definaely got seen tough its just all so wrrying isnt it what doc did u have and i often think the same about internals/swabs they shouldbe able to see if it all looks ok shouldnt they as in if its thinning ext would love to know but as they didnt say anything it all must be just fine :) it would put my mind at ease more if they did a cervical length scna o me but i know the wont they will prob do a swab like they did for you and that be that think most of the docs up thee have seen mybits and peices lol and saw the litle chinese gu doc in chippy other night i was rather embarased lol xx
No not pains, just had some more of that spotting that plagued me earlier in the pregnancy. So got swabbed yet again! Saw the consultant on wednesday and nothing came up on the swab and I assume my cervix was ok as they didn't mention anything about it. Nothing since so all ok again now lol I felt like a right plum when he did the swab cos he said he couldn't see any spotting! At least I got some reassurance :haha:

Reassurance is no small thing! You are not a hysterical pregnant lady; you are someone who is taking care of your bambino and trying to not stress. I'd have gone in too.
I can't remember his name Kim, but I haven't seen him before, I have most of the others lol! He was lovely though and so was the midwife, both of them said I should always go if I'm worried. I think they take one look at my history and think better of telling me to only come if it's an emergency, because for ladies like us even little things can set us off in panic mode!
Hi Kim, given your history it's always worth a check up honey. Crampiness was common for me in the twin pregnancy, and the symptoms mimicked my daughter's preterm birth exactly but turned out to be harmless in that pregnancy. It's so difficult to distinguish normal from ptl, and most of the time these symptoms are nothing more than growing pains, but you're never wasting anyone's time by ruling out worst case scenario.

You're all doing so well, the fear of IC is unlike anything else. There is something particularly cruel about the way it catches you unawares and as a mother there is nothing worse than experiencing that lack of control over your body without warning. Second time around every twinge feels like a potential nightmare, but in reality it seldom is. If getting checked every day means it buys you peace of mind then do it - no one can blame you for needing that reassurance :hugs:
So yesterday evening after the sweep I began having contractions every 10 mins and I had my show that was blood tinged. I phoned up the labour ward who said to come in and be checked over as I also had some wetness in knickers so wanted to check it wasn't my waters leaking. It wasn't my waters and the contractions never intensified so we came home.
Well today they have now stopped .. How annoying! Lol.
Nervous for tomorrow but so looking forward to it now :-)
Thankyou everyone for all your support :hugs:

So excited for you!!! :happydance:

I have a feeling my LO will not be here until sometime next week, but who knows??? I am soooo ready! I bet you are too.
Hi Kim, given your history it's always worth a check up honey. Crampiness was common for me in the twin pregnancy, and the symptoms mimicked my daughter's preterm birth exactly but turned out to be harmless in that pregnancy. It's so difficult to distinguish normal from ptl, and most of the time these symptoms are nothing more than growing pains, but you're never wasting anyone's time by ruling out worst case scenario.

You're all doing so well, the fear of IC is unlike anything else. There is something particularly cruel about the way it catches you unawares and as a mother there is nothing worse than experiencing that lack of control over your body without warning. Second time around every twinge feels like a potential nightmare, but in reality it seldom is. If getting checked every day means it buys you peace of mind then do it - no one can blame you for needing that reassurance :hugs:

hi lizzie thnakyou s much for reply :) :hugs: ure star made me feel much better hate feeling like a pian in the bum always goig up there ****update*** i went up there last night and got given pain killer to see if it eased as soon as i sat down there i ended up stating to have contractions/tightenings abut 5 in 2 hours very painful they then did a internal said cervix was still closed and they wanted to keep me in for monitering but i said id rather go home and im still having tightenings on and off and period type pains so dnt know what to do for the best so confusing xx

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