Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

welcome abigoma!!

question for all you ladies..

well i am now in the same week I was when i lost sophia so i am very worried :cry: anyway, the past few days when i go from sitting - standing position i feel some pain/pressure. Also sometimes if i change positions it just kinda hurts down there. Is this normal or should i be really concerned???

lch, I think its pretty normal to have pressure when you are on bedrest and then stand up, especially as baby gets bigger. I've been having this same panic but trying to remain sane.
welcome abigoma!!

question for all you ladies..

well i am now in the same week I was when i lost sophia so i am very worried :cry: anyway, the past few days when i go from sitting - standing position i feel some pain/pressure. Also sometimes if i change positions it just kinda hurts down there. Is this normal or should i be really concerned???

I was very worried the when I hit the same week that I lost my baby girl. I think getting to that point is hard because it really brings backs all of the memories and fears. Honestly the worrying doesn't stop (at least for me)...even at 37 weeks, but it eases up some once you hit viability and so on. I have had lots of little aches and pains throughout this entire pregnancy and there were times where standing made me feel really uncomfortable as well. I am betting these are just normal stretching/growing pains. You are at the point now where you are really going to start growing!!! :) Also, sorry to tell you this but, discomfort when changing positions only gets worse the further along you go. I am to the point now where I have a hard time just rolling from one side to the other. :cry: If you start feeling a lot of pain or it doesn't go away, I would definitely call your doctor or go to L&D, but I am betting that you are doing just fine! You are going to get to the point to where I am at...I am nervous thinking "I am really having a baby!" Now my worries are making sure he is still moving enough, the whole L&D process (pain and complications), getting things ready for baby to come home and of course the idea of how I am going to raise him. I guess it never ends lol!

I had my stitches removed last Monday and I was for sure thinking that I would have my baby boy by now, but looks like he has decided to stay in a little while longer after all of the bed rest and worrying. :wacko: I went to the doctor's yesterday and she said that cervix is still thin, but still mostly closed...she said she maybe felt a small dimple worth of dilation and told me that if he does not come by 39 weeks, she is going to do a sweep. I am hoping he hangs in until then, not only for him to cook more, but my main doctor is out of town all next week and I really want her. Watch him come then! Lol

Just wanted to give everyone a little hope... Cerclages really can work and even after the stitches are out, baby can still hang in there even longer! :flower:
Ich, justinsmama is right on with her assessment. After bedrest you become a bit weaker and aren't used to the weight of your LO(s) on your pelvis. I had a lot of pressure when I would stand up, and my tendons would scream when I shifted from side to side. I also had quite a bit of discomfort as my pelvis and joints loosened while on bedrest.
Welcome to the thread abigoma, good luck with the tac I've read that they are really effective e in people who aren't suited to having a tvc :)
thanks so much ladies. this thread and everyoens advice is truly a blessing :hugs: that really makes sense too, that being on bed rest im not used to the pressure when i stand! thanks so much! i hope this week flys by quickly. then ill be very excited to reach 28 weeks. then 32!!!!!!!! then 34 then 36!! ahah ok sorry getting a big excited here..

being 23 weeks is scary for me. i just keep thinking of how just last february i was 23 weeks and then it was all gone :nope: musn't think like this.

lol chovie, ive read so much on babies not coming right away after cerclage removal, when you'd think that labor would be immediate! thats what i thought. I remember i first asked my dr if i go right to L&D after he removes it :haha: i think we'll worry for a long long time, through the pregnancy, birth, .. then for the next 18+ years!

question. whats a sweep??
Ich -

As far as I understand, a sweep is where the doctor breaks the membranes to encourage the start of labor. I have read that a lot of women usually go into labor within 48 hours after having it done; however, I don't think it works all the time.
oooh.. wonder how they do that ! well hopefully it works and you get to meet your little man soon!

will all doctors take out the stitch by 37 weeks?
I think the doctor just manually does the sweep with her finger (gloves on of course). I read that it is uncomfortable, but not that painful... Crossing fingers if I get to that point!

I think most doctors normally take out the stitch between 36 to 37 weeks as a precaution to prevent taring if the baby were to come by that point. They might take it out earlier if medically necessary, but my doctor wanted to keep it until 37 weeks since I was not having any complications or early signs of labor.
They don't actually break the membranes when they do a sweep, more like sweep round the edges of the membranes where it kind of sticks to the cervix. It is done to encourage your body to produce the hormones needed to set labour off, sometimes it works, sometimes not!
i felt my membranes rupture with sophia. it was weird but i swear i did. i felt like a pop and then i was bleeding..

alright well now im really worried.. I was at my regular doc yesterday becuase my ear was hurting (not an infection just fluid) and my blood pressure was sort of high, 120/90.. so i called my OB and he said its not that high and you cant go by one reading, but to keep an eye out for head aches/vision changes etc..

so today im at cvs and just had to check it of course.. it was 134/84! wtf??? so my mom goes and checks hers and hers is 149/79.. she thinks its not accurate and i shouldnt be worried because hers is always normal (so is mine)

but i am.. lol.. i mean i dont wanan call my doc on the weekend and b like OMG ! I WENT TO CVS AND MY BLOOD PRESSURES HIGH!
I'd be more worried about your mums! Your reading is not necessarily high, mine is sometimes near that. I think it depends if you've been active or are feeling anxious at the time you have it done. Mine was sky high one day when I arrived at triage to get checked over, but by the time she retook it it had gone back to normal.
i think i was anxious about getting it taken.. lol. im terrified of pre eclampsia and yesterday my general doc made me freak out and then my ob was like no.. thats fine..

but i am worried, i think i can wait until i see my doc on the 29th, but I am trying to convince my mom to go to the dr!
I'm sure you are both fine lch, but I understand why you are worried. The problem with blood pressure is even going to get checked out, if you are worried before you go you'll mist likely end up with a high reading, so that won't help putting your mind at rest about it.

I had some funny blood pressure readings in my 3rd pregnancy and I borrowed a home monitor from my FIL (he's on medication for bp and monitors his own) so I could keep track of it being high. It turned out that when I was taking it at home when I was relaxed it was a normal reading every time and only when I would get worked up or been up and about for a time I would always get a raised reading! I don't know if this is a possibility for you, but it certainly helped me :)
i think thats def a possibility, because the thought of another issue kind of really worried me.. im also super worried about gestation diabetes, ive gained so much weight =[
i think thats def a possibility, because the thought of another issue kind of really worried me.. im also super worried about gestation diabetes, ive gained so much weight =[

I feel the same way about GD. If I test positive this Thursday I will feel very upset. Talk about adding insult to injury. :growlmad: We are dealing with enough!
omg exactly!! my test is in 3 weeks.. and im really not looking forward too it. if ANYTHING else categorizes me as high risk im going to be seriously upset.. :hissy:
i had gd @ 19 weeks with DS, now with this pregnancy i took the 1 hour test @ 14 weeks and my levels where high, they suspect i have it already im only 16 weeks, so on monday im gonna take the 2 hour test. I think i do have it and have already adjusted my diet.
Ive never had GD before, but my mum had it. I've been tested for it in all but one of my previous pregnancies and have been clear, but they are still bugging me about having the GTT as when I booked my bmi was 0.5 over the cut off for automatic testing! I've declined to have it so far, I'm eating not too bad and haven't put on as much weight as I usually would have by this point, so I think I'm going to see how it goes for now.
i put on way to much weight already =[ im really nervous about it

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