Angel - definitely get checked out hun, as a pp said even if it's just for peace of mind. Typical that you have so many things planned over the next few days, but babies just have this thing of arriving when it's most inconvenient!!
Dday - pretty much as Kim said, you don't feel any pain while getting the actual surgery, just some pulling and tugging. I've always found the spinal so effective when getting the suture that it takes absolutely ages to wear off after! As it wears off you will feel quite sore, mine usually is in the lower tummy area and it feels very crampy, this should tail off in the week after and also you will get spotting, some get more than others but again this usually has tailed off by a week afterwards. When will you be getting the stitch done?
Kim - glad to hear from you, still hanging on in there. Congrats on getting to 34 weeks before getting the suture out. I'm glad you're feeling more comfortable since getting it out and hopefully you can get to 36 weeks before you need to have your section. Will you be getting a planned section if you don't go into labour before term? Also will you be trying to turn your baby?
Hopeful - how are you? Did you get your stitch out today as you said earlier?