Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I'm sure I'll still be here at past 40 weeks hun, my last one stayed in until 41+3 even though the stitch was removed at 36!!

Not having a section, unless something happens later on that determines that for me.

I'm not sure about the abdominal suture and when you would get it placed. I think they only tend to place those where the is evidence that a cervical suture does not work for an individual. You can always ask your OB next time you see them and see what they're thoughts are on it.

Thanks! I did some research and abdominal cerclages are placed pre pregnancy and is most effective. I'm hoping since he has to cut me might as well do it now so I don't have to get a spinal again. That was the scariest part for me. But, we'll see. Good luck on your weeks to come and congrats on all the baby girls
Hi ladies,

Just to keep you updated. I rang the hospital this morning and they have asked me to come in to see a consultant. Hopefully it is nothing but I just don't feel right. Will keep you posted as to what they say x x x
Hope all is ok x

Back from the hospital. They said that I am having really bad BH but everything fine. Not convinced as she didn't check my cervix, BP or seem to be listening to my complaints. Have been given Codeine for the BH pain and anti sickness tablets for the nausea. I find out in 2 weeks when I will be booked in for my C-section which I am hoping will not be long after that but if consultant (not mine the registrar) gets her way I won't be booked in til near on 40 weeks :-(. The pressure I am feeling in my bum is horrendous and the pain on cervix when I have the BH is unbareable. But what do I know, I am just the mother, lol.
Kim.. why was your stitch removed at week 34?

hi hopeful i had it removed as i had been contracting on and off for weeks and had a lot of bleeding was loosing my plug and the last night i couldnt even sleep as iwas in so much pain so my consultant took the decition it needed to come out. as soon as it came out which was a nigtmare in is self i felt much better down there and am now home after 1 night stay in hospital to see when or if i go intolabour. so happy the stitch got me this far i had it as an emergency at 18 weeks as i was very short and dilated to 1cm had my last baby at 29 weeks. now its waiting game hoping to get to 36 weeks xx
just redingback through have you had yours removed to?? x
Ah. I was admitted two nights ago with painless contractions but ctg showed them five mins apart. Then 3mins apart. They decided to take stitch out last night. Was awful. Just been discharged now as contractions have died down. Getting them still but not regularly. Spotting a bit too still. Did they check your cervix after removal? I do feel better now mine is out too. Just exhausted from lack of sleep. How r u?
good luck hopeful thinking of u..

sorry for the lack of update ladies. the baby is fine.. the minute i laid down she was strapping the monitor on and he kicked her! they probably thought i was nuts!!!!

angel i hope all is well..

i didnt think the stitch hurt. It took about 30 min and i just felt pulling like mentioned above. The only thing that hurt was that i had a spinal and after wards my bladder was so painfully full but I couldnt pee. I was having awful cramps and thought it was stitch related. After i finally managed to pee they went away and i felt much better.

I am 27 weeks !
Kim.. why was your stitch removed at week 34?

hi hopeful i had it removed as i had been contracting on and off for weeks and had a lot of bleeding was loosing my plug and the last night i couldnt even sleep as iwas in so much pain so my consultant took the decition it needed to come out. as soon as it came out which was a nigtmare in is self i felt much better down there and am now home after 1 night stay in hospital to see when or if i go intolabour. so happy the stitch got me this far i had it as an emergency at 18 weeks as i was very short and dilated to 1cm had my last baby at 29 weeks. now its waiting game hoping to get to 36 weeks xx
just redingback through have you had yours removed to?? x
Ah. I was admitted two nights ago with painless contractions but ctg showed them five mins apart. Then 3mins apart. They decided to take stitch out last night. Was awful. Just been discharged now as contractions have died down. Getting them still but not regularly. Spotting a bit too still. Did they check your cervix after removal? I do feel better now mine is out too. Just exhausted from lack of sleep. How r u?

yeah our stprys sound pretty much the same :) my removal was also unbearable my poor husbands hand was white lol :haha: was nice he could share some pain for a change. they did check me and said i was closed but i wasnt closed wiht stitch in so not to sure how they figured that one :shrug: really thought i was going to go straight into labour tough did you? but so far only few niggles so we shall see....glad your ok :) im back home to feels like i have never been away running after my little 1 year old just nice to not feel the stitch puling when i bend over or something xx

Back from the hospital. They said that I am having really bad BH but everything fine. Not convinced as she didn't check my cervix, BP or seem to be listening to my complaints. Have been given Codeine for the BH pain and anti sickness tablets for the nausea. I find out in 2 weeks when I will be booked in for my C-section which I am hoping will not be long after that but if consultant (not mine the registrar) gets her way I won't be booked in til near on 40 weeks :-(. The pressure I am feeling in my bum is horrendous and the pain on cervix when I have the BH is unbareable. But what do I know, I am just the mother, lol.

Aww hun I hope ur feeling much better. Hope u get an earlier section date too. What us IC ladies go through eh!!
Kim.. why was your stitch removed at week 34?

hi hopeful i had it removed as i had been contracting on and off for weeks and had a lot of bleeding was loosing my plug and the last night i couldnt even sleep as iwas in so much pain so my consultant took the decition it needed to come out. as soon as it came out which was a nigtmare in is self i felt much better down there and am now home after 1 night stay in hospital to see when or if i go intolabour. so happy the stitch got me this far i had it as an emergency at 18 weeks as i was very short and dilated to 1cm had my last baby at 29 weeks. now its waiting game hoping to get to 36 weeks xx
just redingback through have you had yours removed to?? x
Ah. I was admitted two nights ago with painless contractions but ctg showed them five mins apart. Then 3mins apart. They decided to take stitch out last night. Was awful. Just been discharged now as contractions have died down. Getting them still but not regularly. Spotting a bit too still. Did they check your cervix after removal? I do feel better now mine is out too. Just exhausted from lack of sleep. How r u?

yeah our stprys sound pretty much the same :) my removal was also unbearable my poor husbands hand was white lol :haha: was nice he could share some pain for a change. they did check me and said i was closed but i wasnt closed wiht stitch in so not to sure how they figured that one :shrug: really thought i was going to go straight into labour tough did you? but so far only few niggles so we shall see....glad your ok :) im back home to feels like i have never been away running after my little 1 year old just nice to not feel the stitch puling when i bend over or something xx
They never checked me after removal. I had gas n air the whole time lol. I was so high off it. Dont think it helped the pain it just sent me cuckoo lolol. Ur poor hubby..Mine was laughin at me! I thought I would labour but the tightenings are nowhere near regular now just all over the place. Had some crampin but think iys just from the removal itself more than anything. Just under three weeks n i will be term. As will u! Wonder if we make it!

Back from the hospital. They said that I am having really bad BH but everything fine. Not convinced as she didn't check my cervix, BP or seem to be listening to my complaints. Have been given Codeine for the BH pain and anti sickness tablets for the nausea. I find out in 2 weeks when I will be booked in for my C-section which I am hoping will not be long after that but if consultant (not mine the registrar) gets her way I won't be booked in til near on 40 weeks :-(. The pressure I am feeling in my bum is horrendous and the pain on cervix when I have the BH is unbareable. But what do I know, I am just the mother, lol.

Angel, listen to your body. She didn't even check you? Horrible! Try to stay hydrated, pack your hospital bag and avoid the codeine if you can. I'm a c section mommy so I don't know about labor but I am a nurse and codeine will decrease your ability to feel if something is off. Play it safe! Proud of you for coming so far!
Omg I think I need forum! I'm the only left with a stitch??? Lol hope you lovely Mommas come back to visit. :winkwink:

Back from the hospital. They said that I am having really bad BH but everything fine. Not convinced as she didn't check my cervix, BP or seem to be listening to my complaints. Have been given Codeine for the BH pain and anti sickness tablets for the nausea. I find out in 2 weeks when I will be booked in for my C-section which I am hoping will not be long after that but if consultant (not mine the registrar) gets her way I won't be booked in til near on 40 weeks :-(. The pressure I am feeling in my bum is horrendous and the pain on cervix when I have the BH is unbareable. But what do I know, I am just the mother, lol.

Angel, listen to your body. She didn't even check you? Horrible! Try to stay hydrated, pack your hospital bag and avoid the codeine if you can. I'm a c section mommy so I don't know about labor but I am a nurse and codeine will decrease your ability to feel if something is off. Play it safe! Proud of you for coming so far!

Thanks hun,

I plan on avoiding the codeine anyway. The anti sickness tablets seem to have helped tho. I have had 2 previous c-sections both after long groulling hours of labor so this time I am straight in for section - no waiting. Never had waters break on me, so don't know what that feels like and both of my other pregnancies have both been anterior placentas (this is posterier). Both labours where in my back and never felt any pain in my stomach whatsoever. These pains are everywhere, front and back. Never had BH before either. Everything feels so new as I can't refer them to my past experiences. Back to see the consultant 2 weeks today (hopefully will se consultant not registrar) to be booked in.

Must be helpful being a nurse and having people at hand to talk to. You have the advantage of having a medical mind x x x where are you located UK or USA?

Back from the hospital. They said that I am having really bad BH but everything fine. Not convinced as she didn't check my cervix, BP or seem to be listening to my complaints. Have been given Codeine for the BH pain and anti sickness tablets for the nausea. I find out in 2 weeks when I will be booked in for my C-section which I am hoping will not be long after that but if consultant (not mine the registrar) gets her way I won't be booked in til near on 40 weeks :-(. The pressure I am feeling in my bum is horrendous and the pain on cervix when I have the BH is unbareable. But what do I know, I am just the mother, lol.

Angel, listen to your body. She didn't even check you? Horrible! Try to stay hydrated, pack your hospital bag and avoid the codeine if you can. I'm a c section mommy so I don't know about labor but I am a nurse and codeine will decrease your ability to feel if something is off. Play it safe! Proud of you for coming so far!

Thanks hun,

I plan on avoiding the codeine anyway. The anti sickness tablets seem to have helped tho. I have had 2 previous c-sections both after long groulling hours of labor so this time I am straight in for section - no waiting. Never had waters break on me, so don't know what that feels like and both of my other pregnancies have both been anterior placentas (this is posterier). Both labours where in my back and never felt any pain in my stomach whatsoever. These pains are everywhere, front and back. Never had BH before either. Everything feels so new as I can't refer them to my past experiences. Back to see the consultant 2 weeks today (hopefully will se consultant not registrar) to be booked in.

Must be helpful being a nurse and having people at hand to talk to. You have the advantage of having a medical mind x x x where are you located UK or USA?

USA. Actually...,, a medical mind is not always good. You know everything that CAN go wrong:( . Like I want more kids but I know the risks .... Oh well one thing at a time right? Congrats again on being so close! Any names?

Back from the hospital. They said that I am having really bad BH but everything fine. Not convinced as she didn't check my cervix, BP or seem to be listening to my complaints. Have been given Codeine for the BH pain and anti sickness tablets for the nausea. I find out in 2 weeks when I will be booked in for my C-section which I am hoping will not be long after that but if consultant (not mine the registrar) gets her way I won't be booked in til near on 40 weeks :-(. The pressure I am feeling in my bum is horrendous and the pain on cervix when I have the BH is unbareable. But what do I know, I am just the mother, lol.

Angel, listen to your body. She didn't even check you? Horrible! Try to stay hydrated, pack your hospital bag and avoid the codeine if you can. I'm a c section mommy so I don't know about labor but I am a nurse and codeine will decrease your ability to feel if something is off. Play it safe! Proud of you for coming so far!

Thanks hun,

I plan on avoiding the codeine anyway. The anti sickness tablets seem to have helped tho. I have had 2 previous c-sections both after long groulling hours of labor so this time I am straight in for section - no waiting. Never had waters break on me, so don't know what that feels like and both of my other pregnancies have both been anterior placentas (this is posterier). Both labours where in my back and never felt any pain in my stomach whatsoever. These pains are everywhere, front and back. Never had BH before either. Everything feels so new as I can't refer them to my past experiences. Back to see the consultant 2 weeks today (hopefully will se consultant not registrar) to be booked in.

Must be helpful being a nurse and having people at hand to talk to. You have the advantage of having a medical mind x x x where are you located UK or USA?

USA. Actually...,, a medical mind is not always good. You know everything that CAN go wrong:( . Like I want more kids but I know the risks .... Oh well one thing at a time right? Congrats again on being so close! Any names?

We have chosen Scarlett Elizabeth x x x my other 2 are Emily Rachael (aged 6) and Hannah Isobel (just 1) x x x you?
We're still discussing. I actually like the name starlet:) oh my you have all girls!! This is girl number 2 for our family. How is daddy coping???
he is coping quite well, he works long hours so I think it takes his mind off it. He keeps telling people that his life will be hell living with 4 versions of me, lol. We are definitely going to have to renovate the bathroom and en suite.

You have found out what you are having already??? thats early. In the UK they don't look til your 20 week scan and if they can't tell by that scan then tough until baby is born, lol as you have no more scans (unless complications like ours). It took 4 scans to tell that I was having a another girl x x Starlet is a nice name, different x x x
Kim..are u cramping? I have just had some pretty severe cramping causing me to pace up and down the house!! Few more tightenings too
Omg I think I need forum! I'm the only left with a stitch??? Lol hope you lovely Mommas come back to visit. :winkwink:

I've still got my stitch in until 13th dec when little fella will be 35+6. Fingers crossed I make it to removal date. Hope your bubba hangs in there too cooking for many more weeks.
I've still got my stitch in too hun. Think mine will still be in until at least early feb :)
i still have my stitch. got 10 more weeks till removal lol. cant believe it!
Just popping in to let you girls know I'm still here! I'm still having the occasional contraction (sometimes they become regular and then die off again; a few hours they were about 2-3 minutes apart) but I haven't dilated any more and I'm still holding steady at 2.5cm. So far, the doctors have given be a 15 hour course of Magnesium and a 24 hour course of Ibuprofen. We've just started me back on the Procardia, which I was taking prior to being admitted, to see if that will work now that things have settled down a little.

Not sure how long I can hold on, but I'm trying. On top of the contractions, the doctors have noticed something funny going on with Baby B's heart. Her heart rate keeps fluctuaring and it's got them worried. Hopefully it's nothing major and they won't feel the need to deliver me (though they were talking about it last night).

Anyway, keeping our fingers crossed that these little girls decide to stay in a little longer. I'll keep you all updated on how things go. :thumbup:

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