Any tips on keeping you're supply if breast milk when you're pumping?? My lo is in nicu and I want to build my supply while she's there... It's so hard to make it to the pump every 2-3 hrs. Is every 4 hours bad?
Sorry if already covered this. Hard to kept up with the many pages posted!!
These early days you really need to do a minimum of 3 hours. It's not much joy getting up to pump in the night but you need to get it going and to stock up on milk.
The unit should have a pumping room and portable ones. I used to sit by amber and pump and would always produce more after we'd had a cud and I was looking at her. Leaning forward while you do it always helped me too.
To help milk flow, Stop caffeine. Drink PLENTY of water.
I've been using the milk maid tea which I think works. Add a little bit of honey to it and it tastes ok.
If your really drying up ask one of the nurses and they can get docs to get you some tablets that are meant to help.
Good luck