;( I've been having bad pain in the top of my stomach (bump) about 2 inches above my navel, right in the middle ;( it even looks bruised ;( so I went to l&d they checked me with the speculum and did a ffn test which came back positive and my cervix is closed but my stitch is slipping ? They told me to return if I have bad pain from stitch or bleeding or leaking :// what is this top pain ? Is it just stretching ? Can I go to term even if I had the pos ffn ? Argggg only got to hold in 4 more weeks ...
Those of you with older children, specifically preemies - when did they start teething? I feel like my girls are showing signs of teething (lots of drooling, hands in mouths, Tegan was grabbing/pulling her ear yesterday and Britton has what feels like a tooth coming up - but no fever, extra fussiness, etc). I don't know if I'm just being paranoid though? Because I am TERRIFIED of teething.