Jadey-fae, I'm not having my stitch checked or measurement scans either. They said once its in they want to leave it alone and also my consultant says why scan anyway, the stitch is in place to hold the cervix secure and if there was shortening or funnelling it would only cause me worry, which is actually true. The only time I did have it checked was a fortnight ago when I was being a right fuss pot and worrying about pressure, so the dr had a quick peek at it using a speculum and all was fine. I last saw my ob at 20eks and see her again at 28wks, but my midwife has agreed to see me fortnightly, it's just for reassurance more than anything, oh and to chuck a barrage of questions at the poor women! Her heart probably sinks when I get my bit of note paper out, lol!
Also I agree with Twinkle, ask about steroids, I was offered them in both pregnancies, but if no-one has said it's worth raising it.
I was reading back to this morning and saw you had said about work, I wouldn't work if your job is physical. I haven't lifted anything heavy at all, not even my son. My poor little boy fell asleep in the car this afternoon and I couldn't carry him into the house so woke him up and made him walk, poor love was staggering all over the place!
My job is desk based so that's why I've been able carry on. One last thing, avoid google like the plague, it's full of incorrect info as well as the correct stuff, it's caused me so many dark days after reading things. I won't let myself do it any more!
Pink sparkle, sorry to hear you're in hosp. Hope the bleed soon settles down. Glad they've checked you out though and the only positive thing about being in hosp is that they can keep a close eye on you and you can fire questions at them every time one pops into your head, lol! Hang in there and hope you get home soon xx