Gwen - I contracted every time I had ultrasounds. My body couldn't take the combination of external pressure (the ultrasound wand) and internal stimulation (the babies moving because of the ultrasound). Did you feel like you were having a contraction?
Can't really answer your actual question(s), just wanted to let you know that contracting during an ultrasound is normal (for me).
Gwen - I contracted every time I had ultrasounds. My body couldn't take the combination of external pressure (the ultrasound wand) and internal stimulation (the babies moving because of the ultrasound). Did you feel like you were having a contraction?
Can't really answer your actual question(s), just wanted to let you know that contracting during an ultrasound is normal (for me).
Thanks! That's interesting, I didn't know it was common to contract during an ultrasound. Did you find that it ever affected your cl measurements? I didn't feel the contraction, but my doctor said that can be normal.
Jadey, bathing fine hun. I did it frequently withthe twins, it was the only thing which relieved my pain I waited for about 4wks post stitch then bathed pretty much daily xx
Hi ladies,
Well, I'm back for some more advice. My cl last week at 20.5 weeks was 3.1 cm and there was some funneling noted on the ultrasound. My MFM doc said that she thought I was having a contraction and that they had underestimated the length of my cervix. I went back today at 21.5 and my cl measured 3.8-4 and there was still some funneling noted. My doc this time (same doc) said that I was contracting again which caused my cervix to look longer than it actually was and that again she was getting around 3 cm, maybe slightly longer just like last week. She said that the funneling was normal and that the shape of the uterus (did I misunderstand this?) is normally open a little at the top. I don't understand this as my understanding is that funneling is never a good sign.
Anyways, I am not on bedrest or progesterone. I know my length is "normal" but should I continue to take it easy? I'm just so worried and don't know what level of activity to maintain.
Thanks ladies!
Hope you are all well! Pink, still thinking and praying for you and Ashton.
hello ladies
awesome weight day, you are doing great.
I got a bit more pressure yesterday and was kinda freaking out about the baby being super low, my appt is not until Monday. no discharge or anything else just the feeling of baby being lower, when I got up a little bit ago I felt the baby higher, thought I was contacting since it was hard on the top to mid, so I don't know what's going on... lol
twinkle I understand the feeling of not wanting to buy anything, by now my mother in law has bought some clothes, and we have a crib, that's about it. oh and my friend will give me her newborn carseat. I really want to buy sme things but still afraid of leaving the house. so will send for some essentials and everything else will just have to wait until I can go, maybe after stitch removal.
jadey my Dr didn't say to go on sbr, I did put myself on it after he said I was funneling to the stitch, for my mental health sake as well, so just think about yourself physically and mentally and do what feels right to you.
hope everyone else is doing well, xxxxxxxxx
Gwen I always udnerstood that funnelling isnt a good sign aswel as that's what they look for on my ultrasounds to see if my cervix is opening but If your consultant dosnt seem too concerned then I don't know.. Medical staff baffle me, they all have different ideas and ways of dealing with things, just keep rested and keep an eye out
Hi ladies what are normal incompetent cervix signs as you get further along? I'm in agony with my back, legs,hips, groin. I don't know if it's spd and sciatica causing it or incompetent cervix.. Both of my knees are slightly swollen aswel. It's getting harder as each day goes by as I'm always in pain and he hospital say just to take paracetamol and codeine. I want to make it atleast another 3weeks. Are the pains normal IC symptoms? If not i think they maybe the spd and sciatica as my hips have started clicking aswel... I'm falling apart lol. I don't want to complain too much as I would rather be in pain and keep my baby cooking for as long as I can it's worth it