Prayer, sounds like Missy is doing amazing, so happy for you!
Twinkle, I hope you're discomfort has eased, but do try getting on your hands and knees like Shelby said, it takes the pressure off the cervix and encourages baby to change positions. Could be growing pains as well.
Jadey, try not to do any lifting, esp. since your stitch is still kinda fresh in there.
Lizzie, sorry I'm late, but Happy 3rd Birthday to the twins!!
Pink, hows Ashton doing?
Sweet, hows Zac doing?
Wunderful, we havent heard from you in a while, hopefully your baby boy is home with you already.
CW & Twinkle, your tickers are moving along quite rapidly, esp after passing 24 weeks. 28 weeks here you come!!
TLM, 34 weeks and counting, thats soooo great. When's your stitch removal??
New ladies, Welcome to the thread!!
Hope you're all doing well.