Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Twinkle & Faibel, sorry you guys are feeling poorly, I know most of have these insane emotional physically draining days, I was like this Friday. I know when the baby is down real low, everything hurts physically my lower back extreme pain, my hips feel like they are breaking, then when the baby moves I get all this cervical pain from the kicks. I start to doubt myself, I think because my body has failed my in the past so much, I have come to expect it fail. I give it to God, this baby will be born, it's just a matter of when. My body is weak, so it needs something super natural to keep it going. To get the baby out of my pelvis, I put a frozen water bottle under my bump, it froze that little sucker right out, now it doesn't really seem all that interested in hanging out down there, we will see how long that lasts.

Twinkle, if you are feeling ill, I would call, especially. At 28 weeks I would be a nervous bundle.
Twinkle, maybe call them 2moro. Sorry u feel so poo. You are 28 weeks though, so your baby would be ok if born soon. Sending u positive vibes.

I'm having a load of extra pressure today and I keep getting a shooting pain down one side of my bump. Normal??
Shanny I don't know if we have gas or air in the U.S I do know if its difficult she will use a spinal . Did u have any discharge or dilation

no dishcahrge to speak of - just normal- no change

no dilation -- but i have always been induced -- do not go into labour on own (yet!!)
Thanks ladies, I am feeling better today. Thankful for a wonderful husband! Tired of talking to nurses who don't know my situation or fully understand it. I called l&d today because I had a tiny bit of spotting once this morning and have been having stabbing pains and a lot of pressure. She just said it didn't sound like anything...really now?
Does anyone have any experience with the TAC (Trans Abdominal Cerclage)? Apparently transvaginal cerclages are 70-80% effective and the TAC is almost 95% effective. Has anyone considered it? I have considered it, especially if I lose this baby (or it survives but is born at a horribly early gestational age). Basically I think it's a stitch they put in abdominally and it's effective because they are able to put it up very high in the cervix which can effectively prevent a lot of funneling. My normal Mcdonald cerclage had to be put in very low in the cervix since there wasn't much left, so I have a ton of funneling. The downside is that the TAC completely permanent and you would have to always have your baby via c-section. WDYT?
Sorry to hear several of you ladies are struggling with pressure. It's such an emotional rollercoaster having IC and takes a lot of strength to keep positive. I had some really blue days especially up to 24wks. I've mentioned the pressure issue to my midwife and ob but no one seems particularly concerned and during one episode had my stitch checked and my cervix was long and closed. The only advice I can offer you lovely ladies is to just to look after yourselves, eat and drink well and rest as much as you can. I requested extra midwife appointments, which helped a lot. I also had to take up a hobby after stitch placement to get me through those difficult weeks up to 24wks, just to take my mind off it, I was driving myself crazy, searching google and generally being really anxious and stressed. I started a cross stitch for my baby and actually have really been enjoying doing it, it's very relaxing.

Sunnylove, I can't offer much advice but have also heard that TAC is very effective. Hang on in there, you're only a week off V day.

Today I need to have a moan at my dr's surgery, I had my 28wk bloods done last week, which was late anyway because they were short of appointments and when I rang fri for results they had lost my sample! So I need it done again and the receptionist reckoned she couldn't fit me in for 3 weeks, unbelievable.

Twinkle, how's things with you x

Keep smiling ladies xx
Jadey, I think shooting pains are normal, I think it's just stretching and growing pains. Obviously if its severe and goes on for a long time get it checked out. I've had a few episodes of shooting pains which didn't amount to anything. How's it feeling today?
Cw your over 30 weeks :) how amazing is that? Doctors are terrible, i had my 28 week appointment on friday and when i came home the blood forms were in my green notes, then i realised they had completey forgotton to do the bloods or even mention it to me.
I havnt been told about the whooping caugh injection either which is meant to be given at 29weeks and im a few days off! Have you had yours?

I still feel terrible today :( thinking of ringing and speaking to someone. i have just lost all of my enrrgy, i feel sick, lightheaded and im in agony from spd.. my due date seems so far away aswel :( im struggling at the minute with all the pains and symptoms im having... sorry for moaning lol. just strange what pregnancy can do to our bodies. There is one good thing though, my little boy is still cooking. hoping i make it to 30wks (no ones confident in that though)
Twinkle, I really feel for you, you've been battling with pressure and aches for so long now, but you're right, against it all your little man is still cooking away and you're not far off 29wks now and if he were to come soon he stands a really good chance. Did you have similar symptoms when you were pregnant with your daughter? What gestation was she born?
I would ring and speak to someone if you're still not feeling right, its worth getting checked out, just in case theres something going on. If Im right in thinking you've been feeling unwell all weekend. Whats a quick phone call? It'll reassure you and its better to act on it and it turn out to be nothing serious.

I had a real issue with my whooping cough jab. I wanted to have it when I had my 28wk bloods, which I had a nightmare with anyway, but was told by my surgery that it was a 'nurse practioner' doing my bloods and she wasn't qualified to give injections! Surely its harder to take blood from someone than to jab someone in the arm with a vaccine??? Bunch of amateurs Im sure! So I asked when they could do it and its until next Thursday when I will be 31+4. They were trying to fob me off with an appointment in a few weeks but I firmly pointed out the leaflet they sent me said the optimum time to have it was between 28-32wks and then suddenly she could fit me in next week! My surgery are terrible, generally you have to have all your limbs hanging off and in cardiac arrest before you can get an appointment, lol! They always ask when you ring for an appointment "is it urgent?" or "is it and emergency?", I always say yes, but one time I questioned what they classed as an emergency. If it was I wouldn't be wasting my time ringing them I'd be off to A&E!!

Sorry rant over, as you can probably see they have annoyed me, lol.

So Im in the thirties now! New territory for me! Im hoping I can keep going for a few more weeks though, the goal posts keep moving. Im generally feeling well although the increased weight gives me aches and pressure if im on my feet to long. Im trying to enjoy whats left of my pregnancy and allow myself to get excited. For too long Ive banished any exciting thoughts and just been worrying about the 'what ifs'. We put up the cot at the weekend and although my instinct told me it might jinx the pregnancy, I made myself enjoy the experience. Its become a habit now, worrying and 'jinxing' thoughts!

Anyway this quick post has ended up a real essay, sorry folks!
Twinkle, never apologise for moaning. Do call someone if it will put your mind at ease a bit. I am sorry you are in so much pain.

Craigswife, 30 weeks! :) Amazing. I am always totally paranoid about jinxing myself too.

I am still feeling a load of pressure and when I wee I feel like my waters are pushing down into my vagina? But what's worrying me more is I keep getting a shooting pain in my cervix. I get them occasionally before but never every day. So far I have had about 5 this morn. I don't think I will last much longer
Hi ladies
Sorry I've been a little absent in the posting department, I'm doing good, just a little anxious, but I guess that is my normal self. stitches get removed today, so I'm happy and nervous at the same time. I will let you ladies know what it feels like later on.
Jadey I've been having the stabbing pains too, and I'm at 37 weeks, so they may NOT be a sign of ptl. They are super uncomfortable. I did read that they could be part of the ligaments pain symptoms like cw said. Of course if you feel like you should get checked out pls do so.
Twinkle I'm sorry about spd I read it could be very painful. You are very strong, and I'm still confident you will make it past 30 weeks.
Cw congrats on passing the 30 mark, you sound more relaxed, time will continue to move :-)
Day I'm thinking about you, as I know is stitch removal day for you too. Hugs
Sunny, I'm glad you are feeling better. Have you in my thoughts, lots of prayers your way hun.
Faibel how are you, and the twins? Hope everything is well.
Cim way to go with the cold bottle to move the baby, the Dr also said stabbing pains could be from baby movement against cervix, which I guess is totally normal.

Oh I also got a surprise baby shower yesterday with close friends, very nice. For the first time I allowedmyself to recieve some gifts, still.just the
Hope everyone is doing well, hugs
Hey Ladies,

Im glad to see you're all still cooking those babies! Although I rarely post anymore, I do read your posts just about everyday. Life if hectic, I started working already, Audrey is going to be 8 weeks this Wednesday and shes super big. I will try to post pictures so u ladies can see her.

Twinkle, hope u feel better hun, keep a positive state of mind that ur little boy will remain cooking for many more weeks.

TLM & Day, good luck on ur stitch removal.. Both of u have done great getting this far!

CW, congrats on 30 weeks!

Jadey, congrats on reaching Vday!

Welcome to all new ladies!
Day, hope it goes well for you. Id be interested in what the removal of the stitch is like.x
I'm fed up with saying this at min but another bad day, felt really tired all day and odd stabbing pains! I've got my 20 weeks scan tomorrow, so I'll speak to my consultant then. I keep saying its probably nothing but with Ic, who knows!!! I have to say the 'fear' factor is really kicking in now, fear of not even making 24 weeks and then if I do having very prem twins, little men in white coats will be coming for me as I stress myself into a frenzy!!!
twinkle --I do believe that about it will make him more active. Hope your feeling better. I dont think I have spd but I know each time I wake up and pee I cannot put to much pressure on my left leg b/c my hip hurts so bad but after I walk a few steps it goes away but I cannot imagin that pain all day long b/c for those few minutes it is excrueating. :hugs:

CW-- Lol I know I actually think that he keep poking his leg out b/c I asked what part that was when she had the wand right over where I feel him alot and she said that was his femer (thigh?) so It might be his knee lol.

Sunny--good luck you don't have to much longer to go before v day.:hugs:

day and TLM--GL today let us know what its like b/c I am kinda scared of it to but I guess its the only way now. :dohh:

Afm--I had a busy weekend we had our nephews (5 and 7) this weekend oh boy getting a taste of what its going to be like. But they did great. I took them back home yesteday in next town over and went to some stores tryign to find a dress to keep cool in during the summer that would be fairly resonable no luck but did find a cheap maturnity top. I just cannot justfiy in spending 20 or 30 bucks on 1 maturnity item that I will only wear a few months. On my way back I guess I walked to much and this weekend I did to much b/c I was cramping. Got home still cramping so sat outside talking to my dh and one of his friends. I was sitting in an old bar stool chair with my feet proped up. The back of the char was kinda leaning already and I was scared I was going to fall backward by my dh assured me I would not. Well he went in to get a drink and I was sitting there talking to his friend and all of a sudden the back broke on it and I did fall backward but it was like in slow motion. I caught myself with my left arm which jarred my left shoulder and then lowered my butt to the ground so I really did not hit my stomach back or butt hard at all. I still had cramps afterward that felt the same as before the fall. I am pretty positve that they were cause by all the walking I did and overdoing it with the boys this weekend but my dh was very worried after the fall. The were not contractions however I did have a few BH last night but he would not stop moving as I was laying in the recliner he moved for about 2 minutes straight which does not happen. he is already head down so i am hoping he was not turning. I woke up this morning and had very light cramps and still do kinda but nothing like yesterday evening. I don't think its anything to worry about.
Sunny love

after 4 stitches (the mcdoanld one i think) I have little cervix left and it has been sucessfull all those times for me so hang in there........reckon lizzie (on holiday) will know about the different stitches)

Looking forward to hearing how day and everyone else got on with stitch removal......

hang in there girls i know we all feel like shit sometimes but it is worth it..........thinking of you all
Considering being admitted into hospital a week early. Had a little spotting yesterday morning and now it feels like my stitch is irritated? This is so frustrating and I don't feel like I can relate to most of you because a lot of you are not on bed rest or have 2+cm of cervix. My sister tried to tell me she understands how I feel because she was on bed rest for 8 weeks after docs had to stop labor at 27 weeks, but her daughter would have had like an 80% survival rate had she been born then! I am just mad at everyone - no one understands.
Jadey -

I had a lot of stabbing pains a few weeks ago and they have since passed or are less frequent - so yours might too just take it easy and move slowly i find if i get up too quick i get more twingey..............

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