Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

well done day.....................keep us many days til actual due date -- not that that means much on here!!!!!!
Considering being admitted into hospital a week early. Had a little spotting yesterday morning and now it feels like my stitch is irritated? This is so frustrating and I don't feel like I can relate to most of you because a lot of you are not on bed rest or have 2+cm of cervix. My sister tried to tell me she understands how I feel because she was on bed rest for 8 weeks after docs had to stop labor at 27 weeks, but her daughter would have had like an 80% survival rate had she been born then! I am just mad at everyone - no one understands.

Sunny - My last pregnancy wasn't exactly the same as your's but at 21 weeks I was told I was going to lose my girls as I was dilated with membranes bulging. Because I didn't labour in day 5 they put in a stitch. I was kept in hospital on strict bed rest because I was over 300 miles from home and he didn't want to risk transferring me as they weren't sure it would work especially with twins. Through the 4 extra weeks that bought me there was many bumps where they thought they were going to have to take my stitch out and deliver my girls so I do understand how scary it is waiting on hitting a stage where your baby might be given a chance to survive even though the odds are against you and there were many days I just wanted to cry all day and wondered why this was happening to me.

With regards to a TAC Agiboma on here had one placed after her last pregnancy had 2 failed stitches and she delivered at 25 weeks. She has recently given birth at term with the help of the TAC so she isn't on very much but I am sure if you send her a PM she will be happy to answer any questions you have on it.

If you would feel more reassured in hospital then I think you should see about being admitted.

I will keep everything crossed you make it to term. xx
Day I'm glad it went well, mine did as well, I was so tense, ended up being a little crampy while the.Dr was actually trying to take the stitches out. But it didn't last too long. Was only dilated 1cm, but I guess the canal is very short so we'll see. Of course no I'm nervous about labor, lol. Does it end, or am I going to be anxious
Tlm was tense as well nevous about labor as well I know I mine was short last measurement was .7 like 2 months ago
Day Dr didn't say how short it was, but he did say it was pretry short. it makes me anxious to being able to identify contractions and be able to time them. I guess if I'm in pain more than usual, I should be able to.
so happy for you and the boys.
Day and TLM - yey for making it to stitch removal :) Any signs of labour? Was it painful?
Does anyone have any experience with the TAC (Trans Abdominal Cerclage)? Apparently transvaginal cerclages are 70-80% effective and the TAC is almost 95% effective. Has anyone considered it? I have considered it, especially if I lose this baby (or it survives but is born at a horribly early gestational age). Basically I think it's a stitch they put in abdominally and it's effective because they are able to put it up very high in the cervix which can effectively prevent a lot of funneling. My normal Mcdonald cerclage had to be put in very low in the cervix since there wasn't much left, so I have a ton of funneling. The downside is that the TAC completely permanent and you would have to always have your baby via c-section. WDYT?

A Tac sounds like a good idea for you. I went to see a specialist in London to get one. In the end he recommended a modified shrodikar. (Sp,?) Which was because my cervix is long but weak. It went in pre pregnancy so it could go v high. Had it under a general rather than spinal.the stitch can come out for a vaginal delivery.
Have you found abbey loopers? Loads of advice on the yahoo group
Exciting to hear about stitch removals.! Crossing fingers for smooth, speedy deliveries for you both.
Mine comes out in 3 weeK's ,I'm hoping it will trigger labour, as I'm totally ready to meet her soon! So silly after all this stress, but now I'm worried about going over due! Though still haven't decided whether to have a section. Otherwise feeling good. Lots of rib pain and back ache but walking around is no problem ,I'm even going to go to aqua natal this week!

hope you're all well?
Choco have you experienced any pressure or constant Braxton hicks? Ithink I'm losing bits of plug aswel.. Just wondering how good the stitch holds that's all? If I didn't have the stitch I know 110% I would have gave birth by now or would be doing it soon but with the stitch I don't know if I will plod along like this until the end... 33weeks is amazing, can't believe you only have 3weeks until stitch removal :)
I'm fed up with saying this at min but another bad day, felt really tired all day and odd stabbing pains! I've got my 20 weeks scan tomorrow, so I'll speak to my consultant then. I keep saying its probably nothing but with Ic, who knows!!! I have to say the 'fear' factor is really kicking in now, fear of not even making 24 weeks and then if I do having very prem twins, little men in white coats will be coming for me as I stress myself into a frenzy!!!

I know how you feel. I think we have all prob felt like we need to be carried off by the men in white coats at some point. You are at what I found the hardest stage so far. Things will feel easier once you get 23 + weeks.
Good luck for scan today!
twinkle --I do believe that about it will make him more active. Hope your feeling better. I dont think I have spd but I know each time I wake up and pee I cannot put to much pressure on my left leg b/c my hip hurts so bad but after I walk a few steps it goes away but I cannot imagin that pain all day long b/c for those few minutes it is excrueating. :hugs:

CW-- Lol I know I actually think that he keep poking his leg out b/c I asked what part that was when she had the wand right over where I feel him alot and she said that was his femer (thigh?) so It might be his knee lol.

Sunny--good luck you don't have to much longer to go before v day.:hugs:

day and TLM--GL today let us know what its like b/c I am kinda scared of it to but I guess its the only way now. :dohh:

Afm--I had a busy weekend we had our nephews (5 and 7) this weekend oh boy getting a taste of what its going to be like. But they did great. I took them back home yesteday in next town over and went to some stores tryign to find a dress to keep cool in during the summer that would be fairly resonable no luck but did find a cheap maturnity top. I just cannot justfiy in spending 20 or 30 bucks on 1 maturnity item that I will only wear a few months. On my way back I guess I walked to much and this weekend I did to much b/c I was cramping. Got home still cramping so sat outside talking to my dh and one of his friends. I was sitting in an old bar stool chair with my feet proped up. The back of the char was kinda leaning already and I was scared I was going to fall backward by my dh assured me I would not. Well he went in to get a drink and I was sitting there talking to his friend and all of a sudden the back broke on it and I did fall backward but it was like in slow motion. I caught myself with my left arm which jarred my left shoulder and then lowered my butt to the ground so I really did not hit my stomach back or butt hard at all. I still had cramps afterward that felt the same as before the fall. I am pretty positve that they were cause by all the walking I did and overdoing it with the boys this weekend but my dh was very worried after the fall. The were not contractions however I did have a few BH last night but he would not stop moving as I was laying in the recliner he moved for about 2 minutes straight which does not happen. he is already head down so i am hoping he was not turning. I woke up this morning and had very light cramps and still do kinda but nothing like yesterday evening. I don't think its anything to worry about.

How are u feeling today?
Twinkle, I believe I have been loosing my plug also. In bits and pieces mainly. How are u feeling today?
CW my little girl was born at 29+3 I have had the exact same symptoms through the pregnancy, all the aches pains, pressure etc as I did with her.. But the only difference was when I had Braxton hicks they came the night before she was born and sort of increased in frequency and pain throughout the day, I had a bloody show then she was born but with my son, I had also felt the same as I do now but I lost my plug about over about 6weeks, I had constant Braxton hicks for a week then I went into labour... So this time I'm a little worried as to how good the stitch is and will it hold, as I'm having all the symptoms I normally have before i give birth, I have been having constant Braxton hicks though for little over a week, I'm Not sure but I am if that makes sense that I have lost bits of mucus plug over a few days.. Feel sort f in limbo that I may or may not go into labour soon, looking at my medical history it's likely with the signs but looking at how strong the stitch is it also looks unlikely! So I'm pretty uncertain about everything lol.
I have a midwife coming today though so I'm going to pick her brains, just hoping she dosnt send me to the hospital though, not looking forward going back to uncomfy beds, stale sandwiches and cups of tea coming out of my ears lol!

To be truthful it makes more sense having your bloods and injection together dosnt it, I always thought nurses were qualified to give injections?? A little strange that she wasn't qualified, as like you said taking blood seems more difficult then a simple injection lol.
My doctors are like yours, I never make appointments for a doctor in advance as they make you wait for 2-3weeks so I always say its an emergency and book on the day :)

Its nice to hear your enjoying your pregnancy now :) you deserve to after all of the worrying, your doing so well :)

Hope everyone else is doing well :)
I know this sounds disgusting asking this question but what does yours look like jadey?
My braxton hicks have been happening since about 20wks ish. I try not worry too much now about them but I have days when they are really frequent, I notice I have more in the evenings than the day time. Also if I had a little 'kiss and cuddle' with hubbie they start up big time!
I say I try not to worry about them, but they make me nervous.

Twinkle, are you still feeling sick and poorly today? You're doing the right thing having a chat with your midwife today, hopefully she can help. You're close to 29wks now so every day your little man is inside you is a bonus and if he were to come soon he'll be fine x
Just thinking though, can you lose your plug when your cervix is stitched?
Cw i still feel off it today. I think the worry is making me feel worse. i didnt think i would worry when i hit this stage but im terrified of somthing being or going wrong.
I wasnt too sure if you could lose your mucus plug either with a stitch in but i googled it and i have read you can lose it but then thats what confuses me because the cervix is stitched shut and your plugs suppose to come away when your cervix starts changing and opening.. so still none the wiser what on earth can be going on with me lol
You can loose your mucus plug with a stitch in place. If u think of your cervix as hollowing not opening. Does that make sense? When your cervix thins it hollows. If you imagine like a polo mint (sorry it's the only way I can think to describe) then making the hole in the middle bigger but without the polo getting bigger or opening.

My mucus plug has looked like thick jelly sometimes with bits of pink
Jadey, that thought will stay with me I'm sure when I'm next sucking a polo, lol ;-)

How's everyone doing with their fluid intake. I'm getting rubbish at drinking enough water. I reckon on average I'm having 2 pints a day.

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