Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Twinkle, I'm glad your doing well. I bet you'll make stitch removal easily, however if not you're at a great gestation. I bet you can't believe how far you've gone, if someone had told that when you had the stitch placed you'd never have believed them.

Although I loved being pregnant and my bump, I'm kind of glad it's over, it was such a worrying time and its nice not analysing everything I do any more!
It certainly has made a huge difference having an extra 3 weeks inside compared to my son. I can't wait to have her home, it's hard leaving her in hosp, but when I'm home I can do her washing, express milk and prepare for her coming home.
I can't wait for us all to be together as a family xx
Wow was thinking the same thing everyone is very quiet at the moe. Well I have made it past the gestation I lost Jessie & hoping I now get to 24 weeks and beyond!
Have a bit of a senative question to ask when my stitch was placed I was told no baths, swimming & sex etc but are you allowed to do other things? I know its a stupid question bit having an orgasm will not set the cervix off!
Also I fancied doing pregnancy yoga but not too sure if that's a great idea with an elective stitch.
Hope you are all ok ladies & so very happy to hear about all the babies born safely & still cooking away x :happydance:
Jessiemum- I was told not to do anything that would irritate uterus or cervix. But that was my dr other dr might think or say different.
Hi ladies

CW I know I really can't believe how far I have made iit, seems so u real, I can see myself getting to stitch removal now, only 4more weeks left. I'm hoping he comes straight after stitch removal as I am desperate to meet him :) Its been so hard though going through this pregnancy with all the worry, I really do wish that someone could have told me not to worry and how far I would I get... Never mind I'm here now :) and so pleased, I won't be fully happy though until this little one is in my arms safe and healthy.

How's little annabelle doing? I can understand how your feeling about not having to worry and analyze things constantly , it must be such a huge relief. How did your little boy react to your little girl?

My little girl can't wait to meet her brother but I'm hoping she won't get jealous when he is here.

Shanny it is so quiet here isn't it, I have a question for you with you being a pro at cervical stitches. I am having my 32 week appointment with my consultant this week and I'm wondering will he check my stitch? Or do they just leave you until your in labour?
Also if they do check you will they take it out if there is any change like dilation, shortening, or membranes bulging?

Jessiemum well done for getting past your last gestation it's a relief isn't it, your so close to 24weeks aswel, I wasn't given any restrictions at all and was told to carry on normal life, I just listend to my body and if something was too much I stopped doing it and rested, I think I was overly cautious looking back now as i basically bedrested but now I carry on normal life now and my stitch is still holding :)

How is every one else doing? I'm nearly 32 weeks YEY! I'm on countdown for the stitch removed now, only 4more weeks, I can finally see the finish line even though a month is still a long time to wait when your so excited for a baby lol
Still hanging in there, 26 weeks today. Am starting to get regular cramping though and a lot more discharge... nurse said not to be concerned unless there's blood in it, but I don't know... the cramping feels like menstrual cramps and doesn't come and go, nor does it show up at all on the monitor but that's because there's no tightening, and obviously you don't have to have tightenings to have contractions so... slightly freaking out.
Sunnylove i have had constant tightenings for weeks now, i get cramps throughout the day that sometkmes trick me into thinking im in labour or going into it soon, i also have bad backache and lost bits of plug but im still pregnant :) so somtimes cramps etc dont turn into anything
Sunny love - well done - 26 wow

Jessiesmum - I was not told no to anything although we have refrained from TMI! actuall penetrative sex - but other stuff happens occasionally and the odd O does make my tummy hard for a while but my doctor/mw has never told me not to
I swim and have baths as well but nothing really physical the odd bit of walkng - more me than self inflicted as i am lucky and have relatively no troubles once stitch in-- just usuall pregnancy knackeredness

Twinkle - i have never had it checked in all 4 - he tends to leave it alone as long as i am ok and have no other things going on- checks waters on scan at 28 and then scan again at stitch removal

i think unless there is due cause they leave alone to start anything but all docs are different............
Hello ladies :wave:

Sorry I've not posted for soooo long, but I've been flat out busy here! With 4 little ones to look after its been crazy hectic, I barely get a moment to myself! I've been keeping up with you all though and I'm pleased to see so many of you still cooking those babies :)

Congratulations to everyone who had their babies recently too and for those if you on the nicu journey, I wish you a speedy one and that your babies are able to join you at home soon :hugs:

We're doing good, Ruben is over 3 months old now and getting his own really cheeky little personality! He weighs in at just over 15lbs and is a right chunky little monkey! Thankfully we have his routine sorted now so he sleeps really well overnight :happydance:

Keep well everyone and ill try to post a little more now I'm a bit more sorted :)
Hi All, hope everyone still cooking.

Sunny - 26 wks is great but I'm sure you'll go further, 30 weeks is just around the corner! Hoping those cramps stay at bay x

I'm a nervous wreck today, first cl scan since stitch at 14 wks! Dreading what they will find, wish they could just leave me...what you don't know...I'm so close to 24 wks now but I don't want to deliver this side of 30 wks again. If I'm down to my stitch, is delivery imminent? If I'm passed my stitch, I should have symptoms, right??? I want today to be over!
Well, I'm down to the stitch (as predicted) with 17mm closed below. Baby A is head down bang on the stitch, great! Consultant isn't hugely concerned, although I'm freaked out. No steroids this wk, as they don't think delivery is imminent, maybe get them next week. Should I push for them now???

Babies are measuring well, 1lb 4oz and 1lb 6 oz, so thats a plus for today!
I am going in today to find out if I will require the cerclage or stitch for my cervix. My last appointment they were concerned and now I am heading back in to is there was any change. This is all new to me and I have been reading through this thread and I feel positive about the results, I guess I am just nervous really. I mean its tough week 1-12 you never know what is going to happen then 13- now I panic at times becuase I am in limbo or now just feeling my baby move and I don't know what to expect. I am glad this thread is out here as I never heard of this nor know anyone else... I guess I will post results when I get back... :thumbup:
Hi ladies, it's been a while - sorry. I have been really busy and stressed (my little pickle has been seriously testing her boundaries) but I guess it's all part of being 2!
I have taken myself off rest and am pretty much carrying on my normal life but no lifting or long walks etc. I just rest when I get crampy - which is often.
I am so happy to be 28 weeks 2moro :)

How is everyone else? (I will read through the posts when I get a min to myself)

Congrats to the new babies! :) :happydance:
Twinkle, look at you! You are totally going to make stitch removal. Due u have an actual date for it? You must be feeling good at this gestation?!

Sunny, Keep going! I have been constantly crampy and loosing plug - like twinkle. You could still go a lot further :)

Fabiel, I think you should ask to have them when u get to 24 weeks. 17mm below the stitch is good. I have a lot less and am pretty sure I have been funnelled down to the stitch a while as Babies head and water bag is always so low on scans. Also what great weights! :)

was wondering, can anyone tell me what to expect from labour with IC?? Is it quicker? I laboured pretty quick with my daughter and that was before my cervix got messed up!
Jadey - I don't have any other labor to compare to, but mine was slow in the beginning and fast in the end. I was admitted to the hospital at 28w at 2cm 100% effaced. 24 hours later I was 4cm dilated. At 29+5 when my water broke, I was 4cm at 10:30am and 6cm at 12:30pm. At 2:40pm I was about 9cm.

No idea if that help you in any way. :flower:
Hi hopeful. hope you get some good news, theres a lot of us on here as you have probably read that have stitches and cervical issues so im sure we can be of some help if you have any questions.

Jadey nice to hear from you and glad to hear you reached 28 weeks! Bet you cant beleive it. your doing brilliantly.

I have no exact day yet. He always does everything on my exact gestation so im guessing it will be 11th july :) ill find out tomorrow :)
I dont think this baby will come out before, he seems nice and comfy which im happy about. im.hoping he will be born and come straight home with me.

IC and labour, in my experience have always been fast. With my little girl i went shopping in the day i was in very mild pain then i went to see the midwife as i lost my plug but she told me i wasnt in labour, after going home i started with bad pain so went to the hospital at 8pm, i was 10cm when i got there and she was born by half past. so her birth was fast. then with my little boy i slept pain free all night, then as soon as i woke up i was in agony i couldnt walk and felt the urge to push. i had to ring for the ambulance and was 10cm when i got there. my water broke then contractions stopped so i had to be hooked up to a drip to start them off again as i had gone back down to 4cm. contractions stopped as it was the pressure of the waters on my cervix that caused it to open but when the burst the pressure dissapered and my cervix started closing again.

The problem with my labours was i had silently dilated due to the pressure of the baby on my weak cervix, so by the time i had contractions and realised i was in labour, i was already 10cms but with the stitch in silent dilation shouldnt happen but then again im thinking when i have my stitch out the same thing will happen with the pressure and silent dilation, so im going to ask my consultant tomorrow what to expect... its all confusing isnt it lol
I don't know if you feel the same Jadey but I am terrified of labour, I can cope with pain that's not the scary part but the unpredictability of a natural birth Is making me worried. It's also scary to think the stitch comes out in 4weeks and I'll have to push him out then! Not long to go even though it's been a long time coming :)

I wish it was as simple as I tell my little girl, she thinks your belly button opens up and babies just pop out pain free and easy lol
lol. Thats what my little girl thinks. She often says that the baby is going to pop out of my belly button and do puzzles with her?

I am really scared. I had a traumatic time with Amelie and that has really scared me.

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