Hey ladies, just an update. Well, a big update! Our son was born 6/14 at 26 weeks, 3 days gestation! Basically it all went very quickly. 2 days prior I had an ultrasound and everything looked the same (100% effaced, 1cm dilated, cervix somewhere under 1cm) so it just goes to show how quickly things can progress! The night before I delivered him, I was just feeling very uncomfortable. It just sort of hurt in "that area" but I couldn't really place my finger on it because it just felt uncomfortable. I managed to sleep through the night though until about 5:30 am when I went to the bathroom and had a lot of discharge (which had been normal as per the last week) but this time it had a tiny bit of blood in it.
I didn't think too much about it and got back in bed, but then started having very painful pressure really low, like where the cervix/stitch is. It felt like my insides were falling out and the intense pain came every 5-7 minutes. Of course, nothing showed up on the contraction monitor (I seriously hate those things) so the nurse was slow in contacting a doctor which was annoying, but when I went to the bathroom several minutes later, I just gushed blood. I had a huge clot bigger than a golf ball, and that's when I needed to get a doc in the room asap. She came and checked my cervix and told me I was 5-6cm dilated and baby was bulging through the cervix and kicking at her. So the stitch tore through.
She told me because the baby was breach she wanted to do a c-section pretty soon in case it got "lodged" down there even more. So I went in for a c-section and our little boy was born at 8:12 that morning. The great news is that even though he was born so early, he weighed in at 2lbs, 7ozs! And of course he is in the NICU but is doing GREAT. He can breathe on his own (but is being boosted by oxygen too) and even though he's technically a micro preemie, he looks very, very good and healthy! Of course he is only about 36 hours old, but I am really happy with the outcome because he is doing amazing. He's moving around a lot, opening his eyes, crying. We are really blessed!
I thought I could have made it longer, and honestly I probably could have if he wasn't breach.. But doc had said 2 days prior to my delivery that he thought the stitch was the only thing keeping baby in and it looked that way! I know that weight isn't everything, but there is a baby in the NICU that was born at 32 weeks (6 weeks farther along than my guy) who only weighed 3lbs 1 oz, and there's also a 28 weeker who came out at 1lb (that baby stopped growing in the womb so obviously a different senario). My guy's weight is a huge blessing and we are so amazed at how good he looks, and is doing!