Hello ladies, I have read through this thread from the beginning and would appreciate any advice or support.
I had a procedure on my cervix in 1996, plus 2 D&C procedures for lost pregnancies.
I started CL scans at week 14 where I had a measurement of 3.2, they were happy with is and told me to come back for the next at my 20 week scan. I was not happy with this and got an earlier appointment at 18 weeks- the measurement had gone down to 2.7 no funnelling.
Over the next week I was having feelings of pressure in my pelvis and a constant need to go to the loo, I went to EPU and insisted on being checked, as it was night time, they admitted me for a scan in the morning.
The scan showed 2.7 and very slight funnelling, the consultants offered me a stitch, monitoring, or progesterone and plastic pessary. They were not overly concerned but I was!!
We decided to place the stitch which happened that afternoon, and am now a week in and have been resting bed or sofa.
I have so many worries and concerns, any bleeding has gone now, and no pain, although the feeling of pressure is still there sometimes if I stand up for too long.
I am due to go back to work on Monday, I have a desk job so will be off my feet all day except to drive to work and back.
I seem to have lots of discharge and am scared that it is amniotic fluid, how can I find out?
Sorry for the massive post