Hi to the new ladies
katie and holly Sorry you have had to find this thread, IC is such a scary thing but the stitch is amazing. I am 33weeks and had one placed at 14weeks, I never in a million years thought I would get this far. I suffered so badly with pressure, pains and I was too scared to even move until I reached 24weeks. Once I reached 24weeks I went back to normal every day activity and have sailed through, now I don't worry about pressure or pains as I know that my stitch is so strong and will hold the baby in. I have also been having constant painless contractions since 27weeks and I'm still powering through. Wishing you both lots of luck in your pregnancies.
Sunny so happy to hear your little boy is doing well and your recovering nicely
Katy after my stitch placement, I had bleeding cramping and just felt all achey especially in my back due to the spinal mainly. It will get better soon just take it easy and rest
Monroe, my Consultant just says to come in if there's any bleedin as that should be the first sign of your stitch tearing or also ay contractions incase they tear through other than that I'm sure you will be ok
Holly, the best advice would be listen to your body, if somthing gives you pains or pressure then rest until the pressure goes away, if the pressure reduces with rest then it is nothing to worry about. I was told you will still experience pressure but the stitch will keep your cervix closed. I didn't move at all after my stitch placement as I was too scaredto but now I realise I could have been more active and carried on normal life but I didn't want to risk it so,I did what felt right. I think if the stitch was going to cause ptl it would have done it already as that's what they monitor you for in hops after the placement. I don't know if your in the uk or not but in the uk they don't really monitor your cervix now you have a stitch placed as they say there's no need to. The thing I would be asking for is steroids when you reach 24weeks

I also had the sonographers check for funneling at regular scans just to make sure my cervix was behaving. It's normal to feel down and scared but keep positive, I felt exactly like you did and I still can't believe I have made it this far.
How is every one else?
As for me yest I saw my midwife and was told my baby is 2-3/5ths engaged already. Is this somthing that's indicating preterm delivery? My midwife wouldn't answer that question?mi keep getting Braxton hicks now that cause pressure in my bum like the heads been pushed down and also last night I lost a tiny brown blob of somthing.. I havnt had any more since so don't know what to think of it