Wow twinkle you're 35wks, that's amazing! I bet you can't believe it. That sounds really promising that baby is fully engaged, they'll snip your stitch and he'll fly out, lol! Are you all ready for him now?
My little lady is doing well, she's got reflux, which my son had, really common in prem babies. The washing machine is doing overtime now! She's as cute as a button and it was worth all the worry, tears and stress.
I try and read through every day, although dont always have time to post, I'm always on the lookout for you and any news!
Have you decided on your birth, I know for a while you wondered about a c-section. How's your little girl feel about the prospects of having a brother? I was so surprised at my son, he used to get jealous if I held a friends baby, but he's been great and really protective of her, helping bath her etc... I'm sure there'll be hiccups, but so far so good. It's lovely to think my family is complete, it's been a long old journey to get both of them and I'll be ever grateful they are both healthy.
I haven't seen anything from Jadey, hope all is ok with her
Welcome to all the new ladies
I Honestly can't believe I'm 35weeks, when people ask me how far along I am, it's so nice to say 35weeks

but they don't then realise how much of an achievement for me it is. I really hope he does fly straight out after stitch removal lol. He seems to just be waiting there ready to come which hopefully means I'll have a baby not long after the 15th.. I'm so ready for him now

Iv bought everything I can think of that I will need, washed all of his clothes, got his Moses basket set up and his carseat waiting. I just need his pram delivering.. Don't want it in the house yet though and then I need to pack his hospital bag but it just seems so strange packing a bag for a little baby I don't have yet lol, so I have kind of postponed that for a while.
Happy to hear your little girl is doing well, poor thing though suffering with reflux. She has done amazing though only having a short hospital stay. It's really nice to hear your enjoying your new family life and that your little boy loves his new sister

I'm really hoping my little girl won't be jealous, I keep trying to prepare her for what life will be like with a little brother.. Fingers crossed she will take on the big sister roll really well. She's getting a bit fed up waiting for him to arrive and asks everyday when he will be here lol
I can't wait until I'm in your situation and the stress and worry is all a distant memory. It seems so far away still until I can relax knowing all is ok
I have decided to try a natural birth again, which I'm hoping is the right choice

after going through a risk assesment the consultant says he prefers if I try for a vaginal birth and reassured me that I'll be well looked after to prevent any complications occurring. To be truthful I am terrified of giving birth!
Keep Intouch as its lovely to hear from you

hopefully you will see a birth announcement from me in a 2weeks
