Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

congrats chocolate!! :happydance:

Yay!! for fully engaged just need to cook a few more week. I get my stitch removal Mon. But he is not engaged at all and I don't think he has dropped any and I don't think I have lost any mucus plug either :dohh:
Congratulations choco on the birth of your little girl, I'm really pleased for you :)

Monro good luck with stitch removal :) you will have to keep me updated on how it goes, hopefully you will have a baby not long after. I'm hoping my little boy just comes straight after removal. I'm really uncomfortable with him engaged the pressure I have from his head is really intense.

Hope everyone's ok.. Jadey I havnt heard from you in a while how are you?
Wow twinkle you're 35wks, that's amazing! I bet you can't believe it. That sounds really promising that baby is fully engaged, they'll snip your stitch and he'll fly out, lol! Are you all ready for him now?
My little lady is doing well, she's got reflux, which my son had, really common in prem babies. The washing machine is doing overtime now! She's as cute as a button and it was worth all the worry, tears and stress.
I try and read through every day, although dont always have time to post, I'm always on the lookout for you and any news!
Have you decided on your birth, I know for a while you wondered about a c-section. How's your little girl feel about the prospects of having a brother? I was so surprised at my son, he used to get jealous if I held a friends baby, but he's been great and really protective of her, helping bath her etc... I'm sure there'll be hiccups, but so far so good. It's lovely to think my family is complete, it's been a long old journey to get both of them and I'll be ever grateful they are both healthy.

I haven't seen anything from Jadey, hope all is ok with her

Welcome to all the new ladies

Hi CW :)

I Honestly can't believe I'm 35weeks, when people ask me how far along I am, it's so nice to say 35weeks :) but they don't then realise how much of an achievement for me it is. I really hope he does fly straight out after stitch removal lol. He seems to just be waiting there ready to come which hopefully means I'll have a baby not long after the 15th.. I'm so ready for him now :) Iv bought everything I can think of that I will need, washed all of his clothes, got his Moses basket set up and his carseat waiting. I just need his pram delivering.. Don't want it in the house yet though and then I need to pack his hospital bag but it just seems so strange packing a bag for a little baby I don't have yet lol, so I have kind of postponed that for a while.

Happy to hear your little girl is doing well, poor thing though suffering with reflux. She has done amazing though only having a short hospital stay. It's really nice to hear your enjoying your new family life and that your little boy loves his new sister :) I'm really hoping my little girl won't be jealous, I keep trying to prepare her for what life will be like with a little brother.. Fingers crossed she will take on the big sister roll really well. She's getting a bit fed up waiting for him to arrive and asks everyday when he will be here lol

I can't wait until I'm in your situation and the stress and worry is all a distant memory. It seems so far away still until I can relax knowing all is ok :)

I have decided to try a natural birth again, which I'm hoping is the right choice :shrug: after going through a risk assesment the consultant says he prefers if I try for a vaginal birth and reassured me that I'll be well looked after to prevent any complications occurring. To be truthful I am terrified of giving birth!

Keep Intouch as its lovely to hear from you :) hopefully you will see a birth announcement from me in a 2weeks :) xx
Baby is up to 2lbs 10ozs and is doing wonderfully. He is 3 weeks old and hasn't had any serious issues at all! It's amazing he's done so well for being a 26 weeker.
Twinkle, we must keep in touch, after sharing this journey together.
I'm hoping Jadey is ok, I've not seen her on here for a while now.
Sunnylove, sounds like your little one is doing well in NICU, great weight too xx
Hi everyone, sorry I have been AWOL. Everything is ok for me. Stitch removal is going to be around the 8th Aug :) Can't wait. But still have a lot to do/buy!
My phone broke, which is what I normally use for B&B and my little lady has been potty training. Also been a tad stressed about other things. So been a busy bee. I have missed u all!

Twinkle, you are so close now :) I bet u are so excited. I have the same feelings as you regarding my daughter - I really hope she doesn't get too jealous.
My doc told me to expect to dilate to 3-4cm as soon as the stitch comes out! So I guess it depends if your waters go soon after? I have also been warned that sometimes the stitch can cause scar tissue that can prevent u dilating at all?! My daughter was born very quick and that was before I had cervical issues so I think this boy will be quick too.

Craigswife, how is your little one doing? My little girl suffered from reflux also. It was such hard work - keeping up with the washing and having to plan her feeds around keeping her upright for half an hour after. LOL If we layed her down or put her bk in the buggy/sling straight after, it would always come straight bk up and I would have to feed her again! She grew out of her reflux around 4 months but was always a sicky baby.

Sunny, It's amazing Jessie is doing so well with no major problems. You must be a good baker! :) Do u get much cuddle time with him?

Congrats Chocolate cat!!!!!!! :flower:

Good luck Monroe, for stitch removal. Pls tell us what it's like. Hopefully baby will get engaged before Mon!
My doc told me they don't offer any pain relief for stitch removal! Has everyone else been told the same?!
Yes ma'am no pain relief for my stitch removal. In my case I just felt cramps nothing too painful.
PTA summer fayre has kept me busy -- glad everyone is ok

jadey I get offered gas and air and a spinal if I get too wound up but the key is to relax and then snip its done................xx 22 days before mine comes out
I've had two dreams in the last week that I was pregnant and getting a cerclage removed. :shrug: If it helps, it didn't hurt any in the dreams! :haha:

Congratulations to those of you that have had your babies and to those of you that are right around the corner from stitch removal! :flower:

I hope everyone is doing well. :hugs:
Hi my lovelies, how is everyone? Any news?

Sorry for my absence this week, it was my 24wkers' 9th birthday Tuesday followed by a full week of celebrations ;) Of course her birthday is a real celebration of life in the true sense of the word - my gorgeous little miracle!! Love you Evie :hugs:

Chocolate - huge congratulations on the birth of little Indiana, and glad all went so well.

So pleased for you all :hugs: Lovely that she was born on Evie's birthday too :hugs:
Monro good luck for stitch removal today.

Jadey I'm hoping I will dilate instantly when the stitch is snipped :) I think my consultant thinks I will But I'll speak more to him about it this Friday :) I'm so excited for stitch removal and not too fussed anout the pain i just dont like speculums, I'm really hoping I don't go weeks and weeks without the stitch in too as I'm so looking forward to the end of this pregnancy so I can meet my little boy. This pregnancy has been exhausting mentally and emotionally and I'm ready for the next stage now. I have also heard about the scar tissue problem and knowing my luck that will happen to me lol.

Have you all heard about the royal family coin you will get if your baby is born in the uk on the same day as the royal couples baby? I think it's a lovely idea, my stitch removals July 15th and Kate's due date is 13th.. With a bit of luck I hope I can give birth on the same day as Kate lol
Twinkle- We got married the same time as Kate and Wills, just by coincidence. Am hoping that this is our key to some kind of mega posh Buckingham Palace garden party on our 25th anniversary or something!'s hoping!
Twinkle, that would be great!!!!!
Shanny, my stitch removal will be around Aug 8th (no set date yet) But that was what my doc said. Isn't this around the same time as you?
thanks twinkle I am still nervous about the removal, Like what if he slips and cuts part of the cervix :dohh: I know seriously unlikly. Still has not dropped as far as I can tell it actually feels like he moved up higher b/c its harder to breath now. I went and played golf the first time this weekend and had a blast and shot a 70 on 9 holes but I still think its pretty good for being 9 months pregnant and my first time lol. Thought maybe all the walking and hitting would encourage something but so far I just had a sore back and hip Sat night and Sun but feel better today. less then 5 hrs till appt. I am going to start RTL tonight and do some ball bouncing and if nothing the next couple of days I think I will start EPO and sex.. I do not want to be induced or have a c section unless it is necessary. I don't want to go over either. This whole time I had felt I was not going to make it to stitch removal b/c I had so much pressure but now I am hoping I don't go over my due date :dohh:
Hi ladies - I'm new to this thread. I might be having the stitch put in if my cervix keeps shrinking. I shortened 1 cm in a month and then another 1/2 cm in 2 days. The high risk drs. put me back on progesterone and are re-measuring me in a week and a few days. Can anyone shed some light on when you got your stitch put in (ie., how short was your cervix)? What week were you? My cervix went from 4 to 3 cm. and now it's down to 2.4 cm. I'm almost 18 weeks.

Thanks for any info you can give me. :) Best of luck to each of you!
Hi ladies - I'm new to this thread. I might be having the stitch put in if my cervix keeps shrinking. I shortened 1 cm in a month and then another 1/2 cm in 2 days. The high risk drs. put me back on progesterone and are re-measuring me in a week and a few days. Can anyone shed some light on when you got your stitch put in (ie., how short was your cervix)? What week were you? My cervix went from 4 to 3 cm. and now it's down to 2.4 cm. I'm almost 18 weeks.

Thanks for any info you can give me. :) Best of luck to each of you!

Hi welcome to the group. My measurements were similar to yours. At the start I was measuring 3.7 so totally fine. At 20 weeks I was down to 2.6- shorter but still above cut off point of 2.5. Then at 23 weeks I was down to 2.3 funnelling to 1.5 with pressure. I wasn't dilated on the outside though.

The actual procedure was fine. I was obviously petrified about going in to premature labour as a result of the stitch especially as it is less than a year since my gorgeous twin boys were born at 24 weeks and only survived 6 days. However the consultant said that the stitch itself went in straightforwardly, I was kept in for observation for 48 hours. I did have some minor tightening immediately after having it done but they stopped.I was also given steroid jabs at hospital and progesterone to take home. I felt a bit rough the following few days and had some spotting but it cleared up.

I am now just over 26 weeks and although am not out of the woods yet 26 weeks is lots better than 24! I am aiming for 28 and then 32 as am having twins again ( naturally so a total shock).

I'm not on proper bed rest as it doesn't seem to be routine in the UK but have been being very lazy and getting my husband to wait on me hand and foot!

Hope that helps a bit. Hugs - pregnancy after losing a baby is tough!
Hi Katyb. I'm sorry to hear about your twin boys.

Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm wondering if things in the U.S. work differently. The high risk dr. didn't seem overly concerned - however, I am. The more I read up on this and the more feedback that I get - I'm thinking about requesting the that the stitch be put in. I have been back on the progesterone since last Friday. They told me once a day but I have so much left from the beginning of the pregnancy that I'm doing it twice/day. I know that it can't hurt. I feel as though I'm holding my breathe.

I wish many more weeks for you! You must be relieved to be at 26 weeks. Best of luck to you and again, thank you.

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