Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I was worried about the complications too. Rest assurred if your doc wants to put a stitch in, the risk of not having one is worse. It's great they plan on doing the stitch (some docs u have to fight for one)
The risks of the cerclage are mainly that it can trigger labour imediately after or if u have literally no cervix left when they try to put the stitch in, they could accidently break your waters. But we are talking like less than 0.2 cervix and water bags bulging. The risks really are minimal and it's not likely too happen. There have been ladies here who have had stitches put in with measurements of 0.2 ish.
I had mine put in as a rescue stitch at 20 weeks. They had been watching my cervix via ultrasound and it had drastically shortened and funnelled. I am now 30 weeks! :) Good luck and ask questions. There are so many lovely ladies on here!
Jadey your in the 30s YEY!!! Time will fly now, it's really gone so fast since I reached 30weeks. How are you getting on?

Monro I went to the hospital last night for my symptoms similar to yours,pressure and mild cramps, I really was convinced it was my stitch pulling while I was dilating but I had a speculum check and my cervix is holding up great, it's long and closed. The symptoms are from the constant regular contractions I'm having, they are so intense and the pressure in my bum is alarming but nothing painful so the hospital sent me home as the baby is coping well with them, all I have to do is sit and wait until they turn painful. Hope your feeling ok today
I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first I had 1.3cm of cervix removed via keep and cone biopsies, my cervix is 2.7cm I'm getting an internal scan again next week and my gynae wants to put a stitch in at 16weeks the complications scare me. Any advice?

Hi please don't worry about the complications of the stitch. It's a pretty straight forward procedure especially when it's an elective stitch like you will be having at 16weeks. its a little more risky when it's an emergency stitch placement but even then its nearly always very successful.They have to tell you the possible risks to make sure your aware and cover thier backs, just don't read them :) I highly recommend having the stitch placed. I had my first child at 29weeks then lost my little boy at 22 weeks last year.. A stitch would have saved his life... This year I had an elective stitch at 14 weeks and herei am 20 weeks later, my baby is still cooking :) Its been a hard pregnancy as I have worried so much but I can finally see the finish line and I wouldn't be here with out the stitch. Cervical problems can be very scary but a stitch will help greatly! As you might have read in my post above I'm even contracting regularly and my stitch is still holding this little boy in :) the midwife says if I didn't have my stitch in the baby would have been here a long time ago. Feel free to ask any questions you have. There's lots of us here to help
Hi everyone :hi: Keep popping in and see that everyone is doing really well which is good to hear :) Another wave of ladies now heading to term I see - so reassuring for those of you just starting out on the IC journey :hugs:

Monro, sounds like early contractions honey, definitely not your cervix tearing through the stitch. If these pains get more frequent or intense, then you must get to hospital for a check up, but at the moment they don't sound stron or regular enough to be having a signficant effect. Bloody discharge and mucus would almost certainly be evident if your cervix were dilating enough to tamper with the stitch. It is more likely than not that you'll grumble on like this for days even weeks before full blown labour happens :hugs: That said, if anying chnages then get checked hun, you'll be in little doubt when things have mived up a gear xxx
We decided last night we are going ahead with the stich we would be devestated to loose this baby so we definately are going to do it
That's great Twinkle, nearly there! The end is in sight, well done hun x
Claudinator - Pleased the stitch is going in, its straight forward and it will help you carry your baby to term. I was terrified before mine but its over and done with in the blink of an eye, shame the rest of the pregnancy drags!!!!
Wow so many of us getting so far along :) I never thought I'd see past 22 weeks from where I lost Jessie but 26 weeks today. Claudiator I too had s stitch placed at 16 weeks and was worried sick but so happy that I made the decision to have it done :) . Just wondering after 26 weeks do they still have scans on your cervix as I went for a scan the other day and the lady said I didn't need it done as I had a stitch in place! I told her the consultant asked for it and she refused to do it.......
Love to you all & do glad all the new born babies are getting stronger by the day x
Hi everyone,

I had my anomaly scan yesterday (I'm 21 weeks and all went really well! I was very nervous as the lady was measuring and checking especially when they check the heart and they watch the blood flow but Smudge was doing well - such a relief!

It was fantastic to see the little fingers and feet :) we did not find out the sex so a surprise for us in early November...

My cervix was measuring 3.4 and closed which is fabulous- I am really glad that I decided to have the stitch now as it does give added peace of mind, once you stop worrying, it's been 2 weeks since the stitch went in and no lingering effects.

The consultant I also saw yesterday said they expect me to make it all the way through to 37 weeks when they will remove the stitch-

Have a great weekend everyone:flower:

claudinator - I hope all ok with you, when will you have the stitch placed? If you want to know details about the procedure, please ask everyone- it is still very clear in my mind!
Jessiemum they never really wanted to check my cervix with the stitch been there only if they thought there was a reason to, such as symptoms of things going wrong. You doing so well, I never thought I'd get far aswel in this pregnancy and nowi have my stitch removal date, it seems too good to be true :)

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Question about stitch removal...

I'm sure this has been asked a million times on this thread but I have never really read about stitch removal as I never belived I would get there. Now the day Is in sight I don't know what to expect. Im in the uk so I don't know if the removal is diff over here from the US but I have a few questions..

Firstly do you have to stay n hospital for a few hours after the removal to be monitored for labour?

And secondly how long does it take to go into labour after removal?

I know it's unlikely to go straight into labour after removal but my baby is engaged still and has been for weeks, he's puting a lot of pressure on my cervix and the consultant said its because my cervix is so weak and the stitch is only thing keeping him in, I'm also getting a regular Braxton hicks all day long, so I'm thinking my baby might just slip right out on removal of the stitch lol
Hi Twinkle, that's a really difficult question hun because some ladies labour right away with a long closed cervix right before stitch removal, and others hang on for weeks despite having no cervix left. Because it requires active, strong and regular contractions to get your baby out now, removing the stitch alone rarely triggers this even if you are already dilated in part after removal.

Your baby will likely come as originally intended regardless of IC, with perhaps a slightly increased risk of earlier labour purely because of irritating the cervix by removing the stitch. Even if you immediately dilate to 3cms (not common), there is only a small chance that this physical action will set labour in motion. That said, labour and IC pregnancy is so unpredictable you might be on of those few who does labour immediately, especially if baby is 'ready' xxx
We decided last night we are going ahead with the stich we would be devestated to loose this baby so we definately are going to do it

Don't worry, when the doctor read me all the risks of the cerclage right before I went into surgery, I started bawling! But there was no need as everything went fine. I was 19 weeks pregnant at the time with only .5-.9cm of cervix left. Of course, because it was so short, they had to place the stitch at the very bottom of the cervix. It bought me and my baby 7 more weeks but the stitch slowly started migrating down as there was not much for it to hold onto. I would ask your provider about possibly getting the stitch placed earlier though. I don't remember how many weeks pregnant you said you are, but I'd put that stitch in before 16 weeks as significant cervical changes seem to happen around that time.
We decided last night we are going ahead with the stich we would be devestated to loose this baby so we definately are going to do it

Don't worry, when the doctor read me all the risks of the cerclage right before I went into surgery, I started bawling! But there was no need as everything went fine. I was 19 weeks pregnant at the time with only .5-.9cm of cervix left. Of course, because it was so short, they had to place the stitch at the very bottom of the cervix. It bought me and my baby 7 more weeks but the stitch slowly started migrating down as there was not much for it to hold onto. I would ask your provider about possibly getting the stitch placed earlier though. I don't remember how many weeks pregnant you said you are, but I'd put that stitch in before 16 weeks as significant cervical changes seem to happen around that time.

It's getting done at 16weeks my cervix is 2.5cm through old surgeries. Another question are you awake or asleep when it's done??
Hi Claudinator, sorry Hun seemed to have missed your original posts. Welcome to the thread :flower:

You'll be awake for the surgery and will have a spinal anaesthetic. Please try not to worry about the potential complications. With every surgery there is risk, but it is negligible - they just have to cover themselves for any eventuality. A stitch placed well before any cervical changes carries minimal risk to you and baby :)

Just before I had my section, dh and I actually laughed when we saw what I had to sign before they'd do it - I felt as though I was literally signing my life away! The list of possible injury or even death was so terrifying that I had to just switch off and have faith knowing that these complications are so so rare.

You'll actually feel a huge sense of relief once the stitch goes in sweet - it takes some of the fear out of an IC pregnancy and gives you more confidence. Best wishes xx
Hi Claudinator, sorry Hun seemed to have missed your original posts. Welcome to the thread :flower:

You'll be awake for the surgery and will have a spinal anaesthetic. Please try not to worry about the potential complications. With every surgery there is risk, but it is negligible - they just have to cover themselves for any eventuality. A stitch placed well before any cervical changes carries minimal risk to you and baby :)

Just before I had my section, dh and I actually laughed when we saw what I had to sign before they'd do it - I felt as though I was literally signing my life away! The list of possible injury or even death was so terrifying that I had to just switch off and have faith knowing that these complications are so so rare.

You'll actually feel a huge sense of relief once the stitch goes in sweet - it takes some of the fear out of an IC pregnancy and gives you more confidence. Best wishes xx

Oh my god really!!!
Like an epidural??
U can opt to go to sleep. The doc told me there was no further risk to the baby and it would prob be the better option for me bcos I was so scared and stressed about it all
Ive been getting a lot of pain in my stitch the last hour. On and off every 5 mins. It really hurts. Should I go get checked?
any other symptoms jadey?? blood??

Twinkle - stitch removal - yes they do monitor you for a few hours just in case

it never started me off.........................anymore ? just ask

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