Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour


That's a good idea - take some pain killers - women often do that prior to coil insertion...........did I tell you the doctor showed me the stitch too................It was much bigger than I expected......................just do something that will help relax and its not a long procedure it will all be over soon and one step closer to meeting your baby....................xx
Eeeeeeek, cant wait!

Shanny, how are doing? Any signs of labour approaching?

I am still experiencing period cramps - have been all week. I think my body is up to something!
Jadey stitch removal is bearable, I had no pain relief and it's as over in a minute or two. I was really concerned that it was going to hurt but it was ok. I don't think you need any painf relief in advance it's nothing you can't breathe through :) don't worry.

I had increase in cramps and discharge over the last few weeks and was also convinced that somthing would happen but I still went 12 days without the stitch in lol.

My consultant was also convinced I would give birth straight away, I took everything to hospital and was so excited and then no baby came... Was so disappointed lol. Fingers crossed it won't be too long of a wait for you and you have your baby ASAP. Also my baby on the growth scan was always measuring small, he came out over 6pound, I was so shocked.

Jessiemum I had tons of pressure and I use to sit and cry as I thought it was the start of labour or somthing bad happening but it all was ok, I even carried 12 days with no stitch with lots of pressure
I reckon I will go 4 days past stitch removal. When they put mine in I had hardly any left and was very funnelled.
How are u and your family twinkle?
Wer good thankyou jadey, it still seems so unreal having my little boy here, its amazing. hes just perfect and i cant believe a simple stitch in my cervix has given me this little miracle.

Alfie is a bit jaundice and has lost some weight hes onky 5lb 12 now other than that hes doing well :)
Im starting to finally feel better i have been feeling battered and bruised, stitches after a tear during delivery are terrible. the pain is horrible...

Hope all of you ladies are doing well :)

cant wait to here about all of the other babys births that are due soon

Can I join? I've been hovering on the outskirts and this is my first post.

Long story short required ivf to conceive, first failed, second mmc and now with third 10 weeks pregnant.

In 2004 I had a D&C for crazy bleeding, hormone related apparently. Via hysterascopy opt to do this my notes said I had a bicornuate uterus left horn had endometrium and right horn had none. I wasn't told anything about results. 2 yrs later when I started TTC and wasn't getting pg I visited my GP who then told me about bicornuate! Feeling enough time was lost I went private to the gynae who discovered the bicornuate. She first sent me for a hsg and the dye only went up one side and down one tube so she sent me for a laproscopy. At laproscopy I was told I didn't have a pelvic abnormality but I did have a septated divide in my uterus but my notes were lost and they were unsure if it was full or partial!!! I was then referred for ivf.

At ivf clinic (nhs) I asked for my septate to be removed they said no, my first ivf failed so I demanded it was removed. They sent me for an mri first for whatever reason! But it came back that I DON'T have septate but arcuate uterus.

Now on my research a septate can look arcuate on mri as the weight of septate pulls uterus down making it appear heart shaped on the outside. On research the best for of diagnosis is laproscopy. I believe they know this and diagnosed arcuate as they never wanted to remove it and there "get out of jail card" would be on mri it looked arcuate.

I have my 11 week booking scan on Tuesday and I want to insist on a cerclage but I know ill come up against resistance.

I believe the Laperscopy result on septate and believe strongly ill need a cerclage. If they do refuse is there anything I can do? And it i am right and it is septate, with no cerclage what's the prognosis?

Very terrified Lisa x
Twinkle hope you heal quickly....................glad to hear Alfie is doing well

Jadey - no signs of anything - don't want to either till we get back from hols on 9th!! But baby does feel low and I seem to feel more pushing on pelvis ................last two showed no signs of coming out on own without inducement so not reading too much into this................
Hi ladies
I am new here 26 weeks pregnant. Its my first pregnancy. Everything was fine up until 23 weeks. I went for routine check up my doctor did pelvic exam and said my cervix feels soft and said she could insert a finger inside so she recommended 4-D ultrasound the same day. During ultrasound I asked sonographer about the problem he said "there is a minimal beaking of internal os with a diameter of about mm. Cervix length is 57 mm." Then my doctor prescribed me suprox (isoxsuprine hydrocloride 10 mg) twice daily. Because the reputation of my doctor is not very good (People say she is very money minded) I went to another doctor for second opinion next day she also did pelvic exam and said yes your cervix feels soft but nothing like I could insert finger or something. she advised for another scan to clear the picture. Same day I went to another diagnostic center for ultrasound this time with full bladder. This sonographer said everything is perfect my internal os is closed and cervix measures 3.8 cm. I told him about my pervious report he said normal cervix length is 3-4 cm not 5.7 cm so he said everything is fine. My second doctor advised me to continue with the same medicine and also prescribed progesterone 200 mg once a day and partial bed rest. After 10 days I was feeling lower back pain and went to the second doctor again she again checked me and said your cervix is still soft. This time she increased the dose of suprox to 40 mg twice a day and suggested to continue bed rest and review after 3 weeks. Now I am 26 weeks pregnant on bed rest but needs your help. After reading lots of posts here I was thinking I should be regularly monitored for cervical length and dilation and feeling i need another scan. There are still 17 days left to see my doc again I am counting every single day. What should i do ?? Should I go for third opinion?? I am also worried about the side effects of suprox on baby. If you have any experience or knowledge about this please help me. Thank you in advance.
Maa, I didn't read anything in your post that should make you worried. You have a great cervical length for 26 weeks, and it doesn't sound like you have incompetent cervix at all. IC is a problem specifically between 16-22 weeks, and it obviously was never an issue for you then, so I'd say you're in the clear. I wouldn't worry too much, and am not sure why your doctors are requiring bed rest for you.
Maa, Welcome :) like sunny said - you are in a great place! Your cervical length is longer than average. I am not sure why they have suggested bed rest either. I would try not to worry and relax all you can.
Hi everyone, it has been ages since I last posted but have been lurking and trying to keep up to date with everyone.

After my stitch at 18 weeks, things have settled down mostly, I will be 26 weeks on Saturday and on my last check at 23 weeks, my cervix was 3.4 and closed.

I have been told that they will remove my stitch at 36 weeks and also that I must stop the progesterone pessaries at 30 weeks.

Keep well everyone x
Signing off for my holiday---keeping my legs crossed til I get back!!!

Might pop in to see how you get on Jadey- best wishes - you will be fine...............

Keep cooking and enjoying the babies everyone else...................
Thanks Sunny and thanks Jadey for your quick reply. My worry is first ultrasound report says “minimal beaking of internal os of about 4 mm and cervix length 5.7 cm and second ultrasound report says “internal os is closed and cervix length” How come two reports in just two days indicates two different things? And if everything is fine, why my cervix is soft? My cervix length was 3.8 cm when I was 23 weeks now I am 26 weeks and 17 days are still left to see my doctor again. Should I go for another scan in between? Please guide me. Thank you in advance
Maa, were they different types of scans? A scan of cervical length done on the belly is not accurate. Cervical length needs to be assessed via internal ultrasound to get an accurate measurement.

Even if the cervical length was 3.8 - that is still very good for your gestation. There have been ladies on this thread carry to term with less than a cm at 20 weeks and no stitch.

When they say the internal os is closed are they referring to funnelling?

I really don't think u need to worry. You are in a good place. Incompetent cervix is normally only a problem between 16 - 24 weeks. That's when the baby gains a lot and the pressure is all on the cervix as opposed to later on when the baby is bigger and can't just 'fall out'. Babies weight is then distributed across the uterus more than the cervix.
3.8cm sounds long/normal. My doctor does monthly scan if you are less than 3cm and recommended partial bedrest when I got below 2.5cm. I don't know about the 'soft' comments though, my doctor only does checks through vaginal u/s never a manual check. So he doesn't monitor how soft or hard the cervix is, just the length.

Cervical measurements can change, but maybe the 5.7 was a typo or something.
I just had a thought. When I had stenosis (scar tissue) on my cervix that stopped my periods coming for 2 years - that same stenosis could stop me dilating in labour. I was shortening and funnelling from the inside (top of my cervix) - which is why the stitch was put in. But that same bit of scar tissue would still be there at the bottom of my cervix. All that work keeping him in and I might need a c section to get him out if I don't dilate!? lol
Jadey your ticker seems to have went really fast!!

I'm also worried about the scar tissue in fact I was at colposcopy yesterday and they had a look and all my cervix is inside she couldn't even see anything when looking so said she doesn't think there is any change to cancer but she couldn't see the base of the cervix I'm really worried as we discussed the non dilation due to scar tissue and cause of the mc I had when I bleed out to the point of being rushed to theatre and the said its cause my cervix wouldn't open to let the mc pass through x
Thanks Sunny and thanks Jadey for your quick reply. My worry is first ultrasound report says “minimal beaking of internal os of about 4 mm and cervix length 5.7 cm and second ultrasound report says “internal os is closed and cervix length” How come two reports in just two days indicates two different things? And if everything is fine, why my cervix is soft? My cervix length was 3.8 cm when I was 23 weeks now I am 26 weeks and 17 days are still left to see my doctor again. Should I go for another scan in between? Please guide me. Thank you in advance

A similar thing happened to me. It depends on how you're getting your cervix measured. If they do it via an ultrasound on the outside, the measurements can be very inaccurate. In fact, this happened to me 3 days before I had the baby. They stopped doing transvaginal ultrasounds (inside the vagina), and they did an abdominal ultrasound and it said my cervix was 4.8cm!! It definitely wasn't; it was below 1 centimeter, so this is how inaccurate those measurements can be. Always go with a transvaginal cervical scan!

My 26 weeker is now 33 weeks and is completely off all oxygen!! I can't believe how well he's doing. I'm telling you, 26 is the new 28!
I am scared of this Geordiemammy :( It happened to friend of mine also :( She didnt dilate and was rushed for an emergency section. She lost so much blood she nearly died.
Before I got pregnant I had a small cervical dilation because my cervix was so tight. I am so scared that I wont dilate now!
I'm totally paranoid about it I nearly died with the mc it was horrible I collapsed at home in total I lost 4 pints of blood I had no radial pulse when oh called for an ambulance then after fluids givin by paramedics I perked up a bit but at a&e the Canucks failed and they didn't notice so bled out even more it was then that they said either theatre or die my next mc was missed so had a planned d&c and the other 2 were really early on so was just like a very painful heavy period but that's why I panic so much about it xx

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