Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Ladies I'm scared!

I'm being monitored in this pregnancy due to a suspected incompetent cervix which was the probable cause of my loss last year at 22 weeks.

I had my last transvaginal scan at 13+5 weeks which showed my cervix length at 3.82cm. I've literally just come out of the scan room just now and my cervix measured 2.5cm. This is such a drop in only 2 weeks. I'm taking progestrone suppositories every night and I'm having vaginal swabs done monthly to catch any signs of an infection.

I'm currently waiting to be seen by the consultant but I'm scared really scared. I really don't want to go through what I did last year. I've tried to enjoy this pregnancy but this worry had always been at the back of mind. However everyone including the consultants tried to reassure me early on that the likelihood of it going wrong again is remote. So in the past few weeks I began relaxing a little and thought positive thoughts and now this.
I've just seen the consultant and he told me 2.5cm is the shortest of the three measurements taken. Also there is no funnelling so that's a good sign. I've been asked to return in a weeks time to be scanned again. If there is still shortening then they will insert a stitch.

The weeks wait is going to be so much torture. I'm absolutely petrified and feel so out of control. I've called in sick at work from tomorrow as I can't just won't be able to face it. I'm feeling so alone.
Sharan hun, so sorry no one has been along to reply to you, this thread has gone really quiet this past few weeks. The shortening they've found isn't catastrophic but I can totally understand your anxiety. Have they said why they won't just stitch now before any further significant changes?

This 'wait and see' approach seems to be the norm these days but is infuriating because its always better to get the stitch in sooner rather than later. That said, at least they'll stitch in a week if there have been further changes which should be in plenty of time darlin so try not to worry :hugs:

Pm me if you need a shoulder lovely :hugs:
Thank you Lizzie for getting back to me. This thread has been quite quiet lately.

For some reason they still aren't convinced it's an incompetent cervix and believe my last loss was due to the infection that was found. However I was told at the time that the infection could have come about due to my cervix opening and funnelling. Also they keep mentioning first pregnancy as going to 41+ weeks. However I had to have an emergency caesarean with the birth so don't know if that could have caused any damage to the cervix.

I've had another vaginal swab taken to see if there is another infection that has caused the shortening. If that is all clear then I'm going to insist on having the stitch. I don't want to be a trial and error exercise for them.
Of course hun, your story is coming back to me now. I remember me saying before that your IC might have been caused by your first traumatic labour as it was with me. The infection most certainly could have come after cervical changes, and in fact usually does though medics are very reluctant to acknowledge IC as being the cause of second trimester loss most of the time :growlmad:

Insist on that stitch next week sweet. In the meantime it's unlikely anything significant will happen, it's still relatively early and there's time yet xxx
Hang in there Sharan, totally agree with Lizzie. I definitely think a stitch placed as soon as they can would be a reassurance for you xx
Thank you so much. I'm trying to remain as positive as I can and I've read a lot of positive stories online too. I think I was just very emotional when I wrote my initial two posts.

I'd gone to the scan and clinic by myself as hubby couldn't take time off work. So I literally did feel all on my own. He'll be coming with me to my follow up so he'll be my voice of reason and my support.
hi Sharan hope you are doing well, get some of rest in the meantime, and like Lizzie insist on the stitch. Also drink fluids and don't do any heavy or strenous activity.
sending lots of positive vibes your way
Hi Sharan,

We have the same due date! :)
I would insist on a stitch! Mine has been in since 13+6 and if i hadn't insisted on it the week before when my cervix was 42mm then i prob wouldn't be pregnant now as it was only 15mm when they put the stitch in.Obviously every woman is dif and i dont want to scare you at all but imo its better to be safe than sorry. I have heard many good things about progesterone for ic, lots of women have carried to term on this alone. I also have vaginal swabs monthly for infection as that is what caused me to lose jakob at 23+6. My stitch held but a group b strep infection caused my waters to break and subsequently infected the placenta. My cervix was fully closed at the time of the infection.

Try not to do to much till you go back for your scan, no lifting, walking to far or standing for long periods, or anything that would put pressure on your cervix but as everyone else says 25mm is the min length they like it to be so try not to worry to much. Mine changes very early and very fast which is very uncommon as its usually as bubs gets bigger and puts added pressure on the cervix that the changes start to happen. Between 16 and 24 weeks usually and as you never had cervical length scans previously then 25mm might be your usual cervical length during pregnancy.

Fingers and toes crossed we both get to 40 weeks hun :) My second hurdle next week, getting to 17+1, I am always nervous around the time i lost my babies. The big one will be 24 weeks, not v day for me, its a dif kind of hurdle. Im sure you ladies can relate. There was a lady at the midwife the other day complaining she didnt want to be pregnant any more at 32 weeks, i could have punched her and nearly said i would be v v v happy to get that far. Any body else feel like this sometimes? Or am i just generally being a hormonal b?
@steph I felt like that during my pregnancy. as someone was complaining about their day. had to say something around the lines of what my day in strict bed rest and the stress that IC has you under, until you keep passing all the big milestones. than nothing more was said.
there were some days I was a little more sensitive... lol
hope you are everyone is doing well
Diego is 15+ pounds and measures 25 inches, he is also a breastfeeding machine!
Thanks hun, what a good weight!! well done you :) breastfeeding isn't the easiest but your doing so well.
Hope everyone else is ok?This thread is really quiet, tho i suppose thats a good thing as either ladies aren't having our problems or are busy with nappies and night feeds lol.
I will just keep updating every week. 16+1 today :)
JD finally came home 2 days ago at 41+1 weeks gestation and after 103 days in Nicu. :)
Wonderful news Sunny, remember the joy of 'the homecoming' so well. Enjoy your much deserved time as a Momma now honey, will be thinking of you all as you celebrate being together at last :hugs:
That's great, Sunny! I'm so glad he's finally home!

Welcome to the new ladies and congratulations to the ones that have had their babies (though I think I may have already caught up with everyone on that front).

AFM, I'm 7 weeks now. My first ultrasound is on October 10 at 9 weeks. I'm pretty sure there's only one baby this time, but there's still that little voice in the back of my head that is worrying! I feel quite confident in my body this time. I think I can safely make it to term without any problems, but I really don't want to go to 41 weeks because that would mean another c-section.

Tegan and Britton are 10 months old now. They're crawling and pulling up on everything! They are little daredevils and climb everywhere! We've had lots of bumps and bruises already, but they're brave little things and get right back up and keep going. They love to eat of course and Tegan just got her third tooth (Britton still has just two) which is so odd, because Britton's teeth started coming in before Tegan's, so I assumed she would get her top teeth first.

I stopped pumping and the girls are on formula now. My supply dried up once I got pregnant and it was very emotional for me as I really wanted to get to 1 year, but the girls are doing fine on formula and they're happy and healthy, and that's all that matters.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'll check in again after my scan!

I do read all posts but don't always have time to reply, with two mobile babies and pregnancy fatigue and nausea dragging me down. I'll try to give advice when I can, though I don't think I'm much help to anyone because of how things went for me.

congratulations sunny, enjoy having the baby at home, well done!
Lizzie thanks for always being available, hope the kiddos are doing well.
Shelby I'm so excited to keep reading about your new baby, I told my husband let's have another one, he is not sold on the idea yet, well see. the girls seem to be doing awesome!
great news sunny !! so pleased for you.......

glad to see Lizzie is still supporting all the ladies


Reggie is now 6 weeks, 10lb 4, settling into a nice day routine and am going to work on the nights now - he is pretty good only usually up twice and goes back down well just need to build a bedtime routine with bath etc, he has a sniffly cold now

enjoying evry minute though-- making the most of my last little munchkin.....
I've got my third cervical scan today however the next one following on from my scan last week where I measured 2.5cm.

I'm dreading it but I'm not going to be swayed from having a stitch. I'm assuming my vaginal swab came back all clear as I was told I would be called with 24 hrs if there was infection. I've been reading the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists official guidelines of when cervical cerclage should be performed and fall into their 'Ultrasound indicated cerclage for women with singleton pregnancy and a history of mid trimester loss'. In their guidelines it clearly states that if all other indicators are ruled out and the cervix measures 2.5cm or less then cerclage should be performed.

I refuse to play Russian roulette each week to see if the cervix is still holding out. I was happy with the active monitoring method to begin with but clearly my cervix is showing a tendency of shortening.
Hope your scan went well, good on you for staying strong regarding the stitch. It's shocking what a fight people have with getting the stitch xx

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