Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I've just returned from hospital; the scan showed my cervix length at 22.8mm with 10mm of funnelling. So it's shortened further and has begun opening up. I've got to return tomorrow morning at 8am in order for the stitch to be placed.

I'm grateful that I'm having the stitch and that my prognosis is good. I saw the lead consultant who said he was positive that I would get to term with this pregnancy. He said that I have enough cervix length in order for the cerclage to be successful.

However I'm annoyed that the stitch wasn't inserted last week when there wasn't any funnelling. As a result I'm of a slightly higher risk of rupturing my membranes as they have started bulging into the area that is funnelling.
So pleased to hear that you are having stitch in. I know it's easier said then done but try to think positive hunni, i lost a little boy in 2010 due to pprom/ic, in my following pregnancy with Alfie I had an emergency stitch placed at 20 weeks, my cervix was open and funnelling aswell I'm pretty sure 29mm was wrote down somewhere in my notes. Alfie will be 2 next month, as scary as having a stitch placed is, I truly believe they are the best thing for keeping little one safe xxx
Thank you chick x

I'm trying to remain positive and just focussing on that. I'm just going to take each day/ week at a time and will see it as an achievement. It is scary tho!
Hey girls, have been reading this thread now for a few weeks and finally now have a need to post....

I had LLETZ in Jan 2013 due to CIN 3 cells and that was successful. Found out i was pregnant on 26 June and was told i would have regular scans every 2 weeks of my cervix to ensure it was ok.

First scan 2 weeks ago showed length of 30mm, cervix was long and closed with no evidence of funneling.

I went for another scan yesterday and in 2 weeks my cervic has shortened to 19mm. It is still closed and there is no sign of funneling which i think is good. My consultant immediately saw the measurement and has booked me in for a cerclage on Friday this week.

But now i am absolutely petrified. I am 19 weeks today and so so scared that i am going to lose this baby or something bad is going to happen.

Can anyone explain the process of placing the cerclage to me? and the success rate of having the cerclage placed? They suggested using a spinal block for the procedure.

Any information on this would be extremely helpful. xxxx

How successful is the cerclage
Hi nat. So sorry you're experiencing this, but most of us have which is probably why you're here! Just so you know, when I was 19 weeks pregnant, my cervix measured 0.9cm (9mm) and my little guy is now home with me, nearly 9lbs and perfect!

The cerclage procedure is a very simple one. The actual placement only takes about 10 minutes and my procedure was out-patient so once the spinal block wore off, I went home the same day. For me anyway, there was absolutely no pain and I couldn't "feel" the stitch or anything, but I was put on strict bed rest for 7 days afterwards. It can be intimidating because you do have to go into the operating room and the prep work takes awhile, but the actual placement does not and it's a super easy process. I think the transvaginal cerclage is around 75% successful?

Good luck to you!!
Hi nat. So sorry you're experiencing this, but most of us have which is probably why you're here! Just so you know, when I was 19 weeks pregnant, my cervix measured 0.9cm (9mm) and my little guy is now home with me, nearly 9lbs and perfect!

The cerclage procedure is a very simple one. The actual placement only takes about 10 minutes and my procedure was out-patient so once the spinal block wore off, I went home the same day. For me anyway, there was absolutely no pain and I couldn't "feel" the stitch or anything, but I was put on strict bed rest for 7 days afterwards. It can be intimidating because you do have to go into the operating room and the prep work takes awhile, but the actual placement does not and it's a super easy process. I think the transvaginal cerclage is around 75% successful?

Good luck to you!!

Thanks hun. So glad to hear your boy is now home with you and is doing so well!

I dont think its the actual placement of the stitch that scares me... i think its the fact that i could go into labour so so early! Were you informed that you may go into labour so early? xx
Hi nat. So sorry you're experiencing this, but most of us have which is probably why you're here! Just so you know, when I was 19 weeks pregnant, my cervix measured 0.9cm (9mm) and my little guy is now home with me, nearly 9lbs and perfect!

The cerclage procedure is a very simple one. The actual placement only takes about 10 minutes and my procedure was out-patient so once the spinal block wore off, I went home the same day. For me anyway, there was absolutely no pain and I couldn't "feel" the stitch or anything, but I was put on strict bed rest for 7 days afterwards. It can be intimidating because you do have to go into the operating room and the prep work takes awhile, but the actual placement does not and it's a super easy process. I think the transvaginal cerclage is around 75% successful?

Good luck to you!!

Thanks hun. So glad to hear your boy is now home with you and is doing so well!

I dont think its the actual placement of the stitch that scares me... i think its the fact that i could go into labour so so early! Were you informed that you may go into labour so early? xx

Oh, yes. The doc didn't think I would make it to 21 weeks! He's still surprised I made it as far as I did (26 weeks).
Hey girls, have been reading this thread now for a few weeks and finally now have a need to post....

I had LLETZ in Jan 2013 due to CIN 3 cells and that was successful. Found out i was pregnant on 26 June and was told i would have regular scans every 2 weeks of my cervix to ensure it was ok.

First scan 2 weeks ago showed length of 30mm, cervix was long and closed with no evidence of funneling.

I went for another scan yesterday and in 2 weeks my cervic has shortened to 19mm. It is still closed and there is no sign of funneling which i think is good. My consultant immediately saw the measurement and has booked me in for a cerclage on Friday this week.

But now i am absolutely petrified. I am 19 weeks today and so so scared that i am going to lose this baby or something bad is going to happen.

Can anyone explain the process of placing the cerclage to me? and the success rate of having the cerclage placed? They suggested using a spinal block for the procedure.

Any information on this would be extremely helpful. xxxx

How successful is the cerclage

Hi hun,

So sorry your going through this with us. I was umming and ahhing about whether to post my experience in detail so as not to panic anybody but i know personally i would have liked to have read this rather than being left to google. Please bear in mind tho that it is my experience and diff hospitals have diff procedures and protocols but you should get the general gist. I will try and explain the process as accurate as possible for you, or my experience 3 weeks ago anyhow! I went in at 7.30 am. They kept me on the epu and had me get changed into a gown and put some of those lovely support stockings on. Your oh wont be able to go down with you but they will look after you. They then took me down about 9.30am. You will be going down to delivery theatre dont panic this is the norm. They have you get on the table and will hook you up to bp cuff, pulse rate finger thing and sticky tabs on your chest. They put a whatdyamecallit in your hand (sorry the name evades me) mainly to give you fluids to stop you shaking which is a normal effect from a spinal but also incase the spinal doesnt work so they can put you out, which is very rare. Then they have you swing your legs to one side and lean over a pillow. They clean your back with icy liquid and will put a local anesthetic in and then they put in the spinal, you will feel some pressure but i just concentrated on breathing in and out and it was over in minutes. Kinda like the dentist. They will lie you down and you will start to go numb from chest down. Dont panic it can take up to ten minutes to work. They will spray you with cold cold spray on your legs and if you dont feel the cold you are ready as the receptors that control temp are the same ones that control pain so they know it has worked.
They will check baby before they begin, either doppler or portable scan. They put your legs in stirrups and cover you up and put a screen up so you cant see. They will catheterize you then they begin. I had 2 anesthetists chatting to me the whole time and it was very reassuring. You cant feel anything at all. They say you may feel tugging and pulling but i didnt both times i have had one. Depending on the type of stitch they put in depends on the time it takes. I was in about 30 mins and mine was a shirodker, much more complicated than the other option a mcdonald. The mcdonald takes about 10 mins. I bled out a bit but they have equipment to stop the bleeding. Its like a large cylinder and they put a sticky pad on your thigh. Not sure what they do with it but it works! When they have finished they will take your legs out of the stirrups and cover you with a blanket and wheel you into recovery where they will check baby etc. Providing everything is fine they will wheel you back up after about an hour. They will also give you some iv paracetamol and antibiotics while in theatre. Once you get all the feeling back in your legs they will take out the catheter and you are free to move around providing you feel fine. I got to go home at about 7pm but i did ask to as they where gonna keep me in overnight but i said if anything is gonna happen its gonna happen whether i am there or home and i am just more comfortable at home. The nice consultant on the ward fired up the portable scanner and scanned me before i went home. They gave me some antibiotics and some medication to stop contractions (i wasnt contracting) not sure of the name but check back a couple of pages and its there. Thats it really. Went back for a check up a week later just to make sure everything was a ok. I have a home doppler i paid about £20 for and it has been a life saver so i just use that a couple times a week and usually on the day of my appointments just so i can relax knowing bubs is still in there with a heart beat as i tended to panic while in the waiting room.

I see your cervical length is 19mm, no funneling. Mine was 15mm no funneling and in my case it was the outer cervix that went so mcdonald stitch was out of the question as this is like a purse string that ties together the outer cervix. Much less effective as a shirodker tho has carried many women to term. The shirodker stitch is much stronger but the placing of it is much more complicated. The inner cervix has to be exposed, so they will have to cut away the cervix from the wall of the bladder to do this (much less horrific than it sounds). It is then placed through the cervix much farther up rather than around it to produce a much stronger stitch. Most of the shirodker stitch is embedded into cervical tissue so has a far less chance of being rejected as a foreign body and a much less chance of causing infection for the same reason.

As to your question about statistics and success rates i really would try not to concentrate to much on this as it is not an accurate perception. Every woman is different and has different risk factors, i developed an infection, gbs nothing to do with my stitch but it is still classed as a fail, gwim? Just be confident in the fact they are doing all they can for you. :thumbup:

I hope that this helps you. I know that when i had my first one put in i would have wanted a personal point of view rather than being left to google. Google is a very naughty thing that makes us panic. The best of luck to you and i am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you hun. xxxx

(I hope you other ladies dont mind me posting this? My intention is not in any way to panic anybody but to share my personal experience and hopefully help other ladies who are going through the anxieties before getting a stitch put in. If it does then i am more than happy to take it down if you dont think it will help anybody.)

p.s Sorry its so long and congrats to the ladies that have taken babies home :happydance: and well done to those looking after growing babies at home. xxx
Thank you Hun for sharing your experience with me. Can i ask whether the docs told you how far they expected u to get in your pregnancy with the stitch? Xx
Hey ladies..
after posting about losing Elijah, I unsubscribed.. to everything really. I guess from the shock and wanting to be alone. I feel ready and I read all of your comments, thank you all for being there for me!

I have a lot of catch up to do :)
I also wanted to share that I got two :bfp: yesterday!!
We are expecting! My first appointment is Tuesday, I'm quite anxious.
Hi ladies
I haven't posted in here before but read every post when I was on bedrest with a cerclage a little over 2 years ago. I saw Nat's post and wanted to respond.
I had a modified shirodkar cerclage placed at 20 weeks when at a routine scan my MFM saw funnelling. I can't remember my cervical length.
I was in hospital for 3 days and then immediately put myself on strict bedrest. Not easy with an almost 3 year old but I had lost a little girl the previous year due to PTL from an infection at 22+5 weeks and was willing to do whatever it took to have a take home baby. I also started weekly p17 shots after the surgery. I eased up on the bedrest around the 32 week mark but it all worked as I had my second boy by csection at 37+2 weeks. He will be turning 2 in a couple of weeks.
I am now 18 weeks prego and had another modified shirodkar placed at 14+5 weeks. I was again in hospital about 3 days and then was told to stay in bed for the week and to potter around at home the week after. From reading other stories this seems quite conservative but I trust my doctor!
I think you have a really good chance with the cerclage but I would ask your dr what cerclage they are doing as Shirodkars seem to have a better outcome, ask about p17 shots to calm the uterus and ask about bedrest. Different drs in different countries seem to do things differently. I am in Australia but had my first in the UK so know that the NHS system is very different.

Radiance - congrats on your BFP! I know how nerve racking pregnancy after a loss is. This is my second time and I am still petrified something is going to go wrong. I am hoping i will be less stressed after 24, 28 and then 32 weeks. Actually I don't think I will able to fully celebrate until my baby is in my arms. It's so sad that I can't fully enjoy this pregnancy but I am doing the best I can.
Good luck Hun. Look forward to hearing more from you.
great news radiance thinking of you as you go through pregnancyxxxx

best wishes to evertone else
Thank you Hun for sharing your experience with me. Can i ask whether the docs told you how far they expected u to get in your pregnancy with the stitch? Xx

Hopefully 37 weeks plus.:thumbup: With no funneling they expect me to last longer. My body doesnt deal well with any sort of infection tho but they are swabbing me every 4 weeks. Lets hope that this sorts it. xxx
Hi ladies, just an update from me. I had my stitch inserted yesterday at just after 2pm which seemed like an age as I was at the hospital at 8am and had not eaten anything since 8.30pm the previous night.

The actual procedure itself wasn't too bad. I found the insertion of the canular and the spinal block more uncomfortable. I was in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes. The consultant was very happy with how it went and was happy to discharge me as soon as the spinal had worn off.

I had a little bit of bleeding yesterday and an achey and crampy lower back. However as of this morning I feel pretty much normal. I've got to attend the clinic on Tuesday for a follow up with the consultant and I've been given some vaginal pessary antibiotics. I forgot to ask which version of the stitch was performed but seeing as I was only in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes I'm guessing it was the macdonald.
Hi ladies, just an update from me. I had my stitch inserted yesterday at just after 2pm which seemed like an age as I was at the hospital at 8am and had not eaten anything since 8.30pm the previous night.

The actual procedure itself wasn't too bad. I found the insertion of the canular and the spinal block more uncomfortable. I was in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes. The consultant was very happy with how it went and was happy to discharge me as soon as the spinal had worn off.

I had a little bit of bleeding yesterday and an achey and crampy lower back. However as of this morning I feel pretty much normal. I've got to attend the clinic on Tuesday for a follow up with the consultant and I've been given some vaginal pessary antibiotics. I forgot to ask which version of the stitch was performed but seeing as I was only in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes I'm guessing it was the macdonald.

Glad everything went well for you hun! ONwards and upwards now eh?! :thumbup:
I've got my stitch tomorrow.... gotta be there for 8.30am but she said they do two sessions and i'm in the first so it should be done by 11am. How long did it take for you to be able to walk properly / how long did the spinal take to wear off? Also did you have a urine catheter and does it hurt when they take it out? Also I've been told it burns / stings when you pee after you've had the stitch? That scares me.....

oh and also.... I have piercings (belly button and a clitoral piercing) do you think they will make me take them out? I had lletz / leep done in Jan and didn't have to take my clitoral one out so wasn't sure whether I would this time or not)

Sorry for all the questions... i'd just rather have an idea of what i'm walking into... I hate not knowing and you girls are all lifesavers for sharing your experiences so thank you.... hopefully they will let me out same day. xxx
Hi ladies, just an update from me. I had my stitch inserted yesterday at just after 2pm which seemed like an age as I was at the hospital at 8am and had not eaten anything since 8.30pm the previous night.

The actual procedure itself wasn't too bad. I found the insertion of the canular and the spinal block more uncomfortable. I was in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes. The consultant was very happy with how it went and was happy to discharge me as soon as the spinal had worn off.

I had a little bit of bleeding yesterday and an achey and crampy lower back. However as of this morning I feel pretty much normal. I've got to attend the clinic on Tuesday for a follow up with the consultant and I've been given some vaginal pessary antibiotics. I forgot to ask which version of the stitch was performed but seeing as I was only in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes I'm guessing it was the macdonald.

Glad everything went well for you hun! ONwards and upwards now eh?! :thumbup:
I've got my stitch tomorrow.... gotta be there for 8.30am but she said they do two sessions and i'm in the first so it should be done by 11am. How long did it take for you to be able to walk properly / how long did the spinal take to wear off? Also did you have a urine catheter and does it hurt when they take it out? Also I've been told it burns / stings when you pee after you've had the stitch? That scares me.....

oh and also.... I have piercings (belly button and a clitoral piercing) do you think they will make me take them out? I had lletz / leep done in Jan and didn't have to take my clitoral one out so wasn't sure whether I would this time or not)

Sorry for all the questions... i'd just rather have an idea of what i'm walking into... I hate not knowing and you girls are all lifesavers for sharing your experiences so thank you.... hopefully they will let me out same day. xxx

I had to have my done on labour ward so whenever they had an emergency caesarean that took priority but I wouldn't expect it any different.

I had the spinal in at 2pm and was able to walk by about 7pm-ish; although my bum was still a little numb! I couldn't feel the insertion of the catheter as I was all numb and it was taken out just as I started getting some sensation back. It was slightly uncomfortable but I wouldn't say it hurt. They didn't discharge me until I went for a pee. I was expecting it to sting slightly but it was perfectly normal.

In regards to the piercing I'm not entirely sure about the belly button one but I'm assuming the clitoral one will need to be removed. Also no nail varnish on your finger nails. I had just painted mine at the weekend but it had to come off as it could interfere with the radial pulse finger thing that they put on you throughout the procedure.

And don't worry about the questions. I was the same just prior to mine and the ladies on here were amazing.

Good luck with your stitch tomorrow xx
ahhh thanks hun. I best try and remove the clitoral one tonight then as ive never taken it out before. Keep us posted on how your doing. Would love to stay in touch as your only a few weeks behind me and we are of a similar situation xx
Hi ladies, just an update from me. I had my stitch inserted yesterday at just after 2pm which seemed like an age as I was at the hospital at 8am and had not eaten anything since 8.30pm the previous night.

The actual procedure itself wasn't too bad. I found the insertion of the canular and the spinal block more uncomfortable. I was in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes. The consultant was very happy with how it went and was happy to discharge me as soon as the spinal had worn off.

I had a little bit of bleeding yesterday and an achey and crampy lower back. However as of this morning I feel pretty much normal. I've got to attend the clinic on Tuesday for a follow up with the consultant and I've been given some vaginal pessary antibiotics. I forgot to ask which version of the stitch was performed but seeing as I was only in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes I'm guessing it was the macdonald.

Glad everything went well for you hun! ONwards and upwards now eh?! :thumbup:
I've got my stitch tomorrow.... gotta be there for 8.30am but she said they do two sessions and i'm in the first so it should be done by 11am. How long did it take for you to be able to walk properly / how long did the spinal take to wear off? Also did you have a urine catheter and does it hurt when they take it out? Also I've been told it burns / stings when you pee after you've had the stitch? That scares me.....

oh and also.... I have piercings (belly button and a clitoral piercing) do you think they will make me take them out? I had lletz / leep done in Jan and didn't have to take my clitoral one out so wasn't sure whether I would this time or not)

Sorry for all the questions... i'd just rather have an idea of what i'm walking into... I hate not knowing and you girls are all lifesavers for sharing your experiences so thank you.... hopefully they will let me out same day. xxx

It depends on how much of a dose they give you hun on how long it will take to wear off. Some hospitals will give you the same dose as for a section and some will give you a lower dose as it doesnt need to last that long. If its a section dose it usually lasts about 4 or 5 hrs. I had a lower dose and was already feeling some of my legs as they took my legs out of the stirrups.

The catheter they take out when you feel most sensation and its more of a toe curler as they do it than pain. They will ask you to take out the piercing tho hun as its zero jewellery, even belly bars. They even ask you to remove your bra, well wire cups anyhow so if you dont want to be swingin as you walk the corridor wear a crop top type thing lol.:thumbup: xxx
Hi ladies, just an update from me. I had my stitch inserted yesterday at just after 2pm which seemed like an age as I was at the hospital at 8am and had not eaten anything since 8.30pm the previous night.

The actual procedure itself wasn't too bad. I found the insertion of the canular and the spinal block more uncomfortable. I was in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes. The consultant was very happy with how it went and was happy to discharge me as soon as the spinal had worn off.

I had a little bit of bleeding yesterday and an achey and crampy lower back. However as of this morning I feel pretty much normal. I've got to attend the clinic on Tuesday for a follow up with the consultant and I've been given some vaginal pessary antibiotics. I forgot to ask which version of the stitch was performed but seeing as I was only in the theatre for about 10-15 minutes I'm guessing it was the macdonald.

Congrats hun, i am glad everything went well for you. :thumbup: Now to just cook that baby for as long as you can. Fingers crossed for 40 weeks. xxx
Hey ladies..
after posting about losing Elijah, I unsubscribed.. to everything really. I guess from the shock and wanting to be alone. I feel ready and I read all of your comments, thank you all for being there for me!

I have a lot of catch up to do :)
I also wanted to share that I got two :bfp: yesterday!!
We are expecting! My first appointment is Tuesday, I'm quite anxious.[/QUOTe

I am so sorry for your loss, I went back and read your story as i to wanted to forget even the word pregnancy so didnt come on for a long while after losing jake.

Congrats on your bfp tho hun and fingers crossed this is your keeper:thumbup:

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