Hi Ladies, i wonder if any of you can shed some light on this or whether its common or not.
Since yesterday morning i have been having what i believe to be Braxton Hicks. They are painful, just extremely tight and uncomfortable.
there is no pattern to how long they last or how often they appear however yesterday was like one big one as i was on my feet the majority of the day and my bump was constantly tight.
However today they come and go, and i keep feeling like i need to go for a wee but when i do go there is nothing but a tiny trickle! sorry tmi!
I've heard barxton hicks can be from being dehydrated but i have been drinking a lot of water today and they are still there.
Also i thought they were supposed to get better if you changed position or lay down.
Mine seem to come no matter where i am - lying down, sitting up, walking etc! They come and go constantly.
I am starting to get worried as they are extremely uncomfortable and i have a cervical stitch so keep thinking that i could be going into labour and she could rip right through my stitch.... can anyone recommend anything?
Hot water bottle, bath, rubbing stomach etc?
Im 25+5 today xxxx
Since yesterday morning i have been having what i believe to be Braxton Hicks. They are painful, just extremely tight and uncomfortable.
there is no pattern to how long they last or how often they appear however yesterday was like one big one as i was on my feet the majority of the day and my bump was constantly tight.
However today they come and go, and i keep feeling like i need to go for a wee but when i do go there is nothing but a tiny trickle! sorry tmi!
I've heard barxton hicks can be from being dehydrated but i have been drinking a lot of water today and they are still there.
Also i thought they were supposed to get better if you changed position or lay down.
Mine seem to come no matter where i am - lying down, sitting up, walking etc! They come and go constantly.
I am starting to get worried as they are extremely uncomfortable and i have a cervical stitch so keep thinking that i could be going into labour and she could rip right through my stitch.... can anyone recommend anything?
Hot water bottle, bath, rubbing stomach etc?
Im 25+5 today xxxx