Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

4 boys, yes! The stitch was the only thing that kept my LO in so long! Next time around though, I am considering getting a transabdominal cerclage because I cannot do bed rest again!!! >.<
Try do bed rest with 3 boys 12-9-3yr olds :nope::nope:

It's was the hardest thing I've had to do on my own but I had to remember it was best for my unborn baby not me. As a mum we have to give up a lot to protect our babies even when they grown up.. I was inalot of pain throughout my pregnancy I was glad to rest but still the boys were wanting so much attention. When there's no other children that's when you get perfect bed rest.
Sunny love I'm so glad your little one is doing well having a prem ain't easy you so lucky your baby didn't get the nasty prem 'problems' my 28 & 26 wkr had many and I said after them I'd never want to go through it again but luckily I went on to have another son.
I went through so much problems with regard to having the stitch.
My consultant wouldn't let me have stitch & progestrone injects and a preterm programme. I had to choose luckily cos of my other two still under NICU doctors they refered me to another consultant and HAD all three so luckily they worked.
I would say its true though when people say will they have another premie. I went from 34-28-26-18(but he was with stitch) but if no stitch he'd have been here at 18weeks and defiantly no chance of survival.

The memories will never go when you've had a premie but enjoy your baby now :flower::flower:
Nat 2

Just want to say all the best for scan tomm. Hope alls well


Thanks Mills.

Scans at 3.15 this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing LO again but not looking forward to having the cervical scan just in case it has shortened / dilated etc especially seeing as I had the pink discharge yesterday (which ive not had since).

AND I know the consultant is going to tell me off for not agreeing to stay the night at the hospital to be observed!

But i'm still here, no more bleeding and LO is still wriggling away inside so it obviously didn't hurt to go home!

I know they are only trying to do their job though so may well get told off for not listening to the advice!!

Ill let you know how I get on!! :wacko:
Hello ladies hope I can join even though I'm not currently pregnant or ttc..
A month ago I lost my 7th baby (a girl) at 19 weeks.. It was a surprise pregnancy as hubby previously had testicular cancer n we previously did ivf.. started as a twin pregnancy but one of the heartbeats stopped at 7.5 weeks.
I had my McDonald stitch put in at 13 weeks and after weeks n weeks of bad discharge n doc ignoring me they had to remove the stitch and induce me.
I am a big believer of the stitch as I have also lost a baby at 25 weeks (emergency stitch didn't take) but had a stitch 1 year after that and now have a beautiful 5 year old..
My other 4 pregnancies ended in m/c before reaching stitch time :(
I'm here in Australia and want to ttc from Feb onwards and have found a doc that does a stitch before you even ttc and insists no bed rest or pelvic rest as the stitch is placed higher up than the other stitches which is above the ligaments and muscles and where you would usually see funnelling..
Has anyone here heard of such a procedure?

I am so sorry for ur losses but welcome to the board.

The procedure ur doc was talking abt is called a trans abdominal cerclage ( TAC) its inserted via a c section around the highest point of the cervix to close it completely but not too tight so tht sperm and menstrual blood can stll flow thru. Frm wht I hav heard its inserted before u get preg cuz its so invasive and left in permanently for future preg. Ur baby will b born by c section.

It's usually used whn TVC has failed in past preg. I live in the London and not many doctors do the procedure here cuz its so specialised. But the success rate is supposed to be higher thn the TVC.

Hope ths helps

Yes he did tell me I would have to deliver via c section but after 3 natural births ummmm that's fine with me..
The idea of not having to do bed rest helps and boy do I take my hat off to those of you who do it..
Next step for me is finding the strength inside me to ttc again...
I know there is always the risk of history repeating itself but I could never live with the what ifs if I don't try and at 34 I know I am still young enough to give it another shot
I had my scan today and the girls are measuring 1.2 and 1.4lbs! Doctor is very happy with the progress so I am super excited :)

My stitch is holding beautifully! I have actually gained some length in it and there isnt any funneling.


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I had my scan today and the girls are measuring 1.2 and 1.4lbs! Doctor is very happy with the progress so I am super excited :)

My stitch is holding beautifully! I have actually gained some length in it and there isnt any funneling.

Wow congratulations Hun. It's all starting to sound quite promising x
Nat 2

Just want to say all the best for scan tomm. Hope alls well


Thanks Mills.

Scans at 3.15 this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing LO again but not looking forward to having the cervical scan just in case it has shortened / dilated etc especially seeing as I had the pink discharge yesterday (which ive not had since).

AND I know the consultant is going to tell me off for not agreeing to stay the night at the hospital to be observed!

But i'm still here, no more bleeding and LO is still wriggling away inside so it obviously didn't hurt to go home!

I know they are only trying to do their job though so may well get told off for not listening to the advice!!

Ill let you know how I get on!! :wacko:

I hope your scan went well Hun x
Thanks Mills.

Scans at 3.15 this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing LO again but not looking forward to having the cervical scan just in case it has shortened / dilated etc especially seeing as I had the pink discharge yesterday (which ive not had since).

AND I know the consultant is going to tell me off for not agreeing to stay the night at the hospital to be observed!

But i'm still here, no more bleeding and LO is still wriggling away inside so it obviously didn't hurt to go home!

I know they are only trying to do their job though so may well get told off for not listening to the advice!!

Ill let you know how I get on!! :wacko:[/QUOTE]

I hope your scan went well Hun x[/QUOTE]

Scan went well thanks Sharan. Cervix is measuring 34mm which consultant said is very good at 27 weeks so fingers crossed! Little miss is now weighing 2.2lb and wouldnt sit still. Stitch due to come out at end of January so all looks very promising.

I have one niggling little thing that i cant seem to shift out of my head and i feel so embarressed and ashamed for even thinking it but the sonographer doing the u/s gave us a picture of LO's face yesterday and it looks sort of deformed.

Her lips looks all pushed up and so does her nose and her chin is a funny shape. Sort of how a cleft palate would look. I know they would of picked this up on the 20 week scan however the more i look at it the more i start to worry that they may have missed this.

I keep kicking myself for thinking this but i cant help it. Surely the sonographer would of said something if she had thought it didnt look right, right??

Am i being paranoid? I'll post a pic on here in a min and let me know what you think.

xxxx :shrug:
Scan went well thanks Sharan. Cervix is measuring 34mm which consultant said is very good at 27 weeks so fingers crossed! Little miss is now weighing 2.2lb and wouldnt sit still. Stitch due to come out at end of January so all looks very promising.

I have one niggling little thing that i cant seem to shift out of my head and i feel so embarressed and ashamed for even thinking it but the sonographer doing the u/s gave us a picture of LO's face yesterday and it looks sort of deformed.

Her lips looks all pushed up and so does her nose and her chin is a funny shape. Sort of how a cleft palate would look. I know they would of picked this up on the 20 week scan however the more i look at it the more i start to worry that they may have missed this.

I keep kicking myself for thinking this but i cant help it. Surely the sonographer would of said something if she had thought it didnt look right, right??

Am i being paranoid? I'll post a pic on here in a min and let me know what you think.

xxxx :shrug:

First off, let me just say it looks like you're definitely in the clear as far as incompetent cervix goes! :thumb up: 3.4cm is great for 27 weeks and I'd say you have absolutely nothing to worry about! Secondly, I would not think about the sonograph picture for another second. Things can always look distorted in those pictures, depending on where the wand is, what's in the baby's face, etc. If they haven't told you anything, there's nothing to worry about. :) Congrats on the length!
Scan went well thanks Sharan. Cervix is measuring 34mm which consultant said is very good at 27 weeks so fingers crossed! Little miss is now weighing 2.2lb and wouldnt sit still. Stitch due to come out at end of January so all looks very promising.

I have one niggling little thing that i cant seem to shift out of my head and i feel so embarressed and ashamed for even thinking it but the sonographer doing the u/s gave us a picture of LO's face yesterday and it looks sort of deformed.

Her lips looks all pushed up and so does her nose and her chin is a funny shape. Sort of how a cleft palate would look. I know they would of picked this up on the 20 week scan however the more i look at it the more i start to worry that they may have missed this.

I keep kicking myself for thinking this but i cant help it. Surely the sonographer would of said something if she had thought it didnt look right, right??

Am i being paranoid? I'll post a pic on here in a min and let me know what you think.

xxxx :shrug:

First off, let me just say it looks like you're definitely in the clear as far as incompetent cervix goes! :thumb up: 3.4cm is great for 27 weeks and I'd say you have absolutely nothing to worry about! Secondly, I would not think about the sonograph picture for another second. Things can always look distorted in those pictures, depending on where the wand is, what's in the baby's face, etc. If they haven't told you anything, there's nothing to worry about. :) Congrats on the length!

Thanks Sunnylove. I did have some bleeding the day before my scan so was very worried that my cervix length etc would be awful or that there was something wrong with the stitch so very glad all is well.

Yes i know your right about the picture. I figured that my face may look like that if i was squashed up against something with not a lot of room lol.... so bless her i'm not suprised everything looks a bit mushed!

Just now feel really guilty for posting it on here and worried people may think that its really terrible of me for thinking it. xxx
Awww so glad ur scan went well. I am in hospital at the moment on an insulin drip. Got a steroid injection ths morning nd another tomm. It'd not fun at all esp cuz I m in the labour ward with women having their babies arnd me!

Nat2 was thnkin of u ths morning, I woke up to a light pink discharge nd rushed in to hospital. Had a speculum check(ouch). Cervix was closed thy said thy could c sum pinkish discharge, took a swab but said it did not look infected or serious. Also its not my mucous plug Thank God!

Please baby stay inside for a few more weeks.

Stay safe everyone!

Awww so glad ur scan went well. I am in hospital at the moment on an insulin drip. Got a steroid injection ths morning nd another tomm. It'd not fun at all esp cuz I m in the labour ward with women having their babies arnd me!

Nat2 was thnkin of u ths morning, I woke up to a light pink discharge nd rushed in to hospital. Had a speculum check(ouch). Cervix was closed thy said thy could c sum pinkish discharge, took a swab but said it did not look infected or serious. Also its not my mucous plug Thank God!

Please baby stay inside for a few more weeks.

Stay safe everyone!



Hope your ok and LO is ok? Please let me know.

You were exactly the same as me then, had pinkish discharge, went into hosp, had speculum check and they took swab. Cervix and evertyhing was close and they still cant tell me where the discharge came from or what it was from.

Hun i'm sure you will be fine but please let us know how you're getting on.

Nat xx

yeah and I am arnd the same gestational age as you are too... 27 weeks tommorow. Thts y I thght of u whn I saw the discharge. Whts r the odds huh?

Hopefully all is fine, lo is happy enough nd my sugars r under control. The doc wasn't concerned abt the discharge, said it happens sometimes nd I haven't any more since so I am not too worried abt tht.

Only worry is the funneling cervix, but there's nothg more anyone can do abt tht for now I guess...

I will keep u posted,

Hi ladies! Just wanted to post a quick update -

I had my 15+5 week cervix check yesterday. Cervix is measuring a whopping 5cm! So no sign of IC this time! My cervix didn't change until 18 weeks with my twins, so my doctor will check me every 2 weeks for at least another month, just to be sure.

While at my scan, we got a look at baby, and found out we're expecting...a BOY!

(Sorry for big pics, I'm doing this from my phone.

Also, Tegan and Britton turnes a year old on Monday! They are turning into toddlers so quickly. Such amazing transformations to witness!

Hope all is well with you all!
Congratulations on your pregnancy :hugs::hugs: and I hope you don't get the dreaded IC. just make sure you look after yourself and get plenty of checks scans from your doctor... Fantastic pictures soon you'll be a proud mum of a baby boy.
And....more proud as your a mum to twins :happydance:

I've never spoke to a mum with twins I hope you don't mind me asking but is it as hard as people make out??
Having one baby is a life changer having two must be amazing! ( just double the work). You& your husband must be so proud and now you'll have a baby son joining your family.wish you lots of happiness.

I have 4 sons (single pregnancies) it's defiantly a hard job but us mums wouldn't change a thing even though we could pull our hair out :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Keep us updated and look after yourself :flower:
Omg shelby, congrats on your little man :happydance:

Just realised Tegan and Britton share a birthday with my sisters oldest daughter :)
Oh wow Shelby that's fantastic news. That's a good length for 15+5 weeks. Mine was 25mm at the same time. I hope the rest of your scans go just as well.

Oh congratulations on the boy too. I've got one boy already with another on the way. In comparison to my friend's daughter who is a month older than my son he is a lot more boisterous and naughty! But I wouldn't change him for the world!

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