Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hello everyone, i am 24 years old and am new to this site we lost our little girl Lexi almost 6 months ago at 23+3 weeks due to incompetent cervix and did not catch it in time to have the cerclage done!! Once we found out that she was not going to make it we had to make the decision to induce ... to finally get us into labour and delivery is was 5 days of us knowing what was coming up We went threw the whole labour process and delivered vaginally and got to spend time with her ... we were advise by our high risk ob to wait 9 months before trying again which we plan too do and as this time gets closer i get more more anxious and just do not know what to expect or how to feel about the whole situation .. and i was just wondering to the people who have gone threw the loss of a baby and then when tried again and got pregnant how did you feel what helped you get threw it and not stress to much over it !? Any input would be greatly appreciated



Hi denise
I lost my first and my pregnancy afterwards was an anxious one , but having a plan helped (stitch and monitoring)and lots of reassurance from midwife and docs and extra listens in etc. Plus never being afraid to ask questions etc or for an extra listen

it got easier with subsequent pregnancies although you still worry

do you have a plan? will they put a stitch in

For those of you who are still working, what kind of work do you do and how has it been going? I work in a surgical center as a nurse assistant and am constantly on my feet pushing patients in wheelchairs and moving strechers around to helping orthopedic patients get dressed some who can barely stand. My doctors seem to not care but it has me worried. I know this cerclage will be in place early but last time was only a few weeks later and so uncomfortable at times. I was put on complete bedrest and when I tried to walk or stand for a long time I could feel a tightening, pulling sensation. Even sitting up. After a while I would have to put my feet up. I can't imagine being able to continue doing what I do with a cerclage.
For those of you who are still working, what kind of work do you do and how has it been going? I work in a surgical center as a nurse assistant and am constantly on my feet pushing patients in wheelchairs and moving strechers around to helping orthopedic patients get dressed some who can barely stand. My doctors seem to not care but it has me worried. I know this cerclage will be in place early but last time was only a few weeks later and so uncomfortable at times. I was put on complete bedrest and when I tried to walk or stand for a long time I could feel a tightening, pulling sensation. Even sitting up. After a while I would have to put my feet up. I can't imagine being able to continue doing what I do with a cerclage.

I know you said for those still working but I couldnt even manage an office job after my cerclage for more than 5 weeks. I went out between 20 and 21W I think.
I was up and down from my desk attending meetings and alot of the times I was the presenter. Once I was up for a while or moved around too much I was just really uncomfortable. I was feeling alot of pressure and alot sharp pain in the cervix area. Once they started sitting down didn't help I had to actually lay down to alleviate it.
Shanny, yes I will be having thecstitch put in at 14 weeks high risk ob is amazing and he has a plan set ...I just worry a lot but I will be watched closely so that is good and did you make it to full term with your second??
I noticed most of you have had a cerclage put it due to your short/funneling cervix. at my 19 week scan I was told my cervix was .05-1.5 cm long and the membranes were funneling. I don't know what to do because of the increased possibility of rupture due to the funneling. they would also have to draw amniotic fluid to rule out infection due to the unknown grey mass they saw in my uterus. both the procedures seem risky but so does doing nothing. what would you do in this situation? has anybody ever NOT gotten a cerlage in this or a similar circumstance?
I was up and down from my desk attending meetings and alot of the times I was the presenter. Once I was up for a while or moved around too much I was just really uncomfortable. I was feeling alot of pressure and alot sharp pain in the cervix area. Once they started sitting down didn't help I had to actually lay down to alleviate it.

That's exactly the feeling I would get last time. Just sitting for a length of time would get uncomfortable and I would have to lay down. I'm thinking maybe I should warn my job ahead of time. I've already been pushing for them to hire more help.
Cupcake, I'm nit sure about your specific situation with the funneling and gray mass but the cerclage definitely worked for me. This time I didn't even hesitate. I'd rather do something and be proactive rather than wait and see when so many things are pointing in the wrong direction. I never had a loss but did have to deal with very early births. My cerclage baby actually made it to term. Best decision I've ever made I think.
I noticed most of you have had a cerclage put it due to your short/funneling cervix. at my 19 week scan I was told my cervix was .05-1.5 cm long and the membranes were funneling. I don't know what to do because of the increased possibility of rupture due to the funneling. they would also have to draw amniotic fluid to rule out infection due to the unknown grey mass they saw in my uterus. both the procedures seem risky but so does doing nothing. what would you do in this situation? has anybody ever NOT gotten a cerlage in this or a similar circumstance?

With a cervix that short and funneling I would be on bed rest and in the mean time pushing for the cerclage immediately. Thats just my opinion.
My cervix was 1.5cm with funneling (no bulging membranes tho) at 19w5d and I got the cerclage put in a week later. I had the surgery on November 7 and have been getting cervical length checks every 2 weeks. It's been holding between 1.7-1.9cm and I'm now getting close to 27 weeks :)

I also agree that I'd be pushing for the cerclage if I were you! Good luck hun :hugs:
Bed rest!!!!

A lot of opinions on this but I think bed rest is giving you a good chance if possible you need to keep pressure off your cervix and rest as much as you can for your little ones :hugs:

I noticed as soon as I stood up or started been active i was in pain or discomfort I just didn't want to risk anything..:nope:

Try it :shrug:
I noticed most of you have had a cerclage put it due to your short/funneling cervix. at my 19 week scan I was told my cervix was .05-1.5 cm long and the membranes were funneling. I don't know what to do because of the increased possibility of rupture due to the funneling. they would also have to draw amniotic fluid to rule out infection due to the unknown grey mass they saw in my uterus. both the procedures seem risky but so does doing nothing. what would you do in this situation? has anybody ever NOT gotten a cerlage in this or a similar circumstance?

At 19 weeks, my cervix was measuring at .9cm. I was not funneling at the time, so getting my cerclage placed was easy. That said, I know a LOT of women got the cerclage with funneling and there were no complications, so it's definitely possible. You need to get the cerclage placed. You are too short not to get one placed.

As far as the "gray mass," is it a mass or is it like a sludge in the fluid? I had "amniotic sludge" which the doctors kept an eye on but did not get tested. If it's just that, I would not have them draw amniotic fluid. My doctor told me to always check my temperature and to come in at the first sign of possible infection. But I would not get your fluid drawn, that would be too risky in my book. If it is just sludge, they couldn't do anything about it anyway. There's no way to "disinfect" amniotic fluid. For me, the sludge started going away a few weeks later and me and the baby never had an infection.

This is of course all my opinion and you need to talk everything over with your doctor. I got my cerclage placed at 19 weeks and my cervix kept shortening, but I think it was the only thing that kept my baby in another 7 weeks! He was born early but he had no problems and is now 6 months old and perfect. :)
I noticed most of you have had a cerclage put it due to your short/funneling cervix. at my 19 week scan I was told my cervix was .05-1.5 cm long and the membranes were funneling. I don't know what to do because of the increased possibility of rupture due to the funneling. they would also have to draw amniotic fluid to rule out infection due to the unknown grey mass they saw in my uterus. both the procedures seem risky but so does doing nothing. what would you do in this situation? has anybody ever NOT gotten a cerlage in this or a similar circumstance?

At 19 weeks, my cervix was measuring at .9cm. I was not funneling at the time, so getting my cerclage placed was easy. That said, I know a LOT of women got the cerclage with funneling and there were no complications, so it's definitely possible. You need to get the cerclage placed. You are too short not to get one placed.

As far as the "gray mass," is it a mass or is it like a sludge in the fluid? I had "amniotic sludge" which the doctors kept an eye on but did not get tested. If it's just that, I would not have them draw amniotic fluid. My doctor told me to always check my temperature and to come in at the first sign of possible infection. But I would not get your fluid drawn, that would be too risky in my book. If it is just sludge, they couldn't do anything about it anyway. There's no way to "disinfect" amniotic fluid. For me, the sludge started going away a few weeks later and me and the baby never had an infection.

This is of course all my opinion and you need to talk everything over with your doctor. I got my cerclage placed at 19 weeks and my cervix kept shortening, but I think it was the only thing that kept my baby in another 7 weeks! He was born early but he had no problems and is now 6 months old and perfect. :)

what i find strange is most of you in my situation were kept in the hospital and had emergency stitches. they didnt even put me on bed rest! they dont seem concerned enough to do anything drastic except the progesterone pills. its so confusing and frustrating. i dont know what to do esp. if they are going to require me to draw fluid before they will do a stitch. :(
I noticed most of you have had a cerclage put it due to your short/funneling cervix. at my 19 week scan I was told my cervix was .05-1.5 cm long and the membranes were funneling. I don't know what to do because of the increased possibility of rupture due to the funneling. they would also have to draw amniotic fluid to rule out infection due to the unknown grey mass they saw in my uterus. both the procedures seem risky but so does doing nothing. what would you do in this situation? has anybody ever NOT gotten a cerlage in this or a similar circumstance?

At 19 weeks, my cervix was measuring at .9cm. I was not funneling at the time, so getting my cerclage placed was easy. That said, I know a LOT of women got the cerclage with funneling and there were no complications, so it's definitely possible. You need to get the cerclage placed. You are too short not to get one placed.

As far as the "gray mass," is it a mass or is it like a sludge in the fluid? I had "amniotic sludge" which the doctors kept an eye on but did not get tested. If it's just that, I would not have them draw amniotic fluid. My doctor told me to always check my temperature and to come in at the first sign of possible infection. But I would not get your fluid drawn, that would be too risky in my book. If it is just sludge, they couldn't do anything about it anyway. There's no way to "disinfect" amniotic fluid. For me, the sludge started going away a few weeks later and me and the baby never had an infection.

This is of course all my opinion and you need to talk everything over with your doctor. I got my cerclage placed at 19 weeks and my cervix kept shortening, but I think it was the only thing that kept my baby in another 7 weeks! He was born early but he had no problems and is now 6 months old and perfect. :)

what i find strange is most of you in my situation were kept in the hospital and had emergency stitches. they didnt even put me on bed rest! they dont seem concerned enough to do anything drastic except the progesterone pills. its so confusing and frustrating. i dont know what to do esp. if they are going to require me to draw fluid before they will do a stitch. :(

Yes when mine got down to 2.3 with funneling I was hospitalized immediately for 3 days and my stitch was placed. I am now on modified bed rest. I would be calling and demanding a stitch.
thank you brandy for your concern and reply. its nice to know im not totally alone. I am going to call my dr tomorrow and if he doesn't seem concerned I am switching clinics.
I noticed most of you have had a cerclage put it due to your short/funneling cervix. at my 19 week scan I was told my cervix was .05-1.5 cm long and the membranes were funneling. I don't know what to do because of the increased possibility of rupture due to the funneling. they would also have to draw amniotic fluid to rule out infection due to the unknown grey mass they saw in my uterus. both the procedures seem risky but so does doing nothing. what would you do in this situation? has anybody ever NOT gotten a cerlage in this or a similar circumstance?

At 19 weeks, my cervix was measuring at .9cm. I was not funneling at the time, so getting my cerclage placed was easy. That said, I know a LOT of women got the cerclage with funneling and there were no complications, so it's definitely possible. You need to get the cerclage placed. You are too short not to get one placed.

As far as the "gray mass," is it a mass or is it like a sludge in the fluid? I had "amniotic sludge" which the doctors kept an eye on but did not get tested. If it's just that, I would not have them draw amniotic fluid. My doctor told me to always check my temperature and to come in at the first sign of possible infection. But I would not get your fluid drawn, that would be too risky in my book. If it is just sludge, they couldn't do anything about it anyway. There's no way to "disinfect" amniotic fluid. For me, the sludge started going away a few weeks later and me and the baby never had an infection.

This is of course all my opinion and you need to talk everything over with your doctor. I got my cerclage placed at 19 weeks and my cervix kept shortening, but I think it was the only thing that kept my baby in another 7 weeks! He was born early but he had no problems and is now 6 months old and perfect. :)

what i find strange is most of you in my situation were kept in the hospital and had emergency stitches. they didnt even put me on bed rest! they dont seem concerned enough to do anything drastic except the progesterone pills. its so confusing and frustrating. i dont know what to do esp. if they are going to require me to draw fluid before they will do a stitch. :(

I was given a cerclage the day they found out how short my cervix was. But I was sent home the same day on full bed rest, and was put on complete bed rest the remainder of my pregnancy (the last 3 weeks in hospital). Some doctors and hospitals (especially in the UK) don't prescribe bed rest because not everybody believes it works (there are no studies to prove it does) but here in the US they over-prescribe bed rest. Good luck!
Cupcake: I'm really surprised they didn't keep you in hospital at your scan,

I was 17weeks+7days when I had a cervical scan and was told I had 1 cm of cervix left and funnelling also bulging membranes!!!

They kept me in and 18weeks (next day) they put in emergency stitch I'm lucky my baby survived one catch of them membranes my son wouldn't have been here today..
If I hadn't have had a appointment that day who's what would have happened!!

I would defiantly get to hospital ASAP and hope all is ok
im scared to take a shower or cook or even walk! my husband works though and I don't have anybody to help me full time. how much activity is too much in my situation? is sitting ok?
Yeah sitting is ok, bed rest doesn't mean just sleep just relax keep off your feet..
Your ok to shower personally I didn't bath due to risk of infection but just slowly do things till you get a Stitch put in and I'd push your doctor or I'd change as it's your baby you have to protect :hugs:

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