Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

UPDATE - I saw my consultant today, she said go ahead as planned so stitch will be removed at 37 weeks exactly next Friday. She said expect delivery any day after tht.

I have a scan on Monday to check bubs growth nd another meeting with her on Tuesday to discuss induction nd delivery cuz I have gestational diabeties.

I m goin into panic mode now, I have not done any preparing and baby could be here next weekend!!!yikes!!!

How's everyone else doing?


Wow thats so soon Mills!!

I am doing awesome.. 31W now never thought I would see the 30's when I went into PTL at 15W and had the cerclage put in so I am kinda on :cloud9:

I have a scan today to check my cervix lengths and growth of the babies and supposeably a discussion to talk about when the cerclage will be removed! Scary and exciting all at the same time. I would love to know a date though so I have something to look forward to.

How is everyone else?
I have an appt and scan today too. I was told at my last appt two weeks ago that today will be the last time they check my cervix :/ I'm supposed to get mine out at 36 weeks. The past 2-3 days I've been feeling so much pressure that I'm scared the stitch is going to tear! Hoping to hear some reassuring news today.
UPDATE - I saw my consultant today, she said go ahead as planned so stitch will be removed at 37 weeks exactly next Friday. She said expect delivery any day after tht.

I have a scan on Monday to check bubs growth nd another meeting with her on Tuesday to discuss induction nd delivery cuz I have gestational diabeties.

I m goin into panic mode now, I have not done any preparing and baby could be here next weekend!!!yikes!!!

How's everyone else doing?


Wow mills that great. What is your actual due date?

My doctor said that baby could come anytime after stitch out but has only ever had 1 lady go into labour within 72 hours after stitch removal!

And i'm still here nearly 10 days after stitch removal with no baby so theres a chance it may not happen straight away!

In fact, doctor said it will probably go the other way and ill end up having to be induced.... we spend all this time and effort trying to keep our little precious ones in, that when you finally say they are allowed out you have to evict them!!!

Typical! :haha:
I have an appt and scan today too. I was told at my last appt two weeks ago that today will be the last time they check my cervix :/ I'm supposed to get mine out at 36 weeks. The past 2-3 days I've been feeling so much pressure that I'm scared the stitch is going to tear! Hoping to hear some reassuring news today.

GL with your scan today. You're almost 33W your babes would be fine if something were to happen and you would deliver. MANY twin mothers deliver all the time around that as a norm and we do great. I know it's best to keep the LO in as long as you can though so I hope that you wont have to fret over it.

Like another poster said alot of the time if they remove the stitch the babies can take weeks to come.
UPDATE - I saw my consultant today, she said go ahead as planned so stitch will be removed at 37 weeks exactly next Friday. She said expect delivery any day after tht.

I have a scan on Monday to check bubs growth nd another meeting with her on Tuesday to discuss induction nd delivery cuz I have gestational diabeties.

I m goin into panic mode now, I have not done any preparing and baby could be here next weekend!!!yikes!!!

How's everyone else doing?


Wow mills that great. What is your actual due date?

My doctor said that baby could come anytime after stitch out but has only ever had 1 lady go into labour within 72 hours after stitch removal!

And i'm still here nearly 10 days after stitch removal with no baby so theres a chance it may not happen straight away!

In fact, doctor said it will probably go the other way and ill end up having to be induced.... we spend all this time and effort trying to keep our little precious ones in, that when you finally say they are allowed out you have to evict them!!!

Typical! :haha:[/QUOTE

My actual due date is 27 Feb but cuz I hav gestational diabetes thy won't let me go past 38 weeks.

I am hoping to go into labour naturally tho, I was induced last time round with my son nd it was awful, he came quickly but I never got a chance to breathe through the intense contractions right frm start to the end. And there was a lot of medical intervention.

Hope I get to do it naturally ths time round!
I just had my U/S for 31W the babies are 3lbs 13oz 17" long! My cerclage is holding perfectly thank god :) No funneling currently so I have bought myself some more time with these little girls.

I have another scan a week from today so we are just going to take it weekly and decide when to take it out. For now I am very happy with their weights and how far we have made it. I just wish I wasnt so damn uncomfortable :(
UPDATE - I saw my consultant today, she said go ahead as planned so stitch will be removed at 37 weeks exactly next Friday. She said expect delivery any day after tht.

I have a scan on Monday to check bubs growth nd another meeting with her on Tuesday to discuss induction nd delivery cuz I have gestational diabeties.

I m goin into panic mode now, I have not done any preparing and baby could be here next weekend!!!yikes!!!

How's everyone else doing?


Wow mills that great. What is your actual due date?

My doctor said that baby could come anytime after stitch out but has only ever had 1 lady go into labour within 72 hours after stitch removal!

And i'm still here nearly 10 days after stitch removal with no baby so theres a chance it may not happen straight away!

In fact, doctor said it will probably go the other way and ill end up having to be induced.... we spend all this time and effort trying to keep our little precious ones in, that when you finally say they are allowed out you have to evict them!!!

Typical! :haha:[/QUOTE

My actual due date is 27 Feb but cuz I hav gestational diabetes thy won't let me go past 38 weeks.

I am hoping to go into labour naturally tho, I was induced last time round with my son nd it was awful, he came quickly but I never got a chance to breathe through the intense contractions right frm start to the end. And there was a lot of medical intervention.

Hope I get to do it naturally ths time round!

awww due day after me! I'm hoping she comes soon too.... dont think i can hang on until 40 weeks.... getting rather uncomfortable now.

Constant back ache and started having quite bad period pains.... dreading labour though! x
Nat2, havent heard frm u in a while, how r u doing post stitch removal?

hey Hun. I'm doin great thanks... Just watching n waiting now.... 2 days after stitch out my cervix was still 2cm long and closed...

its now been out 8 days and am 36 weeks on Wednesday. Have no signs anything yet but lots n lots of painful twinges in cervix so i think shes just bouncin round on it.

wud b interested to no tho if i was dilated slightly at all or not. Midwife appt isn't until 3 feb! :-(

how r u doing xx

Hi nat just caught up with you, so glad your doing great :thumbup:

I said last time I had stitch out at 34 weeks and baby came 2 weeks after stitch removal he was born he was 1 month early:dohh:

I stayed in labour room straight after stitch as they bet I was going to deliver straight away but he stayed put so any time soon your beautiful baby will be here..:happydance:

When he was born he was ok just low blood sugars, couldn't control temperature and feeding was slow but he was home 3weeks later so if your baby is all good he could come straight home but also be prepared just incase they keep him in as he is still early if comes now..

Keep updated and good luck Hun :hugs:
I just had my U/S for 31W the babies are 3lbs 13oz 17" long! My cerclage is holding perfectly thank god :) No funneling currently so I have bought myself some more time with these little girls.

I have another scan a week from today so we are just going to take it weekly and decide when to take it out. For now I am very happy with their weights and how far we have made it. I just wish I wasnt so damn uncomfortable :(

Good news try not worry about weight they'll catch up..
I've never had twins so you've been blessed :flower:
You've reached a great gestation with babies so the longer the better but take each day at a time your doing great :thumbup:
Mills80-- glad your doing ok try not worry :thumbup:

Getting confused with post so my quotes :wacko:
Will read again :thumbup:
Nat2, havent heard frm u in a while, how r u doing post stitch removal?

hey Hun. I'm doin great thanks... Just watching n waiting now.... 2 days after stitch out my cervix was still 2cm long and closed...

its now been out 8 days and am 36 weeks on Wednesday. Have no signs anything yet but lots n lots of painful twinges in cervix so i think shes just bouncin round on it.

wud b interested to no tho if i was dilated slightly at all or not. Midwife appt isn't until 3 feb! :-(

how r u doing xx

Hi nat just caught up with you, so glad your doing great :thumbup:

I said last time I had stitch out at 34 weeks and baby came 2 weeks after stitch removal he was born he was 1 month early:dohh:

I stayed in labour room straight after stitch as they bet I was going to deliver straight away but he stayed put so any time soon your beautiful baby will be here..:happydance:

When he was born he was ok just low blood sugars, couldn't control temperature and feeding was slow but he was home 3weeks later so if your baby is all good he could come straight home but also be prepared just incase they keep him in as he is still early if comes now..

Keep updated and good luck Hun :hugs:

OMG 4 boys... 36 weeks really!

I just thought if she didnt turn up within the first few days of having it out that she probably wouldnt turn up until a lot closer to the due date.
I've read some of this thread, but there are so many posts that I have to admit that I didn't make it all the way through!

I'm currently 9w4d pregnant with my first. 10 years ago I had a LEEP done under general anesthesia and my GYN at the time basically told me that it was no big deal, I'd get a cerclage whenever I got pregnant (I was only 20 at the time). I didn't put much thought into it as kids were not on my radar. Fast forward 10 years and I'm now 30 and pregnant with my first...and terrified!

I see a different doctor now who I have expressed my concerns to...he scheduled a check of my cervical length at around the 12 week mark. I'm not sure what intervals it makes sense to check after the 12 week check...assuming that things are good at that point. I'm thinking about asking to be checked at 16 weeks and then 20 weeks at the anatomy scan, but not sure if this is too risky and I should ask to be checked at 2 week intervals instead? He did do an exam at my first appointment and said that he could see the scar tissue on my cervix and nothing looked drastically abnormal. I guess my main concern is that this is my first pregnancy and I worry that they won't check me as often since I don't have a history of an incompetent cervix, just the surgery 10 years ago.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and I'm very glad this thread exists!
Welcome! Knowing what I know now I would request a cerclage as a preemptive measure. I am not really the type to do the and see route though. My cervix was totally fine with my previous 2 pregnancies... This came out of the blue even after they had checked my cervix 4 weeks earlier.

Everyone is different though. Sorry so quick and short I'm on my phone.
I've read some of this thread, but there are so many posts that I have to admit that I didn't make it all the way through!

I'm currently 9w4d pregnant with my first. 10 years ago I had a LEEP done under general anesthesia and my GYN at the time basically told me that it was no big deal, I'd get a cerclage whenever I got pregnant (I was only 20 at the time). I didn't put much thought into it as kids were not on my radar. Fast forward 10 years and I'm now 30 and pregnant with my first...and terrified!

I see a different doctor now who I have expressed my concerns to...he scheduled a check of my cervical length at around the 12 week mark. I'm not sure what intervals it makes sense to check after the 12 week check...assuming that things are good at that point. I'm thinking about asking to be checked at 16 weeks and then 20 weeks at the anatomy scan, but not sure if this is too risky and I should ask to be checked at 2 week intervals instead? He did do an exam at my first appointment and said that he could see the scar tissue on my cervix and nothing looked drastically abnormal. I guess my main concern is that this is my first pregnancy and I worry that they won't check me as often since I don't have a history of an incompetent cervix, just the surgery 10 years ago.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and I'm very glad this thread exists!

Hi and Congrats on ur preg. Everyones experience is diff so I can only tell u mine. I lost a baby at 14 weeks due to infection, had an evacuation after nd heard tht the procedure can damage cervix. So when I got preg again I demanded additional scans. My doc very reluctantly agreed to scan my cervix at 13, 16 and 19 weeks.

Well my lengths were fine upto 16 weeks, doc also told me not to worry she did not see any more problems with the preg. Then at 19 weeks thy found my cervix fully dilated and bag of waters almost falling through. I went into labour the next day nd lost another baby. I did not hav any indication of things goin wrong untill the scan.

I had a cerclege put in next preg nd my son is now 3 years old. Am currently preg with another cerclege due to come out next week at 37 weeks

I can only push for more scans at ths point cuz ur cervix can change drastically on a weekly basis. Can't help thinking if I had a scan at 18 weeks in my 2nd preg, my baby could hav had a chance.

Take care

Nat2, havent heard frm u in a while, how r u doing post stitch removal?

hey Hun. I'm doin great thanks... Just watching n waiting now.... 2 days after stitch out my cervix was still 2cm long and closed...

its now been out 8 days and am 36 weeks on Wednesday. Have no signs anything yet but lots n lots of painful twinges in cervix so i think shes just bouncin round on it.

wud b interested to no tho if i was dilated slightly at all or not. Midwife appt isn't until 3 feb! :-(

how r u doing xx

Hi nat just caught up with you, so glad your doing great :thumbup:

I said last time I had stitch out at 34 weeks and baby came 2 weeks after stitch removal he was born he was 1 month early:dohh:

I stayed in labour room straight after stitch as they bet I was going to deliver straight away but he stayed put so any time soon your beautiful baby will be here..:happydance:

When he was born he was ok just low blood sugars, couldn't control temperature and feeding was slow but he was home 3weeks later so if your baby is all good he could come straight home but also be prepared just incase they keep him in as he is still early if comes now..

Keep updated and good luck Hun :hugs:

OMG 4 boys... 36 weeks really!

I just thought if she didnt turn up within the first few days of having it out that she probably wouldnt turn up until a lot closer to the due date.

When I had stitch out I honestly thought baby would have come straight away as I was in agony and contracting every 5 min but yeah he come at 36 weeks they said because I didn't have him straightaway they were going to induce but he come in the end..really wasn't looking forward to inducing :cry: so if I was you have that bag ready because when it's time it will be time :haha::haha:
I've read some of this thread, but there are so many posts that I have to admit that I didn't make it all the way through!

I'm currently 9w4d pregnant with my first. 10 years ago I had a LEEP done under general anesthesia and my GYN at the time basically told me that it was no big deal, I'd get a cerclage whenever I got pregnant (I was only 20 at the time). I didn't put much thought into it as kids were not on my radar. Fast forward 10 years and I'm now 30 and pregnant with my first...and terrified!

I see a different doctor now who I have expressed my concerns to...he scheduled a check of my cervical length at around the 12 week mark. I'm not sure what intervals it makes sense to check after the 12 week check...assuming that things are good at that point. I'm thinking about asking to be checked at 16 weeks and then 20 weeks at the anatomy scan, but not sure if this is too risky and I should ask to be checked at 2 week intervals instead? He did do an exam at my first appointment and said that he could see the scar tissue on my cervix and nothing looked drastically abnormal. I guess my main concern is that this is my first pregnancy and I worry that they won't check me as often since I don't have a history of an incompetent cervix, just the surgery 10 years ago.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and I'm very glad this thread exists!

Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome :flower:

I hope all goes well for you, if you feel you need more support and scans throughout your pregnancy you need to push your doctor and if need be get a second opinion.
I hope your cervix is normal and you don't need a stitch but see how your first check goes and decide from there also make sure you have internal scan as a abdominal one isn't that accurate :flower:

Good luck
I am currently 25+1 and have only 4mm of cervix left. Went for my weekly scan since my cervix was shortening since 20 weeks, and was sent to triage immediately. I wasn't having any contractions so they sent me home. This is my second child and with my first I had a similar problem. I was placed on bedrest by a female md three weeks ago when I measured 11mm but another doctor from fetal medicine took me off last week. After yesterday the male doctor who sent me to triage told me bedrest wouldn't make a difference so I'm feeling pretty helpless and confused. He told I have been on progesterone since 20w, and that's it. I'm searching for some advice. Thanks!
Making It
Well, I saw my doctor today at 9+5, heard the hb on his doppler and got some more information from him about the scan I am having on February 20th (12+5) at the hospital. We are doing early risk assessment and having an ultrasound to measure my cervical length as well as one for chromosomal abnormalities. After the ultrasound is done, we will speak to a high-risk doctor about where to go from there. Hopefully he/she will be open to me having scans at at least 2 week intervals. My doctor told me that percentage wise, the risk is small after a LEEP, but he understands my concerns.

I'm hoping the scans at 12 weeks go well and things look good and the high risk doctor is able to ease my fears and have me come back in as the pregnancy progresses.

Thank you for all the advice so far! I hope that things are going well for everyone going through it now. Such a scary thing.
I am currently 25+1 and have only 4mm of cervix left. Went for my weekly scan since my cervix was shortening since 20 weeks, and was sent to triage immediately. I wasn't having any contractions so they sent me home. This is my second child and with my first I had a similar problem. I was placed on bedrest by a female md three weeks ago when I measured 11mm but another doctor from fetal medicine took me off last week. After yesterday the male doctor who sent me to triage told me bedrest wouldn't make a difference so I'm feeling pretty helpless and confused. He told I have been on progesterone since 20w, and that's it. I'm searching for some advice. Thanks!
Making It

It can be very frustrating to be given different advice... some doctors believe in bedrest and others do not.

I believe in it because there is no possible way that if you're laying on your back or side that you are not relieving pressure off of the cervix.. I think it buys you more time. That is just my opinion though.

So what is their plan of action? Nothing? just normal activity, take progesterone and when do you see them again?

If I understand your post right I would be crazy confused with all the different opinions you're getting too. I would put myself on bedrest since you're too far along for a cerclage now for most doctors.
It can be very frustrating to be given different advice... some doctors believe in bedrest and others do not.

I believe in it because there is no possible way that if you're laying on your back or side that you are not relieving pressure off of the cervix.. I think it buys you more time. That is just my opinion though.

So what is their plan of action? Nothing? just normal activity, take progesterone and when do you see them again?

If I understand your post right I would be crazy confused with all the different opinions you're getting too. I would put myself on bedrest since you're too far along for a cerclage now for most doctors.
OMG! Thank you for responding. I am over here feeling very overwhelmed. As of right now the plan is to keep taking the progesterone and relax when I can. I have put myself on bedrest but without the direction of the doctor, I know my husband is feeling quite crazy. Yes! Very frustrating to recieve different opinions. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what's happening. Short cervix means? ..... the doc said I'm only 1fingertip dilated. Every other post I have read makes 4mm out to be a major emergency. Seems like the md I saw yesterday is just waiting until I go into labor. Too late for cerclage.....idk what else to do but lay and pray.
Thank you again. I appreciate your support. .. it is a bit easier knowing other are there to talk to.

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