Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

It can be very frustrating to be given different advice... some doctors believe in bedrest and others do not.

I believe in it because there is no possible way that if you're laying on your back or side that you are not relieving pressure off of the cervix.. I think it buys you more time. That is just my opinion though.

So what is their plan of action? Nothing? just normal activity, take progesterone and when do you see them again?

If I understand your post right I would be crazy confused with all the different opinions you're getting too. I would put myself on bedrest since you're too far along for a cerclage now for most doctors.
Sorry, I see them next wed.
I would voice your concerns and tell them that you're not comfortable with how your care is being handled
Hi ladies, I just want to pop in and say hi,

I was glued to this thread last year, I must have read it all from the beginning as I sat trying to find every piece of hope and positive stories that I could! This thread helped me so much during my difficult pregnancy!

I found it reassuring to read success stories about incompetent cervix so I'll tell you mine quickly and I hope it reassures some of you ladies.

In 2009 I had a baby at 29weeks due to incompetent cervix, I never knew it at the time, I thought it was a spontaneous birth. My daughter was tiny but a fighter :) she's now 4

Then in 2012 I had a terrible pregnancy, I had lots of back ache" Braxton hicks and cervical pressure then I gave birth at 22 weeks to a little boy, who sadly passed away. I was then diagnosed with incompetent cervix.

In 2013 I was pregnant again and was terrified at the thought of losing another baby, I did lots of research into incompetent cervix and how to prevent a preterm birth. During my pregnancy I had a cervical cerclage put in at 15weeks and then I took it real easy, I put myself on bed rest even though my consultant said it wasn't necessary as in the UK it isn't recommended due to the risk of blood clots and lack of proof that it helps.

During my pregnancy it was very difficult mentally emotionally and physically. I suffered lots of cervical pressure even though I had the stitch in and I had back ache, leg ache etc I felt exactly the same as I did during my previous pregnancy where I lost my baby and I was terrified the same was happening again. I was constantly at the hospital getting my cervix checked as I was convinced I was in labour, my baby was head down from 16weeks and pressing hard on my cervix. I bed rested until 24 weeks as I daren't move incase I put too much pressure on my cervix, once I had my steroid injections at 24 weeks i slightly increased my activity, I had a scare at 27weeks as I had constant contractions! I was kept in hospital over night but my baby never came!

From 27weeks I basically went back to normal life but with light duties such as no hoovering or washing the bathroom and I still had constant contractions all day every day up until giving birth.

My stitch was scheduled for removal at 36 weeks but I pleaded for it to be taken out at 35weeks due to my baby being so far head down (no one could ever measure his head on scans and he was engaged from early on) I was scared he was trying to get out and his head was being squished.

The day I had been waiting for finally came- Stitch removal :) and I instantly went to 2cm dilated and I was convinced I was going to go straight in to labour but nothing ever happend. Once my stitch was removed I went on long walks, I cleaned my house top to bottom, I hoovered and I was loving life, I was so happy to be doing normal things again. I made 36weeks, 37 weeks, 38 weeks and still no baby!! He was still hanging In there much to my amazement. Then at 38+3 I gave birth to my baby boy!!

He was full term and perfect I couldn't believe it and I still can't

A pregnancy with IC is so hard and very challenging to go through and in times you feel like you will never have a happy ending but you will and you will all look back like myself and you will wonder why you worried so much :)

Sorry for just adding my long post to your thread it would have been much longer if I told my story in detail but I don't want to bore you all lol especially if your not interested :)

So I just want to say if any one wants to ask any questions, I know I had lots of questions that I needed answering during my pregnancy then feel free to ask me as I gained lots of knowledge during my 3 pregnancies with IC :)

I wish you all the best of luck :)
I've read some of this thread, but there are so many posts that I have to admit that I didn't make it all the way through!

I'm currently 9w4d pregnant with my first. 10 years ago I had a LEEP done under general anesthesia and my GYN at the time basically told me that it was no big deal, I'd get a cerclage whenever I got pregnant (I was only 20 at the time). I didn't put much thought into it as kids were not on my radar. Fast forward 10 years and I'm now 30 and pregnant with my first...and terrified!

I see a different doctor now who I have expressed my concerns to...he scheduled a check of my cervical length at around the 12 week mark. I'm not sure what intervals it makes sense to check after the 12 week check...assuming that things are good at that point. I'm thinking about asking to be checked at 16 weeks and then 20 weeks at the anatomy scan, but not sure if this is too risky and I should ask to be checked at 2 week intervals instead? He did do an exam at my first appointment and said that he could see the scar tissue on my cervix and nothing looked drastically abnormal. I guess my main concern is that this is my first pregnancy and I worry that they won't check me as often since I don't have a history of an incompetent cervix, just the surgery 10 years ago.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and I'm very glad this thread exists!

I hope everything works out for you!! :thumbsup: Hopefully your procedure 10 years ago does not affect your cervix in any way :) It's a good idea to get your cervix measured earlier than later obviously, but just so you know IC usually doesn't present itself until the baby starts putting on weight around 15-16 weeks. So a GOOD measurement at 12 weeks won't be an indication of what your cervix could look like 3 or 4 weeks later. But, I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about :)

I am currently 25+1 and have only 4mm of cervix left. Went for my weekly scan since my cervix was shortening since 20 weeks, and was sent to triage immediately. I wasn't having any contractions so they sent me home. This is my second child and with my first I had a similar problem. I was placed on bedrest by a female md three weeks ago when I measured 11mm but another doctor from fetal medicine took me off last week. After yesterday the male doctor who sent me to triage told me bedrest wouldn't make a difference so I'm feeling pretty helpless and confused. He told I have been on progesterone since 20w, and that's it. I'm searching for some advice. Thanks!
Making It

Wow, keep it up girl!! I was measuring about 4mm at 20 weeks!
I am currently 25+1 and have only 4mm of cervix left. Went for my weekly scan since my cervix was shortening since 20 weeks, and was sent to triage immediately. I wasn't having any contractions so they sent me home. This is my second child and with my first I had a similar problem. I was placed on bedrest by a female md three weeks ago when I measured 11mm but another doctor from fetal medicine took me off last week. After yesterday the male doctor who sent me to triage told me bedrest wouldn't make a difference so I'm feeling pretty helpless and confused. He told I have been on progesterone since 20w, and that's it. I'm searching for some advice. Thanks!
Making It

Welcome and congratulations on pregnancy.

We'll I personally would stay on bed rest and not come off..
I would have pushed for a stitch but now it's too risky as you've only 4mm I think either way your just going to have to trust your body and rest..
You will feel helpless and confused because others the are caring for you have different opinions and it's stressful.

If your baby is born anytime soon he will be in nicu till his due date and everything will depend on how baby copes..
I've had a 26 & 28 weeker and was put down to spontaneous labour but I've just had a son and had a stitch put in due to my past history..
I went into preterm labourvat 17+7 and emergency stitch at 18 weeks and gave birth at 36wk so there's hope with a stitch but with my other two it just happened and nothing to stop it...

Keep us updated and best of luck
Any signs or pains etc straight to l&d as baby will need help straight away but hopefully you'll get a few more days,weeks,months :thumbup:
Hi ladies, I just want to pop in and say hi,

I was glued to this thread last year, I must have read it all from the beginning as I sat trying to find every piece of hope and positive stories that I could! This thread helped me so much during my difficult pregnancy!

I found it reassuring to read success stories about incompetent cervix so I'll tell you mine quickly and I hope it reassures some of you ladies.

In 2009 I had a baby at 29weeks due to incompetent cervix, I never knew it at the time, I thought it was a spontaneous birth. My daughter was tiny but a fighter :) she's now 4

Then in 2012 I had a terrible pregnancy, I had lots of back ache" Braxton hicks and cervical pressure then I gave birth at 22 weeks to a little boy, who sadly passed away. I was then diagnosed with incompetent cervix.

In 2013 I was pregnant again and was terrified at the thought of losing another baby, I did lots of research into incompetent cervix and how to prevent a preterm birth. During my pregnancy I had a cervical cerclage put in at 15weeks and then I took it real easy, I put myself on bed rest even though my consultant said it wasn't necessary as in the UK it isn't recommended due to the risk of blood clots and lack of proof that it helps.

During my pregnancy it was very difficult mentally emotionally and physically. I suffered lots of cervical pressure even though I had the stitch in and I had back ache, leg ache etc I felt exactly the same as I did during my previous pregnancy where I lost my baby and I was terrified the same was happening again. I was constantly at the hospital getting my cervix checked as I was convinced I was in labour, my baby was head down from 16weeks and pressing hard on my cervix. I bed rested until 24 weeks as I daren't move incase I put too much pressure on my cervix, once I had my steroid injections at 24 weeks i slightly increased my activity, I had a scare at 27weeks as I had constant contractions! I was kept in hospital over night but my baby never came!

From 27weeks I basically went back to normal life but with light duties such as no hoovering or washing the bathroom and I still had constant contractions all day every day up until giving birth.

My stitch was scheduled for removal at 36 weeks but I pleaded for it to be taken out at 35weeks due to my baby being so far head down (no one could ever measure his head on scans and he was engaged from early on) I was scared he was trying to get out and his head was being squished.

The day I had been waiting for finally came- Stitch removal :) and I instantly went to 2cm dilated and I was convinced I was going to go straight in to labour but nothing ever happend. Once my stitch was removed I went on long walks, I cleaned my house top to bottom, I hoovered and I was loving life, I was so happy to be doing normal things again. I made 36weeks, 37 weeks, 38 weeks and still no baby!! He was still hanging In there much to my amazement. Then at 38+3 I gave birth to my baby boy!!

He was full term and perfect I couldn't believe it and I still can't

A pregnancy with IC is so hard and very challenging to go through and in times you feel like you will never have a happy ending but you will and you will all look back like myself and you will wonder why you worried so much :)

Sorry for just adding my long post to your thread it would have been much longer if I told my story in detail but I don't want to bore you all lol especially if your not interested :)

So I just want to say if any one wants to ask any questions, I know I had lots of questions that I needed answering during my pregnancy then feel free to ask me as I gained lots of knowledge during my 3 pregnancies with IC :)

I wish you all the best of luck :)

Hi I posted on here a while ago asking we're you all are,
You all supported me through my pregnancy even though I never posted as I was really unwell but I briefly filled you all in. Try read from where you left off.
Your story is a glimmer of hope to all mums with ic and it's good to know your well.

How's your little one doing ??
Try pop on when you've time and have you been in touch with the other mums from when you was on?

So good to hear from you take care
Welcome and congratulations on pregnancy.

We'll I personally would stay on bed rest and not come off..
I would have pushed for a stitch but now it's too risky as you've only 4mm I think either way your just going to have to trust your body and rest..
You will feel helpless and confused because others the are caring for you have different opinions and it's stressful.

If your baby is born anytime soon he will be in nicu till his due date and everything will depend on how baby copes..
I've had a 26 & 28 weeker and was put down to spontaneous labour but I've just had a son and had a stitch put in due to my past history..
I went into preterm labourvat 17+7 and emergency stitch at 18 weeks and gave birth at 36wk so there's hope with a stitch but with my other two it just happened and nothing to stop it...

Keep us updated and best of luck
Any signs or pains etc straight to l&d as baby will need help straight away but hopefully you'll get a few more days,weeks,months :thumbup:
Thank you. I definitely am staying in bed. My first baby went film term so they advised against the stitch. Idk..... I'm praying I make it another ten weeks at least. I've heard so many different cases, success and sad stories. I'm trying not to worry and trust my body. Hopefully next week the scan will say that I have increased some. Today I had quite a few braxt hicks and I was terrified. Drank a ton of water and they stopped. Yeah, l&d know exactly who I am by now. ... better safe than sorry. Thanks for the support. I'll keep you guys updated
Has anyone here had a preemie with a rescue or emergent cerclage, and then went on to have a late term or full term baby with a preventative cerclage with the next baby? Just feeling like the cerclage "failed" me and am wondering if a preventative will be anymore affective next time...
I had an emergency one at 24 weeks on bulging membranes and went until 32 weeks the first time and then the second time had an elective and went overdue!
Wow I've not been on this thread for a while. It's nice to see the new ladies receiving support but also saddened that they are here to begin with x

In my case I can't believe I've made it past 34 weeks; a fete I though was impossible a few months ago.

I've now got my consultants appointment on Tuesday to discuss its removal and when.
I am pregnant with my third child. Previous pregnancies uncomplicated, 1st born at 36+4, 2nd born at 35 weeks.

At my 20 week scan with this pregnancy, they noticed my cervix looked short, they measured it at 3mm, funneling with bulging membranes. Had an emergency stitch put in on Christmas Eve. Am now 26+3 days so was thinking I am doing really well and hopeful for getting along.

Though according to my consultant, she is hoping I get to 28 weeks, 30 will be great. This was a bit of a shock but in her experience she said that with my history I am very unlikely to go full term. I just wondered how many other ladies have had emergency cerclage and when they went into labour or how far long you are currently? :flower:
I had a rescue cerclage and held out for 7 more weeks. :) But my cervix was well below 1cm. You seem to have really good length, it's interesting that your membranes are bulging considering how much length you have!
I am pregnant with my third child. Previous pregnancies uncomplicated, 1st born at 36+4, 2nd born at 35 weeks.

At my 20 week scan with this pregnancy, they noticed my cervix looked short, they measured it at 3mm, funneling with bulging membranes. Had an emergency stitch put in on Christmas Eve. Am now 26+3 days so was thinking I am doing really well and hopeful for getting along.

Though according to my consultant, she is hoping I get to 28 weeks, 30 will be great. This was a bit of a shock but in her experience she said that with my history I am very unlikely to go full term. I just wondered how many other ladies have had emergency cerclage and when they went into labour or how far long you are currently? :flower:

i had cerclage placed at 19 weeks due to cervix being down to 19mm..... had it out at 35 weeks. Am now 37 weeks and still here - no baby as of yet!

Only 3 weeks until due date. Am so pleased to have made it this far!

GL to all of you xx
I don't believe it! The mom I thnk ths preg is goin smoothly nd strt to relax, sumthg else cums up..
Had a growth scan today cuz of the diabetes. Well it luks lik baby has stopped growing. He's only measuring 4.8lbs at 36+4 weeks. His weight has actually fallen off the graph!

Am seeing the consultant tomm, am kinda hoping now tht she plans to induce labour as soon as the stitch cums out ths Friday....don't kno if I can handle another 2weeks of ths stress and worrying..:nope:

First IC, then gestational diabetes now this...Aaaaargh!!!!seems like I just cannot lie back nd enjoy ths preg even in the final few weeks..I am so frustrated nd upset.why me????:cry:

I had a rescue cerclage and held out for 7 more weeks. :) But my cervix was well below 1cm. You seem to have really good length, it's interesting that your membranes are bulging considering how much length you have!

My cervix was 3mm not cm! Baby was hanging in there by a thread. The cervix above the stitch is still only half a cm so I presume only time will tell! Thanks for your response :thumbup:
I don't believe it! The mom I thnk ths preg is goin smoothly nd strt to relax, sumthg else cums up..
Had a growth scan today cuz of the diabetes. Well it luks lik baby has stopped growing. He's only measuring 4.8lbs at 36+4 weeks. His weight has actually fallen off the graph!

Am seeing the consultant tomm, am kinda hoping now tht she plans to induce labour as soon as the stitch cums out ths Friday....don't kno if I can handle another 2weeks of ths stress and worrying..:nope:

First IC, then gestational diabetes now this...Aaaaargh!!!!seems like I just cannot lie back nd enjoy ths preg even in the final few weeks..I am so frustrated nd upset.why me????:cry:


Sorry you are going through it. Have they said that everything else is ok with baby? It's it possible that baby might just be smaller? I hope things turn around for you soon. Waiting can be such torture.
I don't believe it! The mom I thnk ths preg is goin smoothly nd strt to relax, sumthg else cums up..
Had a growth scan today cuz of the diabetes. Well it luks lik baby has stopped growing. He's only measuring 4.8lbs at 36+4 weeks. His weight has actually fallen off the graph!

Am seeing the consultant tomm, am kinda hoping now tht she plans to induce labour as soon as the stitch cums out ths Friday....don't kno if I can handle another 2weeks of ths stress and worrying..:nope:

First IC, then gestational diabetes now this...Aaaaargh!!!!seems like I just cannot lie back nd enjoy ths preg even in the final few weeks..I am so frustrated nd upset.why me????:cry:


Sorry your going through this, hope all goes ok try not stress 2wks will probably feel like forever but soon your baby will be hear don't blame your self easy said than done..
I've had 4 horrible pregnancies never had a happy time till they were home it will get better in time :hugs:
Off the subject sorry..
It really annoys me when you see women have healthy pregnancies and they moan saying wish baby would hurry up and they get frustrated. :growlmad: and there's women like us that have terrible problem pregnancies and all we wish for is a healthily problem free pregnancies/ babies.
I remember with my third son, we were in hospital and this women said bet you can't wait for your baby to be hear its so hard been pregnant, I said he is here fighting for his life as he was 26 weeks she was gobsmacked..then on way out she sat outside smoking her head off. I've never smoked, drank alcohol or drugs and I have had difficult pregnancies and ill babies and there's these women that abuse there bodies and there babies are fine!!

Sorry for the moan I'm just fed up today :growlmad:
No offence to anyone by this post.:flower:
Off the subject sorry..
It really annoys me when you see women have healthy pregnancies and they moan saying wish baby would hurry up and they get frustrated. :growlmad: and there's women like us that have terrible problem pregnancies and all we wish for is a healthily problem free pregnancies/ babies.
I remember with my third son, we were in hospital and this women said bet you can't wait for your baby to be hear its so hard been pregnant, I said he is here fighting for his life as he was 26 weeks she was gobsmacked..then on way out she sat outside smoking her head off. I've never smoked, drank alcohol or drugs and I have had difficult pregnancies and ill babies and there's these women that abuse there bodies and there babies are fine!!

Sorry for the moan I'm just fed up today :growlmad:
No offence to anyone by this post.:flower:

I felt a lot like that just after I lost my last baby. I'd be so infuriated when I see women very visibly pregnant smoking away or even smoking cannabis!

This pregnancy has been hard going especially as I've not really been able to relax and enjoy it. I'd been signed off sick from work so have been at home predominately. I've not been able to make much use of any of maternity clothes; which I was really hoping to wear and show my pregnancy bump off with pride.

Although I've somewhat relaxed a little after 28 weeks and have been venturing out a little bit more. I don't think I will truly be happy until he is here in my arms. So I am hoping that the baby does come soon after my stitch removal.

I've been officially discharged from the Prem Prevention Clinic today....yippeee! I've also been given my stitch removal date as the 20th Feb which is when I'm bang on 37 weeks. However I'm now worried about that :s! As I've got a Macdonald stitch it'll be done without any pain relief!

On a positive is 3/5th palpable so he has started making the descent just got to hope he continues south regardless of how uncomfortable it is for me!
I too am of Twinkles era and would like to offer words of support and encouragement.

It is really nice to have others on here in the same position. I did not find it til late and with my final pregnancy but would have loved it for all of them, especially the first pregnancy after my loss.

Brief history

1st pregnancy - totally normal and then waters went at 32 weeks and baby died in utero due to infection

2nd - emergency stitch at 19 baby born at 33 - now a big and healthy 7 year old

3/4/5 !! - all elective stitches at about 16/17 weeks all went to term or over - now 6/4/ 6 months.................

So I am a massive promoter of the stitch if you can get it

Also had progesterone but not prescribed bed rest - but without the sticth I think I would have prescribed it myself.

So Sunnylove --- I think a preventative stitch is worth it - made a difference to mine

The rest of you I wish you all the best ...........

The whole other ladies pregnancies annoyed the hell out of me too........I worried so much all the time after losing my first............

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