Hi ladies, I just want to pop in and say hi,
I was glued to this thread last year, I must have read it all from the beginning as I sat trying to find every piece of hope and positive stories that I could! This thread helped me so much during my difficult pregnancy!
I found it reassuring to read success stories about incompetent cervix so I'll tell you mine quickly and I hope it reassures some of you ladies.
In 2009 I had a baby at 29weeks due to incompetent cervix, I never knew it at the time, I thought it was a spontaneous birth. My daughter was tiny but a fighter

she's now 4
Then in 2012 I had a terrible pregnancy, I had lots of back ache" Braxton hicks and cervical pressure then I gave birth at 22 weeks to a little boy, who sadly passed away. I was then diagnosed with incompetent cervix.
In 2013 I was pregnant again and was terrified at the thought of losing another baby, I did lots of research into incompetent cervix and how to prevent a preterm birth. During my pregnancy I had a cervical cerclage put in at 15weeks and then I took it real easy, I put myself on bed rest even though my consultant said it wasn't necessary as in the UK it isn't recommended due to the risk of blood clots and lack of proof that it helps.
During my pregnancy it was very difficult mentally emotionally and physically. I suffered lots of cervical pressure even though I had the stitch in and I had back ache, leg ache etc I felt exactly the same as I did during my previous pregnancy where I lost my baby and I was terrified the same was happening again. I was constantly at the hospital getting my cervix checked as I was convinced I was in labour, my baby was head down from 16weeks and pressing hard on my cervix. I bed rested until 24 weeks as I daren't move incase I put too much pressure on my cervix, once I had my steroid injections at 24 weeks i slightly increased my activity, I had a scare at 27weeks as I had constant contractions! I was kept in hospital over night but my baby never came!
From 27weeks I basically went back to normal life but with light duties such as no hoovering or washing the bathroom and I still had constant contractions all day every day up until giving birth.
My stitch was scheduled for removal at 36 weeks but I pleaded for it to be taken out at 35weeks due to my baby being so far head down (no one could ever measure his head on scans and he was engaged from early on) I was scared he was trying to get out and his head was being squished.
The day I had been waiting for finally came- Stitch removal

and I instantly went to 2cm dilated and I was convinced I was going to go straight in to labour but nothing ever happend. Once my stitch was removed I went on long walks, I cleaned my house top to bottom, I hoovered and I was loving life, I was so happy to be doing normal things again. I made 36weeks, 37 weeks, 38 weeks and still no baby!! He was still hanging In there much to my amazement. Then at 38+3 I gave birth to my baby boy!!
He was full term and perfect I couldn't believe it and I still can't
A pregnancy with IC is so hard and very challenging to go through and in times you feel like you will never have a happy ending but you will and you will all look back like myself and you will wonder why you worried so much
Sorry for just adding my long post to your thread it would have been much longer if I told my story in detail but I don't want to bore you all lol especially if your not interested
So I just want to say if any one wants to ask any questions, I know I had lots of questions that I needed answering during my pregnancy then feel free to ask me as I gained lots of knowledge during my 3 pregnancies with IC
I wish you all the best of luck