Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Well I studied in egham/surrey for 3 years, then a year in LOndon, then 1 in Brighton and then another 3 in London again. I really really consider it home, I connected more with the people there than I ve ever connected with people here. Where about are you??
My contractions have stopped completely but this lo is just doing minute she's head down and 5 minutes later she s sticking her feet in there!! How about you? How are those weird pains?
We are in the north east a place called Durham. Wonderful news your pains have settled. Touch wood been much more settled here as well. Phew. My pelvis is playing up but I can deal with that. I had the dreaded speculum and have had pink discharge but knew I wud. She estimated my cervix to be a minimum of 2cm. Xxx
Haha we live a parallel pg! Today my pelvis has been so sore I literally had to drag myself around the house! So happy everything is looking good our way too! 2cm is great I think! Generally I had read that after 28weeks you need to go into full blown labor for ic to be a problem as the baby is now so big it's not possible to just fall out! So yay for getting over that milestone!
Hey Christiana. Hope ur having a good day I have had a totally boring one but I'm not complaining I'm really tired and looking forward to bed time lol. Really glad it's the weekend. Ooh yes the hips don't lie as they say, I'm ok driving short distances but did a longer drive To my hosp appt and I cud hardly walk for 2 days. R u doing anything nice for the weekend xxx
Hi ladies i was on this thread in 2012/2013 and im back again onto my 4th pregnancy but second with the stitch, i dont know how far pregnant i am at the minute but im going for a scan on thursday to find out :) then ill be getting booked in again for my cervical stitch :) cant wait until my stitch is in

Congratulations great news xxx
Hey Christiana. Hope ur having a good day I have had a totally boring one but I'm not complaining I'm really tired and looking forward to bed time lol. Really glad it's the weekend. Ooh yes the hips don't lie as they say, I'm ok driving short distances but did a longer drive To my hosp appt and I cud hardly walk for 2 days. R u doing anything nice for the weekend xxx

Boring is good my friend when it comes to our pgs!! We re planning of going with the kids to the centre of Athens to visit the Acropolis as they ve only been outside and then take a stroll down town and then Sunday we re going to the beach! It's a bummer I m not going to swim or climb all the way up to the Acropolis myself but it's going to be a nice get away! I ve been off work for a month and I m back to work on Monday so I m dreading it! Ow I got the first two steroid shots today...felt like someone shot my behind! Two more tomorrow! What have you planned?
Oh wow the Acropolis is something I've always wanted to visit I bet it's amazing, u bet it's getting nice and wRm there too. Steroids hurt something rotten don't they they gave me them at 24 wks. We r on the desperate hunt for a car, sum 1 crashed into my hubby and wrote our car off so we r trying to find a new one and its trickier than we thought. Kids have a party on Sunday so that is us pretty much sorted. Got the kids school newsletter today and there are dates on it after my due date for the 1st time ever, I felt scared more than anything else lol
Lol I know, the closer these dates come the more real it becomes! The acropolis is really amazing to visit and so it the acropolis museum, you should indeed visit sometime but then I wouldn't consider staying in Athens for more than a few days to explore down town..islands are much more beautiful if you ask me! And yes it's getting warmer at last!!!! It was cool today cause the train was really packed but I got people standing so I could sit! Finally my bump is working it's magic!! Do you have a big bump? This one is by far my biggest!! How's the car hunt? It ll be tricky now with 3 kids I guess..hubby's car is big enough but I really have no clue how they re going to fit in mine!! Ow btw, do you know how the steroid shots work? Are they good only for a certain period or do they develop the lungs for good? I mean ok I got them at 32 weeks so now they are developed for 34 weeks..when I m 34 weeks are they going to be 36weeks????? Sorry really confused with this!
Hey Christiana so glad you have had a good time. I e never made it to Greece yet but have been to Cyprus a few time, my best friend at uni was from Cyprus we had a hoot.
There seems to be conflicting views on steroids doesn't there, I was always told they r most effective 24-48 hrs once they r given and the effects last up to 7 -14 days. So your baby will be fine as by the time they wear off u r going to be at an amazing gestation. Woo hoo.
I think my bump is about the same size as my others I lost a lot to f weight with stress before I fell pregnant so I don't know if that's related, had a growth scan also I got a severe womb infection a yr ago ( was very poorly) and its tilted my womb back and I think that's maybe why it doesn't seem as big.
You are getting so close now, when u were doing bed rest when did u come off it? I not on strict I have to tKe kids to and from school. I also need to start building up some muscle again. Xxx
Congratulations Shanny, will this be your 5th stitch xxx
I went on strict bed rest at 13w and never came off it until I went into labor. Thing is I was on strict bed rest but It was my son's 2nd bday and I decided to go get him a present..I almost gave birth at the shop!! Sorry to hear you were so poorly but I least it's all in the past. It sounds scary though! How have you been?
I'm good now Thanks my biggest fear was I couldn't get pregnant again and thank god that happened so no harm done. Have u started getting still stuff ready for baby yet. I wrote a list yesterday I'm just nervous to jinx myself. Crikey that was close with your last birth wasn't it xxx
Hahaha sure was!! That's why his plan of taking out the stitch at 38 weeks scares me to death! I haven't started organizing anything yet cause I m too scared of jinxing myself too! Last time we hadn't prepared anything and hubby was trying to assemble the crib the day we were to go back! As for don't want to see what she looked like when she was coming out of the hospital! Do you plan to co sleep, bf or what? I want to put her crib right next to my bed with one side open to the bed bu not sure if it's a good idea with the kids crawling into bed every night! But I seriously can't face getting up for feeding a every 2 hours!
Lol we r the same again I am going to get one of the cribs where the side is open and attaches to the bed, I had the same worries with the kids but figure I will sleep on the edge of the bed and kids will be told they have to sleep in the middle. I really want to bf I love it my daughter took to it really well my son fed till 4 months then we had to go formula as he just went off it xxx I have one leaky boon at the minute lol xxx
Lol I have two! Hopefully that's a good sign in terms of supply!
Hey Christiana how's it goin. 30 wks today for me woo hoo. 7 weeks till stitch removal still feels forever away just hope I can make it there. I hope u r doin well. Have u had your steroids yet xxx
Hey girl! It sounds insane to say "7 weeks" and hopefully I m only "5 weeks" but YES it still feels like a long time to go! I had the shots so at least we re covered until week 34! Ok I needed to ask you a tmi know how I said my bbs are leaking..well last two nights they are extremely painful, sort of engorged, milk was spraying out in the shower (sorry tmi)...I m afraid of two things...couldn't that cause problems with supply and clogged milk ducts later on or mastitis? And b could it possibly mean this baby is coming earlier than I thought???
How are you my friend??
I think it's quite normal I wouldn't worry too much maybe the steroids have given it an extra boost.nwith my 1st when I was in hosp at 25 wks with my emergency stitch my boobs would spray when I heard a baby crying it never came to anything. My other boob has started now I must get some pads as I only have 2 bras that fit and I can't wash them quick enough lol. Been a bit achy today I'm having those aches where I don't know if it's baby moving or Braxton hicks. Roll on 37 wks xxx have they given u a date for tour stitch out xxx
Ow thank God, thanks for that, I thought my bbs went mental!!! Can you tell how your boy is lying maybe to determine if it's positioning or bh?? I was told initially at 38 weeks which is about the 27-28th of May but then he said let's wait and see how it goes cause he doubts we ll make it I really don't know! On the one had I d love to get to 38weeks and finally have a normal sized baby plus giving her the time to turn (she's transverse the last few days and it's killing me) but then when I think of another 5 and a bit weeks of this soreness I m not so sure anymore!!!
Bless your heart, I think my boy is lying sideways across my tummy most of the time, I like him there as he doesn't kick the stitch but I'm sure he flips and that's what hurts. I haven't been going to my midwife as I'm at the hospital every 2 weeks and she has just phoned me and told me off 😳. My bump isn't too sore but my hips in bed on a night are agony when I move you can hear the bones grinding ugh. Hope those boobs settle down. With my son I had to wait for milk to come in so hopefully it will be there waiting this time lol. Oh to have a bath lol xxx

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