Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hey hun! How are you? I m good, bub is still in a very weird position so I m trying everything I can to turn her! Just now I was hanging half on half off the sofa,head down all red like a lobster and bum in the air! Charming I know!! BUT good thing is bbs suddenly went back to being completely normal! I figured it might have been the steroids n stopping the progesterone that got them crazy! (Did I mention this again??? My pg brain us playing tricks again!) I have a doc appointment on Monday so hoping he'll give me a rough idea how it's going although I seriously doubt it! how's your little one in there doing???
Lol good morning so glad the boobs have settled lol I have given up on bras even the loosest one just too uncomfortable. Lol I wonder what your little monkey is doing In there lol it's awful when it's feels like they're in the wrong spot. Mine has always been in the same position but yesterday my bump felt smaller and today it feels as though he has come out of my pelvis and is kind of living at the front of the bump if that makes sense. I have an anterior placenta and have never felt that much movement this morning it feels like he is having a party lol. I hope the hanging upside down has helped lol I've done that a couple of times to stop cervix kicks and it's harder than it looks lol xxx
It sure is! I couldn't stay in that position for more than a few minutes! Then I lay in bed with 3 pillows under my bum and that felt like a big fat elephant was sitting on my lungs!!! I m telling you really graceful!! It's so much fun when the have a party in there as long as it's not painful!! Do you ever feel hiccups?? They say you can understand where the baby is by where you feel the hiccups!
Lol yes had a couple of hiccups. My daughter used to get them all the time a few weeks before she was born. Haha I used to do the same with pillows under bum then couldn't breathe. I think I've had some ligament pain today like stabbing pains on the underside of my bump at least they're no where near the stitch. We r going to a friends house tomorrow they said I can lie on their sofa and have a catch up I feel a bit embarrassed but I'm thinking they wouldn't offer if they minded. Are u doing anything nice this weekend xxx
Why not? If they re good friends of course they won't mind! It sounds good...friends, a sofa, you lo only be missing the cocktails!!! I too get round ligament pain but only very recently and when I get in n out of the car very fast! At least we know these are normal for a change! I ve been getting the 'lightning crotch' today which scares me but then I ve read you get it when the baby tries to get the head down there so I holding onto hope she s trying to turn the right way! We don't have anything exciting planned for tomorrow and then Sunday dh is going away for a mountain race so I m just thinking of grabbing some coffee/juice with the kids and going to a plant exhibition nearby. I know extremely exciting!!!! Btw I know you ve said this before but how old are your babies again?
Hi everyone,

I've just finished this thread after starting from the beginning. I lost our twin girls 2 weeks ago (not sure if it was PTL or problems with my cervix etc

Here's a bit of history about me:
I'm 33 found out in December I was pregnant with identical twins. Had a few issues with a SCH but that resolved around week 12. Had my anatomy scan at 18w2d and all looked great with my cervix measuring 3.5cm. I few days after that I started getting pressure very low down and just put it down to one of the babies being low. Anyway one week after the ultrasound where my cervix was 3.5cm I started getting mild cramps and as they got worse and had regular intervals we made our way to A&E. Once there they did an internal and found that my cervix had dilated and the membranes were bulging. We were told that there was nothing they could do and that we'd have to deliver the babies knowing they would never survive. The hardest thing I've ever had to do..

How can my cervix go from 3.5 to fully dilated without me knowing? How do you know if it is a problem with my cervix or just PTL? Is there a way of telling the difference?
Ems I am so so sorry about your losses. I can't even begin to imagine the shock after the all clear. May your girlies RIP. I m not sure I totally understand the question but they kind of go hand in hand. For whatever reason you went into PTL (could it have been an infection??) and your cervix shortened and dilated. OR you had an incompetent cervix which allowed your babies to drop really low and eventually caused the contractions. I m not sure I m making any sense so I m sorry. It does sound strange that it changed so drastically in such a short time, did something happen in between?
Hey Christiana coffee juice and garden centre is right up my street. The 1st day after I got my 1st stitch out I got my mum to take me to a garden centre we were sat outside in the cafe and it started raining everyone else went inside and I just stayed out in the rain I was so happy to be free outside I didn't care. Bet they all thought I was mental haha. I am 31 and neve is 7 and josh is 6 so we have quite an age gap with this new arrival. Xxx
Hi Ems, I too read this thread from the very beginning and its brought me much comfort. I'm so sorry for your tragic loss. Unfortunately what u had is typical of IC. The cervix for some reason is not strong enough to hold the babies weight so silently dilated. Christiana explained it really well. With my 1st baby I got to 6cm dilated and didn't have a clue. Some ladies get bleeding pain and pressure some don't. When the cervix gets to a certain point contractions can start but they didn't with me. I'm so sorry for your loss sweetie xxx
Ow you re a spring chicken compared! I ll be 35 in August!! How are your kids with re thought of a new brother? How have they taken it? Are they really expecting it??
Dd is constantly talking about it but I m pretty sure she won't like it when her sis is here! Not sure about ds either although he s been through it once and we ve tried convincing him he ll be the gang leader!!
Grrr just typed a reply and posted it and it deleted it for no reason😡.
Neve wanted a girl and josh wanted a brother so we can't please everyone lol.
Those little shooting pains continued just a few but I tested my urine and it came up positive for Infection I felt totally fine not even burning or anything just these little stabbing pains. Am now on antibiotics and they r making me feel like poo. Ugh hope u r having a better day than me.
Uuuurrrggggg I m so sorry, it sucks. It's a good thing you got it though, you know how sneaky these infections can become. I think I told you before but with dd (1st stitch) I took antibiotics for a uti 5 times! I hate them! Going in for a general blood n urine test tomorrow morning too! Anyway, hope you feel better soon. Ow n same here...nik wanted a boy, nat a girl...what can I do!!!
Haha it's really lucky I caught it, I felt fine in every way and since the anti bs those pains have stopped so that is what they were. Normally when I get a UTI my back is agony and I feel shaky but none of that.
Haha I think hubby wanted a girl as well as we are definitely having no more but we r just grateful if we get a healthy baby.
Good luck for tomorrow hope it all comes back clear xxx
Hi everyone,

I've just finished this thread after starting from the beginning. I lost our twin girls 2 weeks ago (not sure if it was PTL or problems with my cervix etc

Here's a bit of history about me:
I'm 33 found out in December I was pregnant with identical twins. Had a few issues with a SCH but that resolved around week 12. Had my anatomy scan at 18w2d and all looked great with my cervix measuring 3.5cm. I few days after that I started getting pressure very low down and just put it down to one of the babies being low. Anyway one week after the ultrasound where my cervix was 3.5cm I started getting mild cramps and as they got worse and had regular intervals we made our way to A&E. Once there they did an internal and found that my cervix had dilated and the membranes were bulging. We were told that there was nothing they could do and that we'd have to deliver the babies knowing they would never survive. The hardest thing I've ever had to do..

How can my cervix go from 3.5 to fully dilated without me knowing? How do you know if it is a problem with my cervix or just PTL? Is there a way of telling the difference?
Hi ladies, hope you don't mind me joining.
Ems, so sorry for your loss:hugs: My story was similar to yours except I was 13 weeks with my little boy. I'd had my 12 weeks scan everything looked great, but a few days later I started getting this pelvic pressure, which every woman around me assured me was normal so I didn't think much about it. That pressure eventually turned into cramping with some bleeding so I went to see my midwife and she put me on bedrest.
I went to get an ultrasound sound the next day and they saw my cervix was very dilated. Rushed to the hospital in hopes we could get a cerclage but it was too late :(

That was in October, now I'm pregnant again in week 12 and getting so nervous. I'm having that same pressure sensation so I called my high risk doctor. Still waiting to hear back. Just taking it really easy today , laying down on the couch. The doctors said it was very unlikely it was IC because I was only 13 weeks and that usually happens around 16 weeks or later. But I don't know. :shrug:
Tcinks I m so sorry for your loss, my 1st mmc was at week 12 and I know how that hurt. They do say that it happens later on due to the weight of the baby but I wouldn't rule out anything. Are they planning on a stitch this time? I mean, ok, there's a chance it wasn't ic but based on the fact preventative cerclage are much more effective I d think this would be a good idea. As for the pressure, it could be normal as so many others told you last time but then again having had that experience I d definitely go in and have it checked even just for your peace of mind! Anyway, I hope you stick around and I wish you a happy n healthy 9 months.

Weeeelll laney (and of course anyone else reading!) I had my docs appointment today! Bub is 2kg and head down! Woooooohoooooooo! Cervix is long n shut, doppler was great and so was placenta and amniotic fluid! I couldn't be more thankful!
How are you hun??? How are those antibiotics treating you? :)
Thanks christiana. I was reading back through this thread and saw that in one of your pregnancies you were put on bed rest as early as 13 weeks? Could you tell me why that was?

Glad your appointment went well. :)
Well I started bleeding very VERY heavily at 13 weeks (proper full flow period type with clots). It didn't have anything to do with my cervix...I had a septate uterus that was shedding on one side. The bleeding died off at 17 weeks when I had the stitch put in (preventative due to 2 mcs with d&cs by that time, 1 vb and 1 unsuccessful uterine septum resection) but as soon as the procedure was finished my daughter was pushing like crazy on the cervix trying to come out. My doc later told me he was almost 100% sure we d lose her because she had literally managed to dilate the cervix all the way to the stitch. So I was put on very strict bed rest with bum in the air as much as possible. The cervix closed up but I kept having contractions all the way to 35 weeks so they never got me off bed rest. After 30 weeks I could get up to go to the sofa but that was about as much as I could do. At 35 weeks I took it on me to get up and go buy my son a birthday present as it was his 2nd bday and dd came to this world less than 2 hours later!
Ok sent that too early lol that's fantastic news so she's getting ready to escape. You are so on the home run now, I can't wait to be where u are just those couple of more weeks.
Have been on my feet so much more than usual just things keep
Argh what is wrong with my phone it keeps sending my posts before I've finished lol
I keep needing to be up on my feet to be honest I feel better for it but don't want to have rested all these weeks to muck it up now. I have a growth scan a week today feels ages away.
Are u starting to get baby things ready now Christiana?
Hi tcinks I'm so sorry for what you've been through. That is early for an IC loss but isn't impossible on my 3rd pregnancy I felt pressure from very early I got checked and it was ok but it was such an awful feeling I had that feeling from about 4 weeks God knows what it was. Sounds like a stitch will be an option xxx

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