Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hey Laney, yes I'm on cefalexin. It is just horrible😣
I wish I was in a beach somewhere sunny as well. Maybe next year lol
The school run would be a nightmare if I didn't have my sisters near me. My daughter has to sleep in my sisters house twice a week because hubby leaves too early for work on those days and is unable to take her. My son is 11 and bacause the school is not too far away he gets the bus by himself. I am on the phone with him until he gets inside school grounds hahahhahaha xx
I knew it would be cefalexin when u said about the taste it's vile isn't it ?
My hubby leaves for work super early I was doing the school run myself until I got to about 22 weeks, the school is on a super steep hill and u can't park anywhere near. I now have an arrangement with the school I drop them off approx 9.10 so I can just pull up outside and on a night one of the parents brings them to the car for me. It's not ideal but it's getting us through. I had to stop taking them swimming as well as it was just too much luckily hubby has been able to take that over for the short term. My biggest guilt is he cooked meals, I have always made everything from scratch they'd never had a ready meal but we have had a lot of ready meal ( hubby gets them all from m and s he thinks they'll be healthiest lol ) but I can't wait to get cooking again. I haven't felt my stitch for weeks but today it keeps 'tweaking' and baby has been punching it this morning. I know what u mean about your son and keeping him on the phone, they are so precious aren't they. My hubby used to have to get the train on his own to school twice a day and had the time of his life. He wants that for our kids and I'm like over my dead body lol xxx
Laney, don't worry about the ready meals. Same here. Hubby cooks when he is home early but the kids complain because " its not the same as mummy's" and " daddy, always burns our food" hahahhahah he tries his best but he is a disaster in the kitchen😂.
Yesterday when I was at the hospital the doctor checked my stitch to see if it was still in place. Omg!!! It hurt so much😱 I am now officially dreading stitch removal. I will definitely ask for gas and air.
Oh my I'm sat in my car waiting for kids and baby is kicking my bladder it feels like I'm going to wet myself any second argghhhhhh.
Did you get a speculum, they hurt so much don't they and I can never work out why they hurt so much. I avoid those things like the plague, I didn't the past 2 pregnancies but this one every time I've had a speculum I've bled and been uncomfortable for days. I've never been offered gas and air for stitch removal but if you are offered it take it. If you have to deliver early will you have a natural birth or c section do u know? I think I'd prefer a c sec but my last 2 were natural ( 2 episiotomies) so guessing they will want me natural again. I guess I will find out everything tomorrow. Am so nervous xxx
It will be another c-section for me Laney. Hopefully this time I will be awake and see the baby straightaway. They said because I has a rupture the 2nd time around they won't let me go to full term.
Don't even tell me about kicks on the bladder. This baby is an expert in kicking me exactly where he shouldn't.
Are you going to the hospital tomorrow? It will be fine.
Have any of you sorted yours and baby hospital bag yet? I am getting myself ready just in case. Don't really know what to pack for baby...haven't done this for 10 years😂 xx
Yes hospital tomorrow for growth scan, will get stitch removal date and go through birth plan.
I hadn't done anything for me or baby as of last week then panicked and packed my and babies bag. I will send u my list if you'd like it as a guide, I too am feeling very out of practice at this lol. My pram has been discontinued so I've struggled to get a mattress and sheets for that and the car seat had been a nightmare to clean. Have u got any baby stuff left or are you having to buy all new xxx
Aww thank you Laney. I've been looking at lists online lol.
I gave everything away because we were not planning on having more children. My sister had a baby girl last year but she bought pink everything and my hubby is having none of it. The car seat has a bit of pink but hubby said he would rather do extra hours to buy a new one hahhaha. Basically I need to buy everything. At the moment I am just concentrating on buying clothing, nappies and other essentials but I have already seen the pram, car seat, cot and other things we will need. Looking forward to spend a lot of money lol
Are you excited for tomorrow? xx
I envy you we kept our stuff just in case and it's been a nightmare to clean but getting there now. We moved to a smaller house then decided to make our family bigger as u do lol. I'm excited and nervous for tomorrow I'm paranoid about him being too small, my bump measured a smaller than it shud be a week ago so now I've got it in my head he is going to be too small. One little thing and I panic I think we've just been through so much I just worry about everything. How are u feeling about Thursday xxx
Don't worry too much about bump measurements. Most of the cases I know the baby turned out to be 'normal' size or bigger than expected. After I had my son I dont worry to much about size. My main worry is health. As long as they are healthy everything else will be ok. Don't worry too much Laney.

I am a bit scared about Thursday. I would rather they kept me in if the test results are not good than deliver the baby. But I am getting myself ready just in case.
My next milestone is 32 weeks. I made it to 12, then 20, 24 and now 28 so I am looking forward to get to 32.
Yes I totally agree with you if keeping you in rather than delivering is an option go with that. So many Drs have said to me every day counts. My stitch started to tear just before 24wks and at that point 28 weeks was all the Drs kept saying to me, they didn't seem to be that bothered after that. At least they can get the steroids etc in 1st before delivery if need be. They have some of the best maternity hosps in London don't they xxx
Yeah, there's a lot of choice in London. Some of the best consultants are here. But there are so many pregnant ladies that sometimes it is a struggle to get a bed near your local hospital.
I would rather stay in hospital until I deliver that for him yo be born too early because we would still need to stay in hospital anyway. Hopefully it will all be ok and I will be able to stay at home until baby is good and ready.
Good luck for tomorrow Laney, will be thinking about you.
I hope everyone else is doing great. xx
Hello lovelies😘 how's everyone doing? Hope all is good. I am having a relaxed day in bed watching telly.
Laney, I am thinking of you. Hope your appointment goes well today x.
Christiana, is baby here yet? Hope all is well.

Hope everyone is doing great. One of my mates had a baby boy this morning. He is absolutely gorgeous. They had been told that baby was on the small side and baby is actually above average weight. ❤ xx
Hi guys just got in. Tuga a dayin bed sounds rather good have u been watching daytime TV. How is you UTI today?
Ooh Christiana any news
AFM scan went really well they think baby is about 5lb 8 and stitch removal date it 10 th June 😱 now I have a date I think I want to keep it in a bit longer lol it's still comfy lol. In the car today it literally felt like baby had a pick axe and was hammering awAy on my stitch little monkey. Consultant also said he won't let me go over 40 wks so baby will Defo be here before 30 June and I think that's about all my news. Love to everyone xxx
Hi Laney, that's exciting news 😍 soon your baby will be here. I've been told they won't let me get to 40 weeks. Can't wait to have a stitch removal date.
Hate when my baby kicks me like that. He does it often.
Yeah, I am watching daytime tv. Been watching ' A place in the sun: Home or away'. Really envious of all these couples buying a house in sunny Spain. Seeing sun and swimming pools while the weather here is so grey and windy today is making me truly jealous hahhahaha

Hope Christiana is ok. She will probably have exciting news when she comes back.
My UTI is better today. The vile medication is working it seems. Wish I could stop it now but I have to finish the whole thing. I will celebrate on Friday when it's finally finished.
So brill you are feeling better as least those meds work quickly even if they do stink lol. I had my stitch removal way in advance with the other 2 I liked it that way as it gave me another milestone (I like milestones if u haven't already guessed). I am so totally with you on the holiday front my hubby's mam and dad have an apartment in Spain we really should go more often but never get round to it we are definitely going next year, hubby was trying to get me to go this October but I don't want to commit to anything until baby is here and I know how I feel.
I suspect the next time Christiana comes on here she is going to have some exciting news. Wouldn't that be lovely. My friend is having her 5th c sec and they are doing it at 36 weeks to be safe as they daren't let her labor at all with her scars xxx
Hey, that's not fair, now the two of you are making me think about vacations! I feel so stuck stuck stuck. Didn't go last summer due to some health issues, last winter didn't go as I kept spotting with this pregnancy and after 2 losses was worried, and then of course now...Stuck stuck stuck, and no vacation in sight. Sorry for the rant lol (I am not really mad).
I hate daytime TV, and here all evening shows have stopped for the summer - just repeats...Grrr. I am watching German shows via the internet. Any good British channels/shows that are accessible online?
Got my TdaP shot (given during pregnancy here to protect baby from Pertussis), and feel a bit off today. Baby has been kicking the cervix/vagina again, and I am not liking it - but feel a bit comforted by the fact that we've made it over 30 weeks. I am heading to 32 with you Tuga!
Rainy and cold here too. Tuga and Laney, you are also reminding me that we have a lot of cleaning to do before baby comes - we won't need to buy anything, except maybe a new car seat and diapers - fun purchases (3rd boy)...
Very curious about Christiana too! So exciting!!
Hi ladies you will have seen me pop onto this thread a few weeks ago but i havnt been on since as to be honest iv trying to keep off the internet googling things as i didnt want to scare myself.

When i was pregnant in 2012/13 with my son i was on this thread all of the time :) it really helped me through and i felt such a bond with the ladies that was on at the same time. Iv popped back on today as im 12/13weeks and im feeling pressure in my bum already. I cant remember for the life of me if i felt this way last time when i was pregnant. So im wondering if anyone can tell me if you had pressure in your bum this early on?

My stitch will be placed at 14 weeks again and i cant wait. Im seeing my consultant on thurs and having a scan too so im going to get them to check on my cervix. In the mean time im just worrying as usual :( i even promised myself i wouldnt worry in this pregnancy as i had such a successful pregnancy last time with incompetent cervix and the cervical suture
Hi Septie, good to hear from you.😘
Don't even get me started on holidays. I am originally from Portugal so I get really homesick during summertime. Sunshine, beaches and summer parties is all I think about. My children are a bit sad because we normally go there every summer and were planning to go in August but obviously can't go now.

I am so jealous that you ladies won't need to buy stuff for the babies. I gave everything away 10 years ago and now I will have to buy new everything. I wanted to go and check some stuff on ebay but hubby won't have none of it. He says that our children had everything new and this one won't be different. He is working like a mad man. Only has Sundays and bank holidays off and only takes time off if I really need him to. He will take 2 weeks off when the baby is here.

I've been watching a lot of daytime tv. Even shows I didn't watch before like the Jeremy Kyle show. Its good for laughs though😂

Next Monday I will be 30 weeks😍 hopefully on Thursday I will get good news. xx
Hi there Twinkle3😍 I remember reading your posts when I started to read this thread a few months ago.
Yeah, I too started to feel pressure on my bum and my lady part early on. I remember I was so scared everytime I needed to use the toilet. Hubby used to sit next to the door because I would be crying I was do afraid of pushing the baby out. It is a very scary time but it will be ok.
Are you excited about putting the stitch in? I relaxed a bit more once I had the stitch. Hope it all goes well x
Hey Twinkle, another one here who got pressure really early I started resting up at about 10 weeks as I'd get pressure and my cervix would ache. I think the Drs thought it was in my head as they measured my cervix and it was still 5cm at that point. I have a poo phobia also I dread going. I remember you had the bad SPD didn't you, I also have that it's awful. My hips crunch all day and night.
Aww Tuga your hubby sounds so sweet, it's lovely he wants to provide so well, just make sure he doesn't overwork and make himself poorly, my hubby did that once and it took him a long time to recover. Now I just drain him with the stress of this pregnancy lol.
Septie I think we are all most certainly due a lovely holiday aren't we.
Ladies last night I discovered sitting in the shower, I was in heaven for months now I have jumped in washed and out in 3 mins, last night I wedged myself so my lady bits were off the bottom and sat for ages it was just so nice only prob was I couldn't get up and had to be rescued by the husband poor guy probably felt like he was pulling a walrus out the shower lol xxx

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