Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Hi mommastork, welcome! I am also 29 weeks, and while my cervix issues appear much less severe than yours, I think we are at a good gestation already - the worst is behind us! Now onto 30 weeks, then 32, 34 etc!
Koifish, wonderful news! .1 is not more than measurement noise!! Keep those twins in a little longer!
Thanks septie!
Haha you're so right, on to 30 weeks :)
Random question, but for you ladies do you feel babe kicking/rolling/laying super low as well? I wondered if that had anything to do with having a short cervix? I almost feel like baby is going to fall out at times. But mostly (sorry if this is tmi - I'm a nurse so nothing is off limits to me lol) feels like vaginal/rectal pressure... Shocking to get a kick right in the butt lol
Thanks! My doctor doesn't really believe in bed rest either but also thought taking off any pressure can't hurt. Yes Septie I plan to cook them as long as I can! Afew more weeks and I'll hit the 28 mark! I have to give you ladies credit for this bed rest business, especially you Laney thats a long bed rest self given or not. I am always doing something so this sit and lay down thing is driving me crazy. If it stops the issue that's what matters.

Chistiana let us know how the scan goes!!

Mommastork I do and don't. I feel baby b do all of those things but he's up high and torturing my ribs/gull bladder area. I feel him do all sorts of things. Baby a is down low almost resting right on my cervix but other than a few kicks I don't typically feel him. He did get me the other day and it felt like something in my butt =x very unpleasant. Hope it's going good and the bed rest helps keep cooking for as long as you can!
Mommastork: Absolutely. I'd say 3/4 of my movements have been very low - think hairline or below. I had a break from that for a week or two (which was wonderful!), but it's back again. Think cervix, bladder and those fun rectum kicks, as well as just rolling movements off to the side below the hairline. Thankfully I haven't gone back to those very worrisome cervix kicks atm. I am not sure if this has anything to do with a short cervix...In my case it could be that it's my third pregnancy.
I get days of pressure then I go to bed wake up the next morning and its gone. They really freak me out xxxfunny enough the further pregnant I got the less the pressure. Very weird xxx
Ow the movements I get are just absolutely ridiculous! I might be getting a foot on my left side a bum sticking out on my right side and cervix/hip/butt punches don't low all at the same time! It's like this kid is a starfish!

Well ladies it seems like I m ditching my stitch on Friday 7 am! I had the growth scan today, maya is roughly 2850g (6lb2 I think!) and doing well! But I ve been having some af type pain here and there and I think she might have started to drop so my doc finally suggested we take the stitch out on Friday! I asked whether I could go to school afterwards and he said he wants to keep me in for a few hours as he thinks I will dilate soon after! So maya might actually be making her appearance in a day and a bit! Keep us in your prayers girls! Ow and laney...I know I ve asked this before but I don't remember what you told me...when you got the stitch out last time how long after did you go to labor?
Omg Christiana stitch is out tomorrow that's amazing and she's a lovely size. I had both my stitches out at 37 weeks and had neve at 38.4 and josh at 38.2. After reading this forum lots of women went past their due date didn't they but that was me. Was at hosp the other day they were telling me lady had her stitch out at 37 wks and had baby 3 days later that's the soonest I've ever known. Please come on and let us know how stitch removal went. They've always kept me in a few hours after to see if anything happens I just always wanted to escape straight away and enjoy being a normal pregnant woman. If I don't hear from you before good luck xxx
Afm yesterday had the odd BH they are defo getting more painful woke up this morning with the runs ( sorry tmi) and tummy feels quite tight) I MUST hang on another 12 days I shall just keep my legs crossed have been packing my bags for hosp so at least they are all done just in case.
Hope everyone else is ok, love to all xxx
Hi all😘 I have just spent exactly 2 months reading this thread from start to finish. It has been my little helper because I have been on bedrest and in and out of the hospital for a few months now. This is my fifth pregnancy. I have 2 children and two angels. My first pregnancy I lost my angel at 12 weeks. Doctor's at the time couldn't say why. My second pregnancy and was diagnosed with IC and spent most of the pregnancy on hospital bedrest. I had an emergency cerclage at 15 weeks. My son was born at 28 weeks after a emergency caesarean and he is now a very healthy 11 year old. My third pregnancy I only found out I was pregnant after I started to miscarry. I was still breastfeeding my son at the time. I was 12 weeks. My fourth pregnancy was my daughter who was born at 38 weeks. The doctors at the hospital refused to do a cerclage despite my history. I put myself on bedrest and when they realised I needed a cerclage it was too late for one. But my daughter was a fighter. I spent the rest of the pregnancy in hospital with my legs up high. It wasn't the best of times...she was born at 38 weeks after another emergency caesarean because the previous scar ruptured. It was a very hard time. It took a long time for me to be able to care for my baby because I was in pain for months. She is now a healthy 10 year old. That was it for us. We had 2 healthy babies and after all the pain and hospital trips we were happy with our two little miracles. I asked the doctors to tie my tubes but they said I was too young for that. The only contraception that works for me is the pill and so I took I faithfully. This February I got a huge surprise. I work in a school so when I started to feel unwell I thought it was another virus. I had been really ill in November with a virus that had been going around in the school. When the doctor told me I was expecting I couldn't believe it. I had never thought about having more children but my husband was thrilled. This pregnancy has not been easy. I have had to have an emergency cerclage at 18 weeks after I almost lost the baby and I have been in and out of the hospital. Just last week I had a week stay at the hospital in the labour ward with contractions. They had to give me steroids injections. I had forgotten how painful those were. I am 28 weeks. So happy to have reach this milestone. I am just praying baby holds on for a few more weeks. Today I have an appointment to know when the cerclage is coming out.
Reading all the posts in this thread has given me so much hope. It has been my companion for the past few months. Thanks to all of you. 😘
Correction: My son will be 12 in July and my daughter will be 10 in November.
Laney, hmmmm sounds suspicious hun, I really hope it's nothing and the runs and bh are just a coincidence! Keep those feet up girl, maybe you overdid it with doing more??? Anyway, I have faith your lil boy will keep cooking for a few more days! Remember to drink lots of water! And you could possibly ask your doc if you can up magnesium for now.thinking of you.

Tuga, wow what a journey. It's funny how many of us are expecting our thirds! 28 weeks is a really good gestation but I m wholeheartedly wishing you to get to term! I Get frustrated with doctors not wanting to do a cerclage, especially when there's reason to be concerned.

Well I m getting very excited about tomorrow. I have a feeling she will come tomorrow although I have read that it might take a little longer! I will keep you updated!
Can't wait to hear from you after tomorrow Christiana my goodness your little girl is going to be here at any time just so so exciting. Good luck I'm sure stitch removal will go well. I'll be thinking about you all day xxx
Hi there Tuga I did exactly the same as you in my darkest days I read this post front to back and it made all the difference to me it gave me hope when nothing else could. So sorry
Sorry sent post early by accident
Tuga so sorry you've had a rough time my 3 rd has been my roughest xxx
Afm braxtons have settled again so have runs thank goodness, my body just likes to scare me I think xxx
Thank you Christiana and Laney. 😘 Hope you are all feeling good today.
Christiana, are they taking out your stitch tomorrow? How exciting! Hope it all goes well. I remember when they took mine it didn't hurt that much and I am like the worst person when it comes to dealing with pain. A complete baby😂 My stitch was taken out on the same day my son was born. I know ladies that have gone into labour almost straight after it being taken out and others who had to be induced after their due date. Fingers crossed for you.

Today I saw my consultant and basically he told me to be ready. This pregnancy has been a rollercoaster ride. I did a blood test today and he said that if it's not a good one I will have to have the Bab next week. I have a kidney infection on top of everything else...just my luck. So if it gets any worse I will be admitted to Labour ward. If I get contractions or the baby is in any kind of distress I will be basically I am now getting myself ready for what happens next. Hopefully June will be an uneventful month. Really hope he stays in at least until July.
I haven't bought anything for the baby. At all. Because I am so afraid I will jinx it but after today I actually have to get at least a hospital bag for myself and baby ready. Fingers crossed I wont need to use it until mid or end of July. 🙏
Oh poor Tuga you really are going through it aren't you bless your heart. Hopefully you won't have to have to have the baby early but if you do you are at a good gestation and he or she should be fine it will be a tough time in NICU but as long as baby is ok that's all that matters. Do you know if u r having a boy or girl? I just did my baby bag for hospital yesterday id been putting it off and off and then started to panic so it's done now.
So does baby getting delivered all depend on this blood test my goodness I hope you get the results you need.
Oh wow I have never known anyone have their stitch out and have the baby the same day so you have actually come across someone. I hope when mine is removed I get at least a few days to just be a normal pregnant woman but I'll just be grateful to have got to 37 wks at this stage xxx
Hi Laney, we are having a boy. I am really excited about because last year I lost my best friend in August and our baby boy is due in August around the same time.... My friend was a only child and he died while he and his wife were starting to try for a baby. His mum and wife are really excited about our little bundle of joy. Our baby will have his name❤

You will be just fine. At least now you can relax and enjoy a little. Hopefully I will get there.
I am currently on Amazon buying some essentials. Won't buy everything I need yet because I have faith that he will stay where he is and gain extra weight for a few more weeks.
Are your children excited about the new arrival? Mine are really excited especially my son. My daughter is not so happy because she wanted a girl so she could buy her girly stuff. She has now asked if she can at least buy purple clothes for her brother😂😂 xx
I'm so sorry about your friend how awful but how lovely for you to give your son his name. We are having a boy too. Lol we are in exactly the same boat my son is chuffed he is getting a brother although has already stated he is not willing to put up with crying through the night ( haha) this is due to him sneaking in my bed every night lol. My daughter wanted a sister but isn't too disappointed and I think is used to the idea of a boy now lol xxx
Welcome Tuga! I am also 28 weeks, and it's a good gestation. Plus with the steroid shots - even if your baby needs to come soon, hopefully it will be ok in the end!
Hoping for news from Christiana...
Hi ladies! Ok first a selfie....1) nope nope and nope...she doesn't want to come out! She's staying in there forever! And 2) ok you re either both superheroes or I m a very big wimp because I think this stitch removal hurt more than labor with ds! Yikes was that painful!
Doc said there's a lot of built up scar tissue formed on the cervix and he doubts I will be able to dilate. He tried to scare me out of the vbac by saying if anything goes wrong he lol have to take out my uterus but I just brushed him off and told him I d still like to try and that I trust he lol do what he has to if things go wrong! Obviously I was not the least dilated so I m back to work! To be quite honest with the stitch out and no worries about another premie of tearing my cervix I kind of feel nice and free to do all the things normal pg ladies do for a few days. So here's to her holding another week or so (God I lol be partying to make it to 39 weeks for the first time ever!) and for this cervix to open!

Laney I m so glad the bh have settled down! I bet you will go a good 1-2 weeks after removal too and we ll be laughing with all this worrying about keeping them in!!!ps: you re my superhero number one for being ok with the stitch removal pain!

Tuga, I m sorry this are not very bright your side hun. I really hope you lil boy can stay in for as long as possible but whatever happens you know you re at a good gestation, especially with the steroids! And who knows maybe the blood will come back fine and in 10 weeks you ll be all impatient about him coming out! And how lovely it has for you to name your boy after your's really moving and such a love filled thing to do to honor his memory. Ow and btw, we re having a girl, my daughter is so happy about son keeps scratching up his face saying he wanted a boy to play soccer with! Ow and you re my second superhero!

Septie how are you feeling girl? Thanks for asking after me!
Btw sorry for all the typing mistakes, it's not me, it's the stupid auto correct!
Christiana 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. You are stitch free and a normal preggo woman woohoo. So it hurt did it? I have a funny feeling I I at b
Have problems with scar tissue this time, I just have a feeling but we shall see. So are you going partying tonight lol 😜 you made it girl you are my hero xxx are u getting any aches or cramps. Please keep in touch what is your actual due date.
Tuga and septie hope you are both ok.
Nothing really to report here, just Hoping I make it to 37 weeks. i have a scan on Tuesday and will be given my exact stitch removal date then eek xxx

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