Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Koifish. I hope you can keep your babies cooking for as long as you can, try not to worry about preterm babies though,my little girl was born at 29weeks and spent 6weeks in hospital special care unit. She did brilliantly the babies are so strong, like little warriors :) I hope all goes well for you.

Laney good luck :)
Has anyone experienced yellows discharge after the stitch placement? The bleeding has stopped but it's now turned yellow? I can't remember if it's normal or not as my first stitch was years ago :( I don't want to panic
Laneyyyy yaaaayyyy I m sure this is it! You might be holding your precious boy as I type! Eeeekkkk so exciting!!! I wish you a happy speedy and safe delivery!

Twinkle after my cerclage my discharge became rather watery..I kept thinking I was leaking amniotic fluid and even went to the doc to check a couple of times. It's very normal, don't worry hun!

Koifish why would they come out max in 5 weeks??? Sorry I must have missed something. Glad you re feeling better and hanging in there hun! Ow n btw maya only grew like 10% at her 35week scan...I was sure that by next appointment we d have to take her out but she kept constantly growing! She was always 2 weeks behind but hey she held all the way to 39+1!

Tuga how are you feeling my love?

Afm: yesterday the older ones just drove me up the wall with their fighting so today I sent them to their gran and spent the day chilling with my princess! It was so nice and refreshing! Can't get enough of her!! Does anyone know if wheat might cause colic!? I had some yesterday and she was in pain for a few hours this morning so was wondering.
Twinkle, if in doubt, get checked out. But since it wasn't an emergency stitch - probably all is fine. FWIW, I haven't had a stitch, but early on in pregnancy, I had tons of yellowish discharge, could never figure out what it was.
Koifish, you are at an excellent gestation - if they come after 30 weeks, in the long run (albeit after lots of temporary setbacks and stress!!) most likely all will be fine (I've been soooo much more relaxed since reaching 28 and then 30 weeks!). If they make it to 34 or 35 even better!!
Twinkle, for now I am refusing to worry about size (I have been so stressed throughout most of the pregnancy, so need a rest!!), as my other two were also smallish and the little guy is super active. But given my advanced age (will be 41 soon, eek!), there is a risk the placenta won't be working that well. I also have other minor issues that could could cause trouble, like just glad they will keep an eye on things.
Tuga, hoping all is well!
Christiana, enjoy every single moment with your last baby! I bet it's bittersweet (I loooove the newborn stage). Hope the older two will calm down a bit soon.
Laney, good luck!!! Will be thinking of you!
Thanks, I ve heard quite a few people tell me they had preemies that were just fine. I already knew they would be just hoping to keep them in longer.

With twins you typically don't make it past 37 weeks. Many deliver in the 32 to 35 week range. I was told I'd be going for 34 and if I was ok then I can go longer. I am alright but it's getting rough.

The issue now is that he's falling behind the other baby he's not really growing and also has a high amount of amniotic fluid. His heart rate is still good but it's drooped quite a bit while the other one is still holding at the same rate they have both been at. They want to check oxygen flow and other stuff which is why my next scan will determine what's going to happen. Its all happened over a short period of time. I kept asking if he's ok or will be as I am concerned but they don't seem like they think anything bad will happen but if the scans show anything there not happy with they think it will be better for him to come out.
Good morning lovely ladies how r we all.
Twinkle I have had yellow discharge throughout this preg and I definately didn't have it in the other 2. I've had numerous swabs and always come back ok so no idea why it changed. My discharge after stitch wAS A bit orangey for a while as well.
Christiana bless you, sounds like you needed that little break, I'm sure I'll be going through the same thing soon, you have this picture in your head Of domestic bliss don't u and sometimes life just ain't like that, it will settle.
I think size is a big worry for us all, you are given this impression you shud be having these 8/9 pounders and if they're smaller u feel you've done something wrong. So many people have said ooh your not very big are you and it really gets to me xxx
Septie yes definitely bittersweet! With my son I was too stressed to enjoy him as he was my first and my daughter was a premie and had terrible colic so definitely didn't enjoy her. So now all I want to do is hold n spoil this lo!!

Koifish oooowww ok I get it. Sorry I hadn't realized the issue. I really hope he catches up to his brother and you can make it closer to 34 weeks although as everyone said you know they be just fine even after 30 weeks.

Laney what happened??? I thought I d read a birth story this morning! And yes I did need a bit of chilling time with fact I m repeating it today lol!!!
Ok sorry I forgot to tell u about me yesterday lol. Contractions were every 3 mins not massively painful. Cervix pains were really bad. Went to the hosp they did a speculum but there was too much mucus to see. So they did an internal my cervix is about 1-2cm dilated but she said it would stretch as far as she wanted she had her fingers on baby's head. They couldn't decide whether to admit me or not so I chose to come home. At home contractions were really bad it was rush hour traffic so I wanted to wait at home till traffic cleared 2 hours later they completely stopped and here I am still waiting. Even the hospital said u will be back here tonight having this baby but I slept all night lol xxx
Good morning my lovelies 😘
How's everyone?
Laney, I thought I was coming here to hear news on a new arrival😉 hope all is well and baby is here soon.
I am doing ok. Had an appointment with my consultant on Thursday. All results are good so he is not worried. He told me not to worry about the fibroid as I will be having a c-section. He booked my next appointment to the 27th July and that's when he will book a date for my section. He said unless something happens I don't need to have any more blood tests before the 23rd July when I have my final growth scan. So all I have to do now is wait.
Tuga that's really good news!!! Yaaaayyy! When is your actual due date??
Tuga that is fantastic news am so happy for you, it sounds like your Dr is confident you are going to make it all the way. So so chuffed for you.
Afm you ladies are the only ones I am going to tell as I feel like such an idiot. Last night about 10pm the contractions started again after the other day I promised myself there was no way I was goin to hospital until the contractions sent my breath away so I just got hubby to rub my back till I fell asleep. 3 am I woke up in real pain I couldn't catch my breath one constant contraction with pressure in my bum, puffing and panting the lot hubby was like yes this is what we r looking for here we go, pines hosp they said come in so away we go. Any hoo we arrive at hosp and as soon as I get in there it stopped. Still had little ones every 5 mins in fact am still having them now. I'm 3cm dilated I stayed there a couple of hours in the ball but still only 3cm 2 hrs later so came home. Feeling like the biggest idiot ever I just really don't get what my body is doing xxx
Hi Christiana and Laney😘
My due date is the 24th August but doctor said I wont go past 39 because of what happened last time when my scar ruptured. He said he will probably book my stitch removal and c-section between the 10 and 14 August. It will be a very emotional time for me if this happens because my best friend who I am naming the baby after died on the 11th and I dont really know what to do if he decides to do it on that date... It will always be bittersweet if he is born around that time but on the same day...I don't know. I keep thinking about his parents and his wife who I am very close to and how it might affect them...
Hi Tuga if your Dr does want to do it that day and you just don't feel comfortable just explain I'm sure he will understand. There are 364 other days to do it. I know I found I was pregnant with my daughter the same day as my beloved granda died and it still messes with my head a bit. I think it's totally reasonable to ask for another day xxx
Tuga this is such a difficult time and sensitive issue...could you tell your doc? A day or two won't make a difference for your lo when you re that far along and the day he's born should be a happy day, no other mixed feelings in there. Again I m so sorry for your friend, just know he ll be your lo's guardian angel.

Laney hun you re not an idiot!! Or if you are I was one too!!! Remember, I d gone in for NSTs like a thousand times saying lo wasn't moving and as soon as I d go she d do gymnastics! And then that Sunday morning I was like "the contractions have been 10 minutes apart for the past 7 hours" and when they hooked me on I barely got 2-3 contractions in an hour!!! I m pretty sure they get this all the time, maybe the stress makes them go away once we re in the hospital!! I can't wait for your birth story girl, it's so exciting you re finally there!!!
Thank you lovelies😘
I will talk to my consultant when the time comes.
Laney, I think we have all done that lol. I remember going to the hospital because I couldn't feel baby and once there baby would be showing his best acrobatic skills hahahhaha or being in so much pain I could barely breath but getting to the hospital and being absolutely fine😂. I've told hubby his son is an attention seeker just like him hahahhaahha. But better be safe. Can't wait to see your baby, Laney😍
Aww thanks Christiana I'm sure I'll be able to laugh at myself soon just and no one else seems to be cross with me except me lol xxx
Thanks to you as well Tuga you have both made me feel so much better. They say the 3rd one is the most awkward lol xxx
Good morning ladies 😘 how are you? How was the weekend? Hope everyone is doing great.
Laney, any news? xx
I've reached another milestone today. 32weeks!!! 🙌
Next,36 weeks 👍
Hi ladies. How is everyone. Still hanging on here, everyday we get a false alarm ( haven't been back to hospital). Had a show on Saturday. And yet here I am I was 3cm dilated on Saturday so goodness knows what I am now lol xxx

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