Twinkle, if in doubt, get checked out. But since it wasn't an emergency stitch - probably all is fine. FWIW, I haven't had a stitch, but early on in pregnancy, I had tons of yellowish discharge, could never figure out what it was.
Koifish, you are at an excellent gestation - if they come after 30 weeks, in the long run (albeit after lots of temporary setbacks and stress!!) most likely all will be fine (I've been soooo much more relaxed since reaching 28 and then 30 weeks!). If they make it to 34 or 35 even better!!
Twinkle, for now I am refusing to worry about size (I have been so stressed throughout most of the pregnancy, so need a rest!!), as my other two were also smallish and the little guy is super active. But given my advanced age (will be 41 soon, eek!), there is a risk the placenta won't be working that well. I also have other minor issues that could could cause trouble, like just glad they will keep an eye on things.
Tuga, hoping all is well!
Christiana, enjoy every single moment with your last baby! I bet it's bittersweet (I loooove the newborn stage). Hope the older two will calm down a bit soon.
Laney, good luck!!! Will be thinking of you!