Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Tuga congratulations on the 32 weeks! Fantastic gestational age! Here's to 36 weeks n more!

Laney I keep checking in to get your update but it seems your prince is too comfy!!! Is it 39 on Tuesday????
Hshahahhahahah Laney, trust baby to make you wait now😉
Christiana, thank you😘 how's Maya?
Lol yes 39 tomorrow lol the most I have ever been pregnant.
Tuga massive congrats awesome gestation, keep going.
Christiana I bet Maya has grown already you'll have to show us some more photos when u get a chance xxx
Hope the other ladies are doing well xxx
Still hasn't made an appearance!? I bet you didn't think you would get this far! I hope all that cooking in there brings a very happy healthy baby soon!!!
Maya made he appearance at 39+1, lets see if your little man will keep you waiting longer lol!

Thanks for asking girls, maya is doing good but has bad acid reflux and I feel so bad to see her in pain. We re going to the doc today n hoping he can give her something to sooth her. Here's a pic if her looking very happy though :)


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Awwwww😍 Maya is absolutely gorgeous ❤ that's a beautiful picture.
Tuga congrats on 32 weeks absolutely fantastic xxxx
Awwww Maya is just gorgeous, reflux sounds awful bless her heart, it seems to be getting more and more common there's lots of babies here have it, I think they put them on a thicker milk here but I may be wrong I hope the Dr could give her something xxx
That would be the case if she was formula fed but she's exclusively breast fed so we can't do that :( doc didn't give us anything because apparently since she's gaining weight it's ok to have reflux. I m going to order some colic calm online. We don't have it in Greece but I read some good reviews, have you ladies heard of it? Is it any good?
Ooh no I've never heard of it. I'm so silly Christiana my son had mild reflux with breast feeding we used infacol then if that didn't work we tried colief which was a faff with a breast fed baby but we got there xxx
Hi ladies. :) I've been on here on and off so you probably don't remember me. I lost my first baby at 13 weeks back in October, and am now 20 weeks along with my rainbow. At my scan today, they checked my cervix and all looked fine. Then the doctor pressed down on my stomach to simulate the weight of baby as I walk around, and my cervix went from 4 cm to less than 1! Oh my. Just three weeks ago it was perfect and now it's getting dangerously short. She said she didn't prefer to put in a cerclage, so she put in this thing in that she called a "magic blue donut" :haha: I don't know the exact name, maybe some of you have it too. Anyway, I also have to do progesterone suppositories until 36 weeks.

I'm not too worried, though it is pretty stressful. Thankfully I don't work so don't have to stress about cutting back on that. Dh basically wants me to sit on the couch and do nothing. The doctor didn't put me on strict bed rest but did want me to cut back on a lot of activities until my next appointment in three weeks.

Anyway, I'd just love to get to know more women in a similar situation to share this journey with. :)
Oh Christiana, I see you had your baby! Congratulations, how exciting. :)
Tcings, welcome and congrats on your rainbow pregnancy. I had a much less dramatic situation around the same gestation (never got below 2.5cm), and put myself on 8 weeks of fairly strict bedrest (limited sitting, actually, horizontal with hips up)...didn't get progesterone or a donut/cerclage as not bad enough. Lost some muscle mass. Some others here may be better able to counsel you!
Tuga congrats on 32 weeks!
Maya is absolutely gorgeous. I also love those long baby fingers. Good luck with the reflux - thankfully so far have had no experience with that...
Thanks septie! :) Are you currently pregnant?

Here is a picture of the pessary they put in

Christina I hope little Maya feels better soon and gets rid of that reflux!!!

Laney I hope everything is going well.

Tcings welcome! I also don't have anything in the way of advice as my situation started around 23 weeks and I was put on a modified bed rest but nothing else. I was told no stitch, proestergen. Etc. was going to help because of having two of them. He didnt want to not try anything so modified bed rest is what i am on until i deliver. That's good that you don't have work to worry about, putting yourself on bed rest won't hurt I'd do it if you can just for the extra help. Even though it's not proven to help, I ve held steady around 2cm. Hopefully they will keep a close eye on it and i hope your magical blue donut does the trick. It can definitely be stressful but take it easy, try to relax and rest up! Keep us updated!
Thank you girls! We saw the doc yesterday who said that since she's gaining weight he didn't want to "burden" her with medication so that's out the window! On a positive note though, I cut all cow dairy products from my diet since yesterday morning and maya has only had one spit up since last night. She was much happier and less fussy today so I m cautiously optimistic that it's just a lactose intolerance. That I can control! But maybe it was just a coincidence. I guess time will tell.

Tuga, koi fish and septie how are you ladies holding up?
Laney, any news?

Tcings thank you, yes I had my rainbow 16 days ago! Congratulations on your rainbow pg! I haven't exactly been in your situation but when pg with dd1 I had a cerclage put in at 17weeks. As soon as the procedure finished she started pushing with all her might all the way to the stitch and the doc was 99% sure we were going to lose her. He put me on strict bed rest. At 35 weeks I got up and out of the house to get my son a bday present and 3 hours later my Natalia was born via emcs. The reason I m saying this is that I believe bed rest kept her in all the way to 35 weeks. So even though your situation might be different, if you can rest then I would do it. Even a few hours every day and maybe sleeping with your hips slightly elevated MIGHT help. And it definitely won't hurt. I wish you a very happy and uneventfull full term pg! And btw, my doc didn't think we d make to to week 35 with this last pg...I had maya at 39+1!
Thanks for the suggestions, I will likely do that. My doctor doesn't seem to think I need strict bed rest, just to take things slower and rest more. But I will try to spend more time lying down.

How long was your cervix when they put in the cerclage at 17 weeks? If laying down my cervix was 3.6 but when she pushed down on me it went to .96 the latter the number I should be focused on?
Hi Tcinks firstly massive congrats on your pregnancy such lovely news. When they press down on your tummy and measure ( the shorter measurement) this is what ur cervix does when u r standing, it simulates the pressure of baby and organs that your cervix has to hold when u r standing. This is why resting is so important, however there r no studies to prove rest works or doesn't you just have to listen to your body and your Drs. These donuts are really interesting I haven't heard of many in the UK but think they are being used more and more in USA and they are having success. So good luck with everything just take it easy sweetie xxx
Christiana wouldn't that be amazing if u have solved the reflux by cutting out dairy fingers crossed that's it sorted poor little Maya reflux sucks.
Afm still baking I have given up guessing. Xxx trying to walk as much as I can xxx
Wow laney 39+1 and counting!! That's fantastic!!! Best little bun ever!!

Unfortunately I doubt it was the dairy afterall. She was extra fussy today and had some massive spit ups. I ll keep it with the diet for a few more days before I throw the towel in :(

Tcings I don't remember but it's was long (something like 4cm). They put it in because I had a history of mcs followed by d&cs, a septate uterus and a previous vb. I was monitored very closely and my cervix was always long and shut, I think though that on that day the fact I got up after 5 months made my daughter try to turn head down (she was footling) and that kicked started labor. When is your doc seeing you again?
Tcinks I know without my cerclage in in my 2ndpregnancy at 16 wks I was 1 dilated if that's any help, they put the stitch in that day.
Christiana oh the poor little lamb I can remember Josh's reflux having good days and bad days. I Would be so chuffed when he seemed to be keeping a good feed down then all of a sudden up it would come. He lost quite a bit of weight with it at least Maya Is keeping her weight on xxx
Thanks laney! You give me some hope! It's exactly like that... One day she seems ok then the next she ll be throwing up like crazy! How are you feeling? Is next Tuesday your last day? Will your doc induce you?

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