Here it's the same, with the older two fighting over who the baby loves more lol!
Here, no way on #4. Personally, I'd love another baby, but I wouldn't want to go through the miscarriages/potentially awful pregnancy again, as it would also affect the other kids - they are only young once. IF I could even manage to keep a pregnancy (I was perimenopausal when conceiving my 3rd). Plus, I've realized how many things can really go wrong - we are soooo lucky to have 3 more or less healthy kids. A 4th kid with special needs would really change everything, and with 3 siblings - how could one be fair to all of their needs? Or when something goes wrong in the family (illness, accident etc.) - there are after all only 2 adults. More fundamentally, plenty of older people 4-5 children have told me they would have liked more kids - until they got to the teenage years... . So that's how I try to get over any babyfever and look forward to being a grandma (hopefully, my 3 won't wait as long as we did to have kids!!). Are you really reconsidering?