Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

Soo I'm getting really nervous... Baby is at station -1, 1cm dilated and cervix soft... Can I make it two more weeks???

I was 2 cm three weeks ago (at 31 weeks) and I'm still going strong. My doctor thinks I'll make it to term. From what I've read, dilation isn't the best indicator of when you'll go into labour.
That's what I've been reading as well. Oh well all I ask for is two more weeks. Hope you make it to term as well. Although I wonder if short, soft and dilated cervix puts me at more risk of preterm labor than someone who has a long, firm and dilated cervix.
That's what I've been reading as well. Oh well all I ask for is two more weeks. Hope you make it to term as well. Although I wonder if short, soft and dilated cervix puts me at more risk of preterm labor than someone who has a long, firm and dilated cervix.

Thanks, you too! :)

From what I understand, the cervix needs to be soft to dilate. I have also read that in first pregnancies, the cervix will efface before it dilates, so it's pretty normal that it would be short as well as dilated. I would think that a long, firm and dilated cervix is less common.

My cervix was 60% effaced last time they checked nearly three weeks ago. I am avoiding any more manual exams unless absolutely necessary.
Thank you!

Ok that makes sense. This is my first baby so not familiar with effacement and dilation. I'm not sure how effaced my cervix is. Have you been on bed rest?

That's what I've been reading as well. Oh well all I ask for is two more weeks. Hope you make it to term as well. Although I wonder if short, soft and dilated cervix puts me at more risk of preterm labor than someone who has a long, firm and dilated cervix.

Thanks, you too! :)

From what I understand, the cervix needs to be soft to dilate. I have also read that in first pregnancies, the cervix will efface before it dilates, so it's pretty normal that it would be short as well as dilated. I would think that a long, firm and dilated cervix is less common.

My cervix was 60% effaced last time they checked nearly three weeks ago. I am avoiding any more manual exams unless absolutely necessary.
They did not prescribe bed rest as there's no scientific evidence to support it (but it is obviously prescribed a lot, as I have seen in this thread!). They did recommend reduced activity and that I stop working, which I did. So I have been taking it super easy, I'd say that I put myself on modified bed rest. But the closer I get to term, the less stressed I am, and the more activity I'm doing. I am still trying to stay off my feet, but I'm spending less time lying down. My husband has been great and is taking care of all the chores and cooking, etc. I think that in a week or so (36 weeks) I'll let myself do more (cooking, etc.). I've also been taking progesterone and will take it for one more week. My doctor said that typically they stop giving it around 34 weeks though, so in your case, if you weren't already taking it, I wouldn't see a reason to. If you're already at 35 weeks I think your chances are good. Best of luck :)
That's great! My husband is just as helpful and has been for the past few months. I only have two more progestrone gels left and I think it saved my pregnancy along with bed rest!
Best of luck to you as well
Question for those on progesterone! Why do we stop using it at 36-37 weeks? Im on the weekly shot and they have me stop at 36. If it can help me get farther, why not continue to take it?
Amk I m not sure but I think that at some point the placenta would stop producing progesterone anyway to start getting the body ready for birth so I guess stopping it would work along those lines. I stopped taking it at 32 weeks I think with maya and had her 6 weeks later.
Had DS on 28th May at 27 plus 1. Premature rupturing of membranes caused early labour. Got Steroid Shots and managed to hang in for 50 hours after i had shots. I had 2 placenta bleeds(abruption) at 16 and 17 weeks. Throughout pregnancy i have had weekly to 2 weekly checks on cervix length. All was fine 5cm till week 18. Happy my 20 week scan was almost 21 weeks. From week 18 to scan at 20 plus 5 scan showed major funneling and 1cm closed. So from week 20 i went on modified bed rest. I was put on progesterone gel(crinone) because of bleeds consultant did not want to put in cerclage so i got arabin pessary instead. The pessary worked along with progesterone. It was pprom which brought on preterm labour. After day and a half pessary was removed late morning. Had my little fighter with no contractions. Labour was less than 30mins. Didn't realise that during marvel heroes movie i was in active labour and his foot popped out by itself. So dash to labour ward. All went well. Darling Son was born weighing 1120g (2.5 pounds). Now he is 9-10 weeks and weighs 6 pounds 8 ounces.
Just wanted to update you ladies here as well on my short cervix

So I had an anatomy scan June 2nd and apparently the tech saw something because my OB called me that night asking me to see her the next morning. Apparently he may have seen a bleed on babes brain and my OB refereed me to a MFM for a repeat anatomy scan on June 9.

I went to my scan and the MFM didn't see the bleed or anything around the babys brain however he did notice during the scan that my cervix had major funnelling and dilated 1 cm with cerclage so i was admitted right after my appointment for a repeat cerclage which i got yesterday at 5:30 pm at 20 weeks 1 day exactly 1 month after the first cerclage was put in at 16 weeks 1 day. During the procedure my MFM noticed the first cerclage hanging so he removed it and luckily was able to put the 2nd cerclage higher up to stop the funnelling. Since the 2nd cerclage my cerviix today after ultrasound was measuring 0.9cm above stitch and 2.4cm below stitch so hopefully with bed rest this one can hold until at least 32 weeks hopefully longer.

My MFM also noticed during the ultrasound that the baby's nuchal fold was 6.4mm and now wants me to do amnio or NIPT (Panarama) blood work. Like thats all i need now, more stress FML. So now i am going to do the NIPT on Monday and gotta wait 1-2 agonizing weeks for the results. I've already decided not to do amnio. Honestly i think all these appointments are just stressing me out more then letting me enjoy my pregnancy. All other organs were normal and no other soft markers so praying that this NIPT comes back low risk so i can enjoy whatever i have left of this pregnancy. I feel all i've been doing is worrying.
Serefina so glad to hear your son is such a great little fighter! Is he home now??

Missboss I m sorry to hear about all the extra basically the first stitch came loose??? It's good to hear your doc was able to get a new one in so here to full term babies!!! Don't worry about the nuchal fold, they told me Maya's was big and we did the verinata test, it came back all clear..they told me I d have to wait 2 weeks but we got the results in about a week! (Longest week ever!!)
Serefina so glad to hear your son is such a great little fighter! Is he home now??

Missboss I m sorry to hear about all the extra basically the first stitch came loose??? It's good to hear your doc was able to get a new one in so here to full term babies!!! Don't worry about the nuchal fold, they told me Maya's was big and we did the verinata test, it came back all clear..they told me I d have to wait 2 weeks but we got the results in about a week! (Longest week ever!!)

Thanks hun for your reply and glad to hear everything turned out perfect for your daughter. Hope i get a low risk result after i do NIPT tomorrow.

The MFM who did my 2nd cerclage said that the first one came loose which is why i was 1 cm dilated so he put the new stitch higher up to stop funnelling and removed the old stitch. With the first stitch my cervix measured 1.7cm after the 2nd stitch my cervix is now 3.3cm 0.9 above stitch and 2.4cm below stitch so thats awesome. Just praying it holds till ditch the stitch day.
I m sure it will! And praying you get the best results soon! I remember with maya up to the day I got the verinata results I was always worrying about one thing or another..then the day I got them I somehow decided I was done with all the worrying and let it all in His hands..I did have my 'omg what's happening' moments but for the most part going through the nuchal fold scare made me appreciate my baby even more and finally understand things are not always in our control
I m sure it will! And praying you get the best results soon! I remember with maya up to the day I got the verinata results I was always worrying about one thing or another..then the day I got them I somehow decided I was done with all the worrying and let it all in His hands..I did have my 'omg what's happening' moments but for the most part going through the nuchal fold scare made me appreciate my baby even more and finally understand things are not always in our control

I couldn't agree more <3
Hoping you get good news miss boss! I was told 1:400 Chance of DS, 20 week scan showed no markers. So I'm in for a surprise. Praying everything is fine and no DS.
Serefina hope baby is doing well!!
Hoping you get good news miss boss! I was told 1:400 Chance of DS, 20 week scan showed no markers. So I'm in for a surprise. Praying everything is fine and no DS.
Serefina hope baby is doing well!!

Thanks Sarasab2. I hope so too
Serefina so glad to hear your son is such a great little fighter! Is he home now??

Missboss I m sorry to hear about all the extra basically the first stitch came loose??? It's good to hear your doc was able to get a new one in so here to full term babies!!! Don't worry about the nuchal fold, they told me Maya's was big and we did the verinata test, it came back all clear..they told me I d have to wait 2 weeks but we got the results in about a week! (Longest week ever!!)
He is self ventilating. just need to fix his feeding from bottle. He still needs his nasal tube
Ow I m sorry serefina, i can only imagine how difficult it must be for you but then again he is trully a fighter and you ll get to shower him n spoil him with hugs and everything hopefully very soon.
Hey ladies, sorry I haven't posted in here for so long, things have been going well but I've been scared that I'll jinx it! But I think it's safe to say now that I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow! Just wanted to thank everyone who posted on here who gave me hope and supported me!
Yaaayyyy congratulation on officially making it to full term mommymana! That's awesome! I bet ya your little nugget will not want to come out any time soon now lol!

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