Hey ladies,
I haven't spent much time in this thread because I haven't had a stitch, and it seems like most ladies here have had.
But I am hoping for some advice on what to expect.
I was at 1.6 cm long and 1 cm dilated at 26 weeks...
At 32 weeks now, my cervix is 3 cm dilated, still short at about 75% effaced (they won't do an exact measurement again)... and very soft and anterior. On top of that, baby has dropped and I'm feeling a lot of pressure.
I have had contractions constantly for the last 6 weeks, lasting anywhere between 40-90 seconds and occurring every 5-90 minutes. Quite irregular, but strong.. so I'm sure they're responsible for the change in cervix.
My doctors won't really give me any answers, as they're not sure what to expect either.
I haven't had a stitch, as I mentioned, because it was too late when they found out. And they didn't start me on progesterone because I have no history of ptl or miscarriage (this is my first pregnancy).
I've been going weekly for fetal fibronectin and it has always been negative... and that's where I get a bit uneasy. A negative fFN should mean I have at least 2 weeks.
But this baby feels like she's falling out of me. And I'd like the chance to get the steroids for her lungs if she will be here soon.
Anyone know what I should expect with that sort of a cervix? Seems to me that it's ideally ripe for labor and it won't be long.
Thanks so much for listening