Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

I think I might be getting thrush, again *sigh* I've had an increase in discharge the last couple of days and my first paranoid thought was it was my waters leaking, but actually it is watery discharge, but slightly tinged in colour than it normally is and this morning I'm feeling a bit itchy too. Typical over a bank holiday when there's not a soul about! Other than that I'm good, I feel really well and just hoping it continues. I'm now officially on maternity leave, yayy!!! So time to prepare for this baby :-)

Sunny. I was told having an elective stitch early (14wks) that it was put in then before any changes take place with your cervix. I asked for it at 12wks but they said it would be fine to wait 2 weeks and that no changes would happen to my cervix that early. It's worth considering.

Twinkle, you're right about having BH for so long, surely if they were going to start anything off it would have happened by now. They are horrid though. Hope you're ok otherwise, your doing great on your ticker. Are you having growth scans at all?

Jadey, look at your ticker! You must be starting to relax a bit now. Hope you're well
CW wouldn't a pharmacist be able to help?

YEY for the maternity leave, happy to hear your feeling well, I bet your relieved to have finished work :) 31weeks tomorrow! Your doing great. Have you had your whooping cough yet? I had mine yest and i today woke up with an arm that feels like someone's punched me in it lol, I wondered why the nurse asked which arm I used the most as it needs to go in the other one.

Yes I'm having growth scans, got one booked in for 32weeks and another for 36 but Its on the day that I think my consultant is taking my stitch out, so doubt I'll be attending that one
The chances of disaster striking at exactly the same gestation are slim but try telling my body that, I've been crampy all day and had a bad stomach! It's to the day when I was taken into hosp last time...hope its just my mind playing tricks!! Wish I could sleep through the next few weeks, it feels like time is standing still!!
craigswife, thrush is so annoying. It's the last thing you need! Yey for Maternity leave :)

Twinkle, I am having growth scans too because my daughter was so small. My first is on the 4th of June.

I have been ok. I even walked down the road to my doc appointment the other day! It felt so good at the time but since then I have been cramping non stop and have had a discharge increase. I have also been pottering around the house more. I do feel more relaxed but will much better at 28 weeks, if I get there!

Forgot to say I am been having BH at least every hour now. Wasn't really getting them before.
Hello ladies
Day I'm there with you... No baby yet, stabbing pains increase, but not much else. Baby is lower.too. Doing a little around the house :-)
faibel hang in there hun, the mind can play some tricks, try to be positive, I know it's hard. Babies and you will be ok. Hugs.
Jadey the ticker is moving quick, you will make it hun.
Twinkle almost in the 30s, fantastic!
Hope everyone is ok
Tlm21 all this worrying for months now they are stubborn lol I have 9 days untill my doc induce me so we shall see .going to buy some bottles today since I really didn't get a lot for shower mostly big things
Twinkle, I've used some thrush cream I had left from my last episode, because the chemist won't sell me any thrush treatment because I'm pregnant! Last time I had to get it from the dr, which in the end was the same stuff that I was trying to buy over the counter, lol!
I've got my whooping cough jab booked for Thursday this week, so I'll be prepared pain!

Fabiel, hope you're feeling ok this evening and your symptoms have settled. It's horrible in the run up to and the gestational day you had your previous baby. I felt quite funny about it, but once I had got past it I did start feeling a lot better.

Day and TLM, I keep expecting to see news about the babies!! Not long now though, you must be so excited to meet them!

Jadey, my next growth scan is on 5th June when I'll be 32+3. That's my next goal! I find my back really starts to ache when I'm walking around for long. My BH's tend to be either first thing when I get out of bed, the same stretch of pot hole covered road on the way to work, lol or the evenings.

I'm getting a lot of comments on the size of my bump! My midwife said I was measuring a little bit ahead of where she would expect me to be, but shes not concerned at the moment. I'm wondering whether its because I haven't put on any weight and look like I'm all bump, I'm a small frame too. Or whether I'm carrying a chunky chunk of a baby, lol!

Hope everyone else is well and cooking those babies good xx
Day it's funny how we are just waiting now. So fun to buy stuff. I really haven't much, I should get a couple of bottles, diapers (I'm trying to do cloth, so I have to go check.out the million options out there). I'm just cleaning a bit, I think is that nesting instinct.
Looking forward to hearing news from you.
CW soon we both will give you good news :-) . You are almost 31, moving fast, full term before you know it!
Sunny how are you doing?
My girls are six months old today. Time is passing so quickly; they are getting so big and interactive. It's incredible that six months ago at this moment, I was sitting on the operating table while the anesthesiologist did my spinal. Thirty minutes away from meeting my babies.

I just wanted to share a few pictures. The first two are from yesterday and the others are from today. :flower:

Tegan & Britton

Tegan & Britton
I'm just not sure about the elective stitch though. If I had a short cervix, like 2cm I'd be okay with one, but I haven't had a cervix above 1cm since they checked it almost 4 weeks ago so I'm afraid maybe it wouldn't hold up even if it was put in early? But I also know the TAC is really invasive too...

Lizzie, wow I can't believe you had a baby at 24 weeks and (am assuming) turned out good! That's encouraging. How did you make it to 38 weeks with twins in your next pregnancy?

Yes honey, my 24wker turned out just fine - you can see her in my avatar pic :) As for the twins, an elective stitch and plenty of rest kept them in til my planned section at 38+2 and they were big at just under 9 and 8 Ibs, testament to just how well an early stitch can and does work :hugs:
Shelby, as ever your girls are stunning :) You must be such a proud Momma :hugs:

Jadey - had a great holiday thanks. Braved a trip to Florida which I had promised the older kids we would attempt as soon as the twins were 3. It went surprisingly well, and everyone had a great time (just love Disney world). Struggling to shake off the jet lag tho ;) You ok? Xx

Faibel - what can I say :hugs: Approaching 20wks with twins and IC is terrifying darlin. You will feel all kinds of cramps etc just because there are two babies and for no other reason, but that doesn't stop you worrying - I know that all too well. If there's anything I can do or say to reassure you know where I am :hugs:
Sorry twinkle, turns out I didn't have irritable uterus. I had 3 bouts of painful contractions at,23/24 weeks. But my cervix stayed stable. Not really had much since. The odd BH but nothing frequent. My consultant and I were both wondering if that had happened with Quinn, but without the stitch I delivered... Who knows?

Afm : growth scan and fungal height put her at 37 weeks! 4 weeks ahead!! She's doing great! Was relaxing and saying to my consultant that I'm having a normal pregnancy now and then she said I had protein in my urine. Will get the quantification on Monday, not too worried, as BP is fine. But if it is pre eclampsia I'll be having her next week!
Hey Choco :) I had protein in my urine with a stable bp too - it was simply my body processing the extra waste products etc from the babies, not preeclampsia. Hope all turns out ok for you xx
Lol they will have fun when they get older tricking people. My boys are didi so small chance they are identical
Shelby, they are just beautiful! :)

Lizzie, I am jealous you went to Disney world. I really hope to go there someday. I would quite like to go to Harry Potter world too :)

Craigswife, Hope u feel a bit more comfortable today. Thrush can be a b***h

Twinkle, the 5th isn't far away. I reckon you will definitely make it. No worries :) Do have growth worries about your LO also?

Hope things are progressing for TLM and Day!!!!!! :)

I come across this link every time I am googling statistics. Thought I would share it if you haven't seen it already.
Jadey - did Harry Potter world and there is a ride there which is just unbelievable (in a good way). Can highly recommend :) xx
Jadey, my doc told me I can't "go for a walk" (this was after my cerclage but before I was put on strict bed rest). I would really limit activity like that if you have ic.

Chugging along, 2 more days till I reach 24. Got my first steroid shot yesterday, didn't hurt at all. Getting frustrated when family members ask "how long I have left." Urgh.

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