Moti - sorry for your loss. I know you said the stillbirth didn't have anything to do with your age, but did you find out why he was stillborn? I don't need the answer to this question as I'm sure it's personal for you. I am just wondering if you were able to find out why.
Stillbirth is of great concern to me as is with all of you. I've only had a miscarriage, but it took many, many years to get pregnant (we did find out my husband has a slight defect affecting sperm counts and quality). Out of the complications to have or things to happen, MC and SB are two things that I fear greatly.
Mummytofour - wow! i could see being labeled high risk if you'd had previous complications with pregnancies, but due to age??? i know many doctors default to the high risk after a certain age, but I think other factors should be considered as well... not only age.
Most of all good luck to you all with your pregnancies.
Thank you. I can answer your question, that's ok.
Well, we don't know for sure honestly. Maybe me saying my age had nothing to do with it isn't 100% accurate. I can tell you that my age was never brought up as a possibility by any means....let me put it that way.
2 red flags were noted.
#1 When we had the final u/s to confirm that he had died, I had no amniotic fluid left. My water never broke, I never leaked. It was just gone.
#2 3 days prior to his passing I went in to see my doctor for an unscheduled appointment. I had horrible itching on my feet and hands. They tested me for obstetric cholestasis, but the result was negative. The doctors still think I may have had something going on there.
Like I said, we don't know for sure. We'll never know. I had a uneventful pregnancy up until the very end. No complications, good scans, great heartbeats. He just stopped moving one day. High-risk told me what ever happened, it happened suddenly. He had no on-going growth restriction or anything like that. He was average size for his age. It just happened.
I don't want to scare anyone with my story by any means. I hope I haven't done that.