Induction at 37 weeks or section, what a choice!


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2011
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Hi ladies,

So went for my second growth scan today last was at 32+4 and he was 5lb 8oz this one was at 35+4 and he is estimated 8lb 7oz. I say estimated because his HC was so big they couldn't estimate a weight based on it as it was off their chart :/ the reason I had this was because my daughter had shoulder dystocia and she was 9,6 1/2oz she was also back to back however and required forceps all of these things increasing the risk of shoulder dystocia.

Anyway basically the consultant really wants me to have a c.s which I do not want at all :( I want a vaginal delivery but obviously do not want the baby to get stuck/shoulder dystocia. The consultant even feels possibly the head is too big for the I am soooo worried.

I have been given steroid injections for the baby's lungs today/tomorrow and I will return on 13.05.13 for induction of labour. My plan is to have them examine me and if the head is high and cervix unfavourable then I will have to ask for section at 39 weeks.

Have any of you ladies had induction at 37 weeks and how did it turn out? How was your cervix on examination prior to the induction?

I so hope I can get this baby out vaginally!!

I'm no expert, but after two kids vaginally with heads 'off the charts', my doc said big heads aren't normally an issue, as the skull flexes lots, and it actually helps the shoulders come through easier if the heads a bit maybe get a second opinion?
Hi, I had an induction at 36+6 due to pre-eclampsia. When they induced me my cervix was high, closed and unfavourable and they told me I might have to have 2 pessarys 24 hours apart and then have the drip. That being said, the first pessary began to work within the hour and after a few hours of back pain I was checked and was 5 cm. From there my labour was recorded as 3 hours 35 mins - it all happened so fast. Considering they told me it could take 2 pessarys and a drip to get me started, I was very pleasantly surprised at how quick it all happened. I wouldn't have a problem with being induced again as it was quicker and easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully you will have a positive induction too! Fingers crossed for you!!
i have zero experience as this is my first but i agree with CatherineK....especially based on the conversation i had with my doctor last week about the size of the baby versus the size of me....i'd get a second opinion or at least question the consultants decision a little more...
My sons head was "off the charts" when he was born and he was back to back. My doc didn't even suggest induction or csection. I would maybe get second opinion. But if I HAD to choose between the two, I would opt for induction first. If that doesn't work, you will end up having a section anyways. If your planning on having more children, a section puts you a a way higher risk for future sections;)
What was the neasurement? My little bit had higher than average head circum but was ok in delivery, same this time around mw my pelvis can handle it ?!?
I was induced at 36+5 and 36+6 due to pre-eclampsia. My dd was born at 37 weeks. I don't have an experience eto compare it to but I would choose it again over a c-section.

Good luck. Hope it all works out x
Thankyou for all your input ladies I really appreciate it. MrsHolmes the head is 360mm at present..... What were your measurements xx
Hi hun i wasn't induced early but at two weeks over my little lady didn't want to come out. I had two days of pessaries and it only got me to 1 and half cm. I still wasnt favourable enough but my watera broke so they could start the drip on day three. It was a long exhausting process as i had lots of contractions but they did nothing. I ended up with an emcs. I have heard many positive induction stories but for me personally induction wasnt pleasant to rhe extreme that i would have a c section over an induction if i am ever faced with induction again. If you are favourable though induction could be a great experience. Good luck with whichever you choose :) xx
Hi, what a hard decision.

I've had two shoulder dystocia births (first induction 9lb 3oz, second natural at 42 weeks but 8lb 7oz).

I will go against the grain here - IF you are getting an induction at 37 weeks and would get an epidural, then I would choose the c-section instead.

Have you been induced before? What kind of method? I would choose the c-section unless I was absolutely confident that I would not be getting any form of epidural. When you have dystocia and epidural, you can't do the maneuvers to get baby out safely and that's when things like episiotomies manual extractions/forceps, or even zavanelli sections come into play. I would personally choose a section over that.

Forcing a baby out by induction when not ready (because 37 weeks is not completely ready, natural labour is ready) puts them in wonky positions too - again, anotehr dystocia risk.

Good luck. It is such a hard decision. I admit, in your circumstance (as I was), I refused all interventions, from induction to section. My (slight dystocia) 2nd birth was perfect. I found being mobile and letting it happen naturally was the best way to deal with it.
Thanks Aliss, I would do the same as you and wait for nature to take its course however they are saying the baby appears to be 8lb 7 already and agree there is no way left until term that I will be able to deliver vaginally anyway as he will be far too big :( I'm so disappointed to have to make this decision and have already said that I absolutely do not want an epidural, my last birth was natural not induced and pain relief free (obviously ended in forceps and shoulder dystocia but I do believe this was a cascade of events which started with her being OP). Anyway I am completely stuck as i work in maternity and I am aware that I will be encouraged strongly to have an epidural sited ready for the possibility of a section, I will not accept this but obviously will not want to risk the baby by having an epidural sited when absolutely necessary ie right before section!

Its such a hard decision you're right, medicalised or medicalised. Don't know why I keep producing these large babies! I'm very small myself lol! Xx
If only we had a crystal ball eh? I remember being 10cm with my 2nd and thinking "aw crap why didn't I choose this/that/other method!!!". It isn't until after the birth you can say "ok.... done!".

It seems you have more than one problem though, the head size AND shoulders because dystocia cannot be resolved by forceps (it usually happens when the head is already out). If you do end up getting the epidural for whatever reason (although you've done it before so I'm sure you're stronger than I am! That's why I chose home birth lol cause I couldnt' say no!), then the collarbone break (baby's collarbone) is an okay alternative. It can make breastfeeding very difficult but they did this with my 1st when his impacted shoulder wouldn't come out and it healed in reasonable time.
You're less likely to get shoulder dystocia as bad second time round. It was probably more of an issue that baby was back to back?
My son was 9 pound 7 and he came out quite easily so it could have been down to te positioning of your baby. If I were you I'd ask if I could have the baby closer to its due date and vaginally xx
Do you have GD? If not then the chances of your body growing a baby it cannot birth are slim to none.

Secondly growth scans can be highly inacurate. They said my DD was 5lb8 at 33 weeks yet she came out 8lb 15 at 35 weeks.

Thirdly in 50% of shoulder dystocia cases baby was a normal size. Iv read stories that a woman has had SD with a 7lb baby and gone on to have a 9lb baby naturaly.

Induction and intervention can increase your risk of SD so you need to weight up the risks from induction or the risks of waiting.
Thankyou ladies for all your input its really appreciated. Lozzy21 I do not have GD however neither did I with my first child and she still had shoulder dystocia, I know that your body is supposed to produce a baby that you are able to birth and I am absolutely praying that the shoulder dystocia last time was a result of the OP presentation, maternal exhaustion, and forceps delivery!!! And this time I will breeze it!!!

I do have to weigh up the options you're right but I'm taking the scan to be quite accurate as they were with my daughter last time (although I am bearing in mind tht it may still be out). There aren't many feasible choices really, can either be induced at 37 weeks which will increase the risk, or have a c/s which I dont believe to be the best option for me really or wait it out and go into labour naturally with the possibility of the baby being 11lb.......

Hmm hard choices :/ xxx

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